Si el cielo está rojo del lado de la Joux, cuidado con el mal tiempo
Wenn der Himmel auf der Seite des Jouxtales rot ist, gibt's schlechtes Wetter.
Localizado en Béroche (Neuchâtel, Suiza).
Click on the marks to view detailed information about each location
Jura-Nord Vaudois, Vaud, Switzerland.
Oronym. Valley composed by the municipalities of Le Chenit, Le Lieu and L'Abbaye.
Boudry, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Region around the municipalities of Saint-Aubin-Sauges, Gorgier, Chez-le-Bart, Vaumarcus-Vernéaz, Montalchez and Fresens.
Localizado en Béroche (Neuchâtel, Suiza).