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Romance Paremiology: weather proverbs and territory
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Proverb files
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Literal translation
By languages
Language or variety: (any of the following)
Abruzzese (variety spoken in the Italian region of Abruzzo)
Castilian (Spanish)
Emiliano (variety spoken in the Italian region of Emilia)
Ladin (Dolomites)
Laziale (variety spoken in the Italian region of Lazio)
Ligurian (variety spoken in the Italian region of Liguria)
Lombard (variety spoken in the Italian region of Lombardy and in neighbouring areas of Switzerland)
Marchigiano (variety spoken in the Italian region of Le Marche)
Pugliese (variety spoken in the Italian region of Puglia)
Romagnolo (variety spoken in the Italian region of Romagna)
Romanian, Rumanian
Romansh, Romansch (Rheto-Romance of Switzerland)
variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Abruzzese (variety spoken in the Italian region of Abruzzo)
Castilian (Spanish)
Emiliano (variety spoken in the Italian region of Emilia)
Ladin (Dolomites)
Laziale (variety spoken in the Italian region of Lazio)
Ligurian (variety spoken in the Italian region of Liguria)
Lombard (variety spoken in the Italian region of Lombardy and in neighbouring areas of Switzerland)
Marchigiano (variety spoken in the Italian region of Le Marche)
Pugliese (variety spoken in the Italian region of Puglia)
Romagnolo (variety spoken in the Italian region of Romagna)
Romanian, Rumanian
Romansh, Romansch (Rheto-Romance of Switzerland)
variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Abruzzese (variety spoken in the Italian region of Abruzzo)
Castilian (Spanish)
Emiliano (variety spoken in the Italian region of Emilia)
Ladin (Dolomites)
Laziale (variety spoken in the Italian region of Lazio)
Ligurian (variety spoken in the Italian region of Liguria)
Lombard (variety spoken in the Italian region of Lombardy and in neighbouring areas of Switzerland)
Marchigiano (variety spoken in the Italian region of Le Marche)
Pugliese (variety spoken in the Italian region of Puglia)
Romagnolo (variety spoken in the Italian region of Romagna)
Romanian, Rumanian
Romansh, Romansch (Rheto-Romance of Switzerland)
variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Chronology (category)
days of the month
days of the week
fixed date
forty days
moveable date
moveable period
parts of the day
twelve days for twelwe months
a hundred days
a hundred hours
a hundred years
a thousand years
Acisclus (Saint —)
Agatha (Saint —)
Agnes (Saint —)
Albinus of Angers (Saint —)
Albinus of Châlons (Saint —)
Alexander (Saint —)
All Saints (Day)
Ambrose (Saint —)
Anaclet (Saint —)
Anatolius (Saint —)
Andrew (Saint —)
Anne (Saint —)
Annunciation (The —)
Ansanus (Saint —)
Anthony of Padua (Saint —)
Anthony the Abbot (Saint —)
Antoinette (Saint —)
Antoninus (Saint —) [San Antolín]
Antoninus (Saint —) [Sant'Antonino]
Apollinaris of Ravenna (Saint —)
Appolonia (Saint —)
April 10th
April 12th
April 15th
April 18th
April 1st
April 20th
April 21th
April 25th
April 2nd
April 3rd
April 4th
April 5th
April 70th
April 7th
April 8th
April 9th
April the fortieth
Arcadius (Saint —)
Arnold (Saint —)
Ash Wednesday
Assumption (The —)
Athanasius and Cyril (Saints —)
August 15th
August 1st
August 2nd
Augustine (Saint —)
Aurelian (Saint —)
Baba Dochia
Barbara (Saint —)
Barca [boat] (Virgin of the —)
Barnaby (Saint —)
Bartholomew (Saint —)
Basil (Saint —)
Baudilius (Saint —)
Benedict of Nursia (Saint —)
Benedict of Palermo (Saint —)
Benjamin (Saint —)
Bernard (Saint —)
Bernardinus (Saint —)
Bibiana [Vivian] (Saint —)
Blaise (Saint —)
Boniface (Saint —)
Brigid (Saint —)
Bruno (Saint —)
Calixtus (Saint —)
Carnival Sunday
Catald (Saint —)
Catherine of Alexandria (Saint —)
Catherine of Siena (Saint —)
Cecilia (Saint —)
Charalambos (Saint —)
Charles (Saint —)
Christus (Saint —)
Clair (Saint —)
Clara (Saint —)
Clement (Saint —)
Cletus [Anacletus] (Saint —)
Colette (Saint —)
Columba (Saint —)
Constance (Saint —)
Conversion of Saint Paul
Corpus Christi
Crispin and Crispinian (Saints —)
Crispin the Martyr (Saint —)
Cunegundes (Saint —)
Cyprian (Saint —)
Cyrus (Saint —)
day; one day
days (plural; generic)
Dead (The Day of the —)
December 3rd
Delphina (Saint —)
Demetrius (Saint —)
Denise (Saint —)
Dionysius (Saint —)
dog days, midsummer heat, high summer
Dominic (Saint —)
Donatus (Saint —)
Dorothy (Saint —)
dusk, nightfall
early morning, small hours, dawn, daybreak
Easter Saturday
eight days, eighth day
eight months
eighteen days
eleven o'clock
Elijah (Saint —)
Elizabeth of Hungary (Saint —)
Eloy (Saint —)
Ember days
Emilianus (Saint —)
Ermacora (Saint —)
Eudaldus (Saint —)
Eugene of Carthage (Saint —)
Eugene of Toledo (Saint —)
Eulalia (Saint —)
Euphrasius (Saint —)
Eustachius (Saint —)
Eutrope (Saint —)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Fabian (Saint —)
Faustin (Saint —)
Feast of the Holy Relics
February 2nd
Felician (Saint —)
Felicity (Saint —)
Ferdinand (Saint —)
Ferreolus (Saint —)
fifteen days, fortnight
fifty days
Firminus of Amiens (Saint —)
Firminus, Bishop and Martyr (Saint —)
first day
five days, fifth day
Florentinus (Saint —)
Florentius (Saint —)
following day
following month
forty days
Forty martyrs of Sebaste
Fosca (Saint —)
four days, fourth day
four months
four weeks
Francis of Assisi (Saint —)
Francis of Paula (Saint —)
Frediano (Saint —)
Fructuosus (Saint —)
Gal (Saint —)
George (Saint —)
Germain of Paris (Saint —)
Germanus of Auxerre (Saint —)
Gertrude (Saint —)
Gervasius/Gervase (Saint —)
Giles (Saint —)
Good Friday
Gorgonius (Saint —)
Gregory of Nyssa (Saint —)
Gregory Thaumaturgus (Saint —)
Gregory the Great (Saint —)
Gregory VII (Saint —)
Gunthramnus/Gontram (Saint —)
half a year
Henry (Saint —)
Hilarius (Saint —)
Hippolytus (Saint —)
Holy Week
Homobonus (Saint —)
Honoratus (Saint —)
Honorina (Saint —)
hour, one hour
Hugh (Saint —)
Ignatius (Saint —)
Immaculate Conception
Indian summer
Invention of the Holy Cross
Ioan Botezătorul (Saint —)
Isabel of France (Saint —)
Isidore (Saint —)
Isidore, the Farmer
James (Saint —)
January 10th
January 1st
January 20th
January 2nd
January 9th
Jerome (Saint —)
John ante Portam Latinam (Saint —)
John Climacus (Saint —)
John the Baptist (Saint —)
Joseph (Saint —)
Judas (Saint —)
Julia (Saint —)
Julian of Cuenca (Saint —)
Julian of Toledo (Saint —)
Julian the Hospitaler (Saint —)
July 10th
July 21th
July 27th
July 30th
July 9th
June 10th
June 1st
June 21th
June 30th
June 8th
June de fortieth
Justus (Saint —)
Lambert (Saint —)
late winter (cold snap in spring)
Laurence (Saint —)
Leopold (Saint —)
Leufroy (Saint —)
Lizier (Saint —)
Lord of Steps
Louis of Anjou (Saint —)
Lucy (Saint —)
Luke (Saint —)
Macarius (Saint —)
Magin (Saint —)
Mamert(i)us (Saint —)
March 11th
March 15th
March 17th
March 19th
March 1st
March 20th
March 25th
March 27th
March 7th
Margaret (Saint —)
Maria Magdalen Dei Pazzi (Saint —)
Marina (Saint —)
Mark (Saint —)
Martial (Saint —)
Martin of the Summer (Saint —)
Martin of Tours (Saint —)
Mary Magdalen(e) (Saint —)
Matthew (Saint —)
Matthias (Saint —)
Maundy Thursday
Maurice/Mauritius (Saint —)
Maurus (Saint —)
May 11th
May 12th
May 13th
May 19th
May 1st
May 20th
May 28th
May 2nd
May 3rd
May 8th
May 9th
May the fortieth
Medard(us) (Saint —)
Menodora, Metrodora, Nymphodora (Saints [female] —)
Michael (Saint —)
Michael (The Apparition of Saint —)
Modest(us) (Saint —)
month (in general), one month
months (plural; generic)
Moşi de Vară (ziua de —)
Moşi [day of the]
Name of Mary
Nativity of the Virgin (The —)
New Year
Nicholas of Bari (Saint —)
Nicholas of Tolentino (Saint —)
nine days, ninth day
nine months
nine o'clock
ninety days
November 12th
November 20th
November 21th
October 19th
one o'clock
Onesimus (Saint —)
Opportuna (Saint —)
Our Lady of Carmen
Palm Sunday
Pamphilus (Saint —)
Pancras (Saint —)
Parascheva (Saint —)
Patrick (Saint —)
Paul the Apostle (Saint —)
Paul the Hermit (Saint —)
Pentecost (Whitsun)
Perfectus (Saint —)
Peter ad Vincula (Saint —)
Peter of the Chair [in Antiochia] (Saint —)
Peter of the Chair [in Rome] (Saint —)
Peter Regalatus (Saint —)
Peter the Apostle (Saint —)
Peter the Martyr (Saint —)
Petronilla (Saint —)
Petru de Iarnă (Saint —)
Philip and Saint James the Minor (Saint —)
Philip Neri (Saint —)
Photius (Saint —)
Pietrele lui Sâmpetru
Pilgrim Virgin (The —)
Poncius (Saint —)
Presentation of the Virgin
previous month
Prosper (Saint —)
Prudentius (Saint —)
Quiteria (Saint —)
Radegunde (Saint —)
Raphael (Saint —)
Raymond (Saint —)
Raymond of Fitero (Saint —)
Raymond of Penyafort (Saint —)
Remigius (Saint —)
Rita (Saint —)
Robert (Saint —)
Rogation Days
Romanus (Saint —)
Romanus the Abbot (Saint —)
Roque (Saint —)
Rose (Saint —)
Rupert (Saint —)
Sabinus (Saint —)
Sant'Orso (d'Aosta) [name in Italian]
season (in general)
Sebastian (Saint —)
September 10th
September 12th
September 14th
September 15th
September 1st
Sergius (Saint —)
Sernin (Saint —)
Servatus (Saint —)
seven days, seventh day
seven months
seven o'clock [in the evening]
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus (The —)
seven weeks
seven years
Severinus (Saint —)
Sfinţiţi Mucenici şi Episcopi din Cherson (Saints —)
Shrove Tuesday
Silverius (Saint —)
Simeon (Saint —)
Simon (Saint —)
six days, sixth day
six months
six o'clock [in the evening]
six weeks
sixty days
Sophia (Saint —)
Spyridon (Saint —)
Stephen (Saint —)
Stretenia / Stretania
subcategoria de cronologia
Sulpicius/Sulpice (Saint —)
Sylvester (Saint —)
Tecla (Saint —)
ten days, tenth day
ten o'clock
ten weeks
the 10th
the 15th
the 1st
the 20th
the 22th
the 25th
the 27th
the 28th
the 29th
the 2nd
the 30th
the 3rd
the 4th
the 5th
the 6th
the 8th
the day after tomorrow
the days borrowed from one month to the previous one
Therese (Saint —)
thirteen Sundays
thirty days
thirty one days
thirty seven days
Thomas Aquinas (Saint —)
Thomas the Apostle (Saint —)
three days, third day
three hours
three months
three o'clock
three weeks
three years
Timothy of Prussia (Saint —)
Transfiguratio Domini
Twelfth Night (Epiphany)
twelve days
twelve days for twelve months
twelve months
twelve o'clock
twenty days
twenty-eight days
twenty-four days
twenty-four hours
twenty-nine days
twenty-seven days
twenty-three days
twnty-one days
two days, second day
two months
two o'clock
two weeks
Urban (Saint —)
Valentine (Saint —)
veintiséis (el —)
Verena of Zurzach (Saint —)
Veronica (Saint —)
Victor (Saint —)
Vincent (Saint —)
Virgin of el Pilar]
Virgin of Rosary
Visarion Cuviincios
Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary
Vitus (Saint —)
week, one week
weeks (without specifying how many)
Wenceslaus of Bohemia (Saint —)
William (Saint —)
years (plural; generic)
Zenobius (Saint —)
Zilele Babelor
Ziua Ursului, 'bear's day'
days of the month
days of the week
fixed date
forty days
moveable date
moveable period
parts of the day
twelve days for twelwe months
a hundred days
a hundred hours
a hundred years
a thousand years
Acisclus (Saint —)
Agatha (Saint —)
Agnes (Saint —)
Albinus of Angers (Saint —)
Albinus of Châlons (Saint —)
Alexander (Saint —)
All Saints (Day)
Ambrose (Saint —)
Anaclet (Saint —)
Anatolius (Saint —)
Andrew (Saint —)
Anne (Saint —)
Annunciation (The —)
Ansanus (Saint —)
Anthony of Padua (Saint —)
Anthony the Abbot (Saint —)
Antoinette (Saint —)
Antoninus (Saint —) [San Antolín]
Antoninus (Saint —) [Sant'Antonino]
Apollinaris of Ravenna (Saint —)
Appolonia (Saint —)
April 10th
April 12th
April 15th
April 18th
April 1st
April 20th
April 21th
April 25th
April 2nd
April 3rd
April 4th
April 5th
April 70th
April 7th
April 8th
April 9th
April the fortieth
Arcadius (Saint —)
Arnold (Saint —)
Ash Wednesday
Assumption (The —)
Athanasius and Cyril (Saints —)
August 15th
August 1st
August 2nd
Augustine (Saint —)
Aurelian (Saint —)
Baba Dochia
Barbara (Saint —)
Barca [boat] (Virgin of the —)
Barnaby (Saint —)
Bartholomew (Saint —)
Basil (Saint —)
Baudilius (Saint —)
Benedict of Nursia (Saint —)
Benedict of Palermo (Saint —)
Benjamin (Saint —)
Bernard (Saint —)
Bernardinus (Saint —)
Bibiana [Vivian] (Saint —)
Blaise (Saint —)
Boniface (Saint —)
Brigid (Saint —)
Bruno (Saint —)
Calixtus (Saint —)
Carnival Sunday
Catald (Saint —)
Catherine of Alexandria (Saint —)
Catherine of Siena (Saint —)
Cecilia (Saint —)
Charalambos (Saint —)
Charles (Saint —)
Christus (Saint —)
Clair (Saint —)
Clara (Saint —)
Clement (Saint —)
Cletus [Anacletus] (Saint —)
Colette (Saint —)
Columba (Saint —)
Constance (Saint —)
Conversion of Saint Paul
Corpus Christi
Crispin and Crispinian (Saints —)
Crispin the Martyr (Saint —)
Cunegundes (Saint —)
Cyprian (Saint —)
Cyrus (Saint —)
day; one day
days (plural; generic)
Dead (The Day of the —)
December 3rd
Delphina (Saint —)
Demetrius (Saint —)
Denise (Saint —)
Dionysius (Saint —)
dog days, midsummer heat, high summer
Dominic (Saint —)
Donatus (Saint —)
Dorothy (Saint —)
dusk, nightfall
early morning, small hours, dawn, daybreak
Easter Saturday
eight days, eighth day
eight months
eighteen days
eleven o'clock
Elijah (Saint —)
Elizabeth of Hungary (Saint —)
Eloy (Saint —)
Ember days
Emilianus (Saint —)
Ermacora (Saint —)
Eudaldus (Saint —)
Eugene of Carthage (Saint —)
Eugene of Toledo (Saint —)
Eulalia (Saint —)
Euphrasius (Saint —)
Eustachius (Saint —)
Eutrope (Saint —)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Fabian (Saint —)
Faustin (Saint —)
Feast of the Holy Relics
February 2nd
Felician (Saint —)
Felicity (Saint —)
Ferdinand (Saint —)
Ferreolus (Saint —)
fifteen days, fortnight
fifty days
Firminus of Amiens (Saint —)
Firminus, Bishop and Martyr (Saint —)
first day
five days, fifth day
Florentinus (Saint —)
Florentius (Saint —)
following day
following month
forty days
Forty martyrs of Sebaste
Fosca (Saint —)
four days, fourth day
four months
four weeks
Francis of Assisi (Saint —)
Francis of Paula (Saint —)
Frediano (Saint —)
Fructuosus (Saint —)
Gal (Saint —)
George (Saint —)
Germain of Paris (Saint —)
Germanus of Auxerre (Saint —)
Gertrude (Saint —)
Gervasius/Gervase (Saint —)
Giles (Saint —)
Good Friday
Gorgonius (Saint —)
Gregory of Nyssa (Saint —)
Gregory Thaumaturgus (Saint —)
Gregory the Great (Saint —)
Gregory VII (Saint —)
Gunthramnus/Gontram (Saint —)
half a year
Henry (Saint —)
Hilarius (Saint —)
Hippolytus (Saint —)
Holy Week
Homobonus (Saint —)
Honoratus (Saint —)
Honorina (Saint —)
hour, one hour
Hugh (Saint —)
Ignatius (Saint —)
Immaculate Conception
Indian summer
Invention of the Holy Cross
Ioan Botezătorul (Saint —)
Isabel of France (Saint —)
Isidore (Saint —)
Isidore, the Farmer
James (Saint —)
January 10th
January 1st
January 20th
January 2nd
January 9th
Jerome (Saint —)
John ante Portam Latinam (Saint —)
John Climacus (Saint —)
John the Baptist (Saint —)
Joseph (Saint —)
Judas (Saint —)
Julia (Saint —)
Julian of Cuenca (Saint —)
Julian of Toledo (Saint —)
Julian the Hospitaler (Saint —)
July 10th
July 21th
July 27th
July 30th
July 9th
June 10th
June 1st
June 21th
June 30th
June 8th
June de fortieth
Justus (Saint —)
Lambert (Saint —)
late winter (cold snap in spring)
Laurence (Saint —)
Leopold (Saint —)
Leufroy (Saint —)
Lizier (Saint —)
Lord of Steps
Louis of Anjou (Saint —)
Lucy (Saint —)
Luke (Saint —)
Macarius (Saint —)
Magin (Saint —)
Mamert(i)us (Saint —)
March 11th
March 15th
March 17th
March 19th
March 1st
March 20th
March 25th
March 27th
March 7th
Margaret (Saint —)
Maria Magdalen Dei Pazzi (Saint —)
Marina (Saint —)
Mark (Saint —)
Martial (Saint —)
Martin of the Summer (Saint —)
Martin of Tours (Saint —)
Mary Magdalen(e) (Saint —)
Matthew (Saint —)
Matthias (Saint —)
Maundy Thursday
Maurice/Mauritius (Saint —)
Maurus (Saint —)
May 11th
May 12th
May 13th
May 19th
May 1st
May 20th
May 28th
May 2nd
May 3rd
May 8th
May 9th
May the fortieth
Medard(us) (Saint —)
Menodora, Metrodora, Nymphodora (Saints [female] —)
Michael (Saint —)
Michael (The Apparition of Saint —)
Modest(us) (Saint —)
month (in general), one month
months (plural; generic)
Moşi de Vară (ziua de —)
Moşi [day of the]
Name of Mary
Nativity of the Virgin (The —)
New Year
Nicholas of Bari (Saint —)
Nicholas of Tolentino (Saint —)
nine days, ninth day
nine months
nine o'clock
ninety days
November 12th
November 20th
November 21th
October 19th
one o'clock
Onesimus (Saint —)
Opportuna (Saint —)
Our Lady of Carmen
Palm Sunday
Pamphilus (Saint —)
Pancras (Saint —)
Parascheva (Saint —)
Patrick (Saint —)
Paul the Apostle (Saint —)
Paul the Hermit (Saint —)
Pentecost (Whitsun)
Perfectus (Saint —)
Peter ad Vincula (Saint —)
Peter of the Chair [in Antiochia] (Saint —)
Peter of the Chair [in Rome] (Saint —)
Peter Regalatus (Saint —)
Peter the Apostle (Saint —)
Peter the Martyr (Saint —)
Petronilla (Saint —)
Petru de Iarnă (Saint —)
Philip and Saint James the Minor (Saint —)
Philip Neri (Saint —)
Photius (Saint —)
Pietrele lui Sâmpetru
Pilgrim Virgin (The —)
Poncius (Saint —)
Presentation of the Virgin
previous month
Prosper (Saint —)
Prudentius (Saint —)
Quiteria (Saint —)
Radegunde (Saint —)
Raphael (Saint —)
Raymond (Saint —)
Raymond of Fitero (Saint —)
Raymond of Penyafort (Saint —)
Remigius (Saint —)
Rita (Saint —)
Robert (Saint —)
Rogation Days
Romanus (Saint —)
Romanus the Abbot (Saint —)
Roque (Saint —)
Rose (Saint —)
Rupert (Saint —)
Sabinus (Saint —)
Sant'Orso (d'Aosta) [name in Italian]
season (in general)
Sebastian (Saint —)
September 10th
September 12th
September 14th
September 15th
September 1st
Sergius (Saint —)
Sernin (Saint —)
Servatus (Saint —)
seven days, seventh day
seven months
seven o'clock [in the evening]
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus (The —)
seven weeks
seven years
Severinus (Saint —)
Sfinţiţi Mucenici şi Episcopi din Cherson (Saints —)
Shrove Tuesday
Silverius (Saint —)
Simeon (Saint —)
Simon (Saint —)
six days, sixth day
six months
six o'clock [in the evening]
six weeks
sixty days
Sophia (Saint —)
Spyridon (Saint —)
Stephen (Saint —)
Stretenia / Stretania
subcategoria de cronologia
Sulpicius/Sulpice (Saint —)
Sylvester (Saint —)
Tecla (Saint —)
ten days, tenth day
ten o'clock
ten weeks
the 10th
the 15th
the 1st
the 20th
the 22th
the 25th
the 27th
the 28th
the 29th
the 2nd
the 30th
the 3rd
the 4th
the 5th
the 6th
the 8th
the day after tomorrow
the days borrowed from one month to the previous one
Therese (Saint —)
thirteen Sundays
thirty days
thirty one days
thirty seven days
Thomas Aquinas (Saint —)
Thomas the Apostle (Saint —)
three days, third day
three hours
three months
three o'clock
three weeks
three years
Timothy of Prussia (Saint —)
Transfiguratio Domini
Twelfth Night (Epiphany)
twelve days
twelve days for twelve months
twelve months
twelve o'clock
twenty days
twenty-eight days
twenty-four days
twenty-four hours
twenty-nine days
twenty-seven days
twenty-three days
twnty-one days
two days, second day
two months
two o'clock
two weeks
Urban (Saint —)
Valentine (Saint —)
veintiséis (el —)
Verena of Zurzach (Saint —)
Veronica (Saint —)
Victor (Saint —)
Vincent (Saint —)
Virgin of el Pilar]
Virgin of Rosary
Visarion Cuviincios
Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary
Vitus (Saint —)
week, one week
weeks (without specifying how many)
Wenceslaus of Bohemia (Saint —)
William (Saint —)
years (plural; generic)
Zenobius (Saint —)
Zilele Babelor
Ziua Ursului, 'bear's day'
days of the month
days of the week
fixed date
forty days
moveable date
moveable period
parts of the day
twelve days for twelwe months
a hundred days
a hundred hours
a hundred years
a thousand years
Acisclus (Saint —)
Agatha (Saint —)
Agnes (Saint —)
Albinus of Angers (Saint —)
Albinus of Châlons (Saint —)
Alexander (Saint —)
All Saints (Day)
Ambrose (Saint —)
Anaclet (Saint —)
Anatolius (Saint —)
Andrew (Saint —)
Anne (Saint —)
Annunciation (The —)
Ansanus (Saint —)
Anthony of Padua (Saint —)
Anthony the Abbot (Saint —)
Antoinette (Saint —)
Antoninus (Saint —) [San Antolín]
Antoninus (Saint —) [Sant'Antonino]
Apollinaris of Ravenna (Saint —)
Appolonia (Saint —)
April 10th
April 12th
April 15th
April 18th
April 1st
April 20th
April 21th
April 25th
April 2nd
April 3rd
April 4th
April 5th
April 70th
April 7th
April 8th
April 9th
April the fortieth
Arcadius (Saint —)
Arnold (Saint —)
Ash Wednesday
Assumption (The —)
Athanasius and Cyril (Saints —)
August 15th
August 1st
August 2nd
Augustine (Saint —)
Aurelian (Saint —)
Baba Dochia
Barbara (Saint —)
Barca [boat] (Virgin of the —)
Barnaby (Saint —)
Bartholomew (Saint —)
Basil (Saint —)
Baudilius (Saint —)
Benedict of Nursia (Saint —)
Benedict of Palermo (Saint —)
Benjamin (Saint —)
Bernard (Saint —)
Bernardinus (Saint —)
Bibiana [Vivian] (Saint —)
Blaise (Saint —)
Boniface (Saint —)
Brigid (Saint —)
Bruno (Saint —)
Calixtus (Saint —)
Carnival Sunday
Catald (Saint —)
Catherine of Alexandria (Saint —)
Catherine of Siena (Saint —)
Cecilia (Saint —)
Charalambos (Saint —)
Charles (Saint —)
Christus (Saint —)
Clair (Saint —)
Clara (Saint —)
Clement (Saint —)
Cletus [Anacletus] (Saint —)
Colette (Saint —)
Columba (Saint —)
Constance (Saint —)
Conversion of Saint Paul
Corpus Christi
Crispin and Crispinian (Saints —)
Crispin the Martyr (Saint —)
Cunegundes (Saint —)
Cyprian (Saint —)
Cyrus (Saint —)
day; one day
days (plural; generic)
Dead (The Day of the —)
December 3rd
Delphina (Saint —)
Demetrius (Saint —)
Denise (Saint —)
Dionysius (Saint —)
dog days, midsummer heat, high summer
Dominic (Saint —)
Donatus (Saint —)
Dorothy (Saint —)
dusk, nightfall
early morning, small hours, dawn, daybreak
Easter Saturday
eight days, eighth day
eight months
eighteen days
eleven o'clock
Elijah (Saint —)
Elizabeth of Hungary (Saint —)
Eloy (Saint —)
Ember days
Emilianus (Saint —)
Ermacora (Saint —)
Eudaldus (Saint —)
Eugene of Carthage (Saint —)
Eugene of Toledo (Saint —)
Eulalia (Saint —)
Euphrasius (Saint —)
Eustachius (Saint —)
Eutrope (Saint —)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Fabian (Saint —)
Faustin (Saint —)
Feast of the Holy Relics
February 2nd
Felician (Saint —)
Felicity (Saint —)
Ferdinand (Saint —)
Ferreolus (Saint —)
fifteen days, fortnight
fifty days
Firminus of Amiens (Saint —)
Firminus, Bishop and Martyr (Saint —)
first day
five days, fifth day
Florentinus (Saint —)
Florentius (Saint —)
following day
following month
forty days
Forty martyrs of Sebaste
Fosca (Saint —)
four days, fourth day
four months
four weeks
Francis of Assisi (Saint —)
Francis of Paula (Saint —)
Frediano (Saint —)
Fructuosus (Saint —)
Gal (Saint —)
George (Saint —)
Germain of Paris (Saint —)
Germanus of Auxerre (Saint —)
Gertrude (Saint —)
Gervasius/Gervase (Saint —)
Giles (Saint —)
Good Friday
Gorgonius (Saint —)
Gregory of Nyssa (Saint —)
Gregory Thaumaturgus (Saint —)
Gregory the Great (Saint —)
Gregory VII (Saint —)
Gunthramnus/Gontram (Saint —)
half a year
Henry (Saint —)
Hilarius (Saint —)
Hippolytus (Saint —)
Holy Week
Homobonus (Saint —)
Honoratus (Saint —)
Honorina (Saint —)
hour, one hour
Hugh (Saint —)
Ignatius (Saint —)
Immaculate Conception
Indian summer
Invention of the Holy Cross
Ioan Botezătorul (Saint —)
Isabel of France (Saint —)
Isidore (Saint —)
Isidore, the Farmer
James (Saint —)
January 10th
January 1st
January 20th
January 2nd
January 9th
Jerome (Saint —)
John ante Portam Latinam (Saint —)
John Climacus (Saint —)
John the Baptist (Saint —)
Joseph (Saint —)
Judas (Saint —)
Julia (Saint —)
Julian of Cuenca (Saint —)
Julian of Toledo (Saint —)
Julian the Hospitaler (Saint —)
July 10th
July 21th
July 27th
July 30th
July 9th
June 10th
June 1st
June 21th
June 30th
June 8th
June de fortieth
Justus (Saint —)
Lambert (Saint —)
late winter (cold snap in spring)
Laurence (Saint —)
Leopold (Saint —)
Leufroy (Saint —)
Lizier (Saint —)
Lord of Steps
Louis of Anjou (Saint —)
Lucy (Saint —)
Luke (Saint —)
Macarius (Saint —)
Magin (Saint —)
Mamert(i)us (Saint —)
March 11th
March 15th
March 17th
March 19th
March 1st
March 20th
March 25th
March 27th
March 7th
Margaret (Saint —)
Maria Magdalen Dei Pazzi (Saint —)
Marina (Saint —)
Mark (Saint —)
Martial (Saint —)
Martin of the Summer (Saint —)
Martin of Tours (Saint —)
Mary Magdalen(e) (Saint —)
Matthew (Saint —)
Matthias (Saint —)
Maundy Thursday
Maurice/Mauritius (Saint —)
Maurus (Saint —)
May 11th
May 12th
May 13th
May 19th
May 1st
May 20th
May 28th
May 2nd
May 3rd
May 8th
May 9th
May the fortieth
Medard(us) (Saint —)
Menodora, Metrodora, Nymphodora (Saints [female] —)
Michael (Saint —)
Michael (The Apparition of Saint —)
Modest(us) (Saint —)
month (in general), one month
months (plural; generic)
Moşi de Vară (ziua de —)
Moşi [day of the]
Name of Mary
Nativity of the Virgin (The —)
New Year
Nicholas of Bari (Saint —)
Nicholas of Tolentino (Saint —)
nine days, ninth day
nine months
nine o'clock
ninety days
November 12th
November 20th
November 21th
October 19th
one o'clock
Onesimus (Saint —)
Opportuna (Saint —)
Our Lady of Carmen
Palm Sunday
Pamphilus (Saint —)
Pancras (Saint —)
Parascheva (Saint —)
Patrick (Saint —)
Paul the Apostle (Saint —)
Paul the Hermit (Saint —)
Pentecost (Whitsun)
Perfectus (Saint —)
Peter ad Vincula (Saint —)
Peter of the Chair [in Antiochia] (Saint —)
Peter of the Chair [in Rome] (Saint —)
Peter Regalatus (Saint —)
Peter the Apostle (Saint —)
Peter the Martyr (Saint —)
Petronilla (Saint —)
Petru de Iarnă (Saint —)
Philip and Saint James the Minor (Saint —)
Philip Neri (Saint —)
Photius (Saint —)
Pietrele lui Sâmpetru
Pilgrim Virgin (The —)
Poncius (Saint —)
Presentation of the Virgin
previous month
Prosper (Saint —)
Prudentius (Saint —)
Quiteria (Saint —)
Radegunde (Saint —)
Raphael (Saint —)
Raymond (Saint —)
Raymond of Fitero (Saint —)
Raymond of Penyafort (Saint —)
Remigius (Saint —)
Rita (Saint —)
Robert (Saint —)
Rogation Days
Romanus (Saint —)
Romanus the Abbot (Saint —)
Roque (Saint —)
Rose (Saint —)
Rupert (Saint —)
Sabinus (Saint —)
Sant'Orso (d'Aosta) [name in Italian]
season (in general)
Sebastian (Saint —)
September 10th
September 12th
September 14th
September 15th
September 1st
Sergius (Saint —)
Sernin (Saint —)
Servatus (Saint —)
seven days, seventh day
seven months
seven o'clock [in the evening]
Seven Sleepers of Ephesus (The —)
seven weeks
seven years
Severinus (Saint —)
Sfinţiţi Mucenici şi Episcopi din Cherson (Saints —)
Shrove Tuesday
Silverius (Saint —)
Simeon (Saint —)
Simon (Saint —)
six days, sixth day
six months
six o'clock [in the evening]
six weeks
sixty days
Sophia (Saint —)
Spyridon (Saint —)
Stephen (Saint —)
Stretenia / Stretania
subcategoria de cronologia
Sulpicius/Sulpice (Saint —)
Sylvester (Saint —)
Tecla (Saint —)
ten days, tenth day
ten o'clock
ten weeks
the 10th
the 15th
the 1st
the 20th
the 22th
the 25th
the 27th
the 28th
the 29th
the 2nd
the 30th
the 3rd
the 4th
the 5th
the 6th
the 8th
the day after tomorrow
the days borrowed from one month to the previous one
Therese (Saint —)
thirteen Sundays
thirty days
thirty one days
thirty seven days
Thomas Aquinas (Saint —)
Thomas the Apostle (Saint —)
three days, third day
three hours
three months
three o'clock
three weeks
three years
Timothy of Prussia (Saint —)
Transfiguratio Domini
Twelfth Night (Epiphany)
twelve days
twelve days for twelve months
twelve months
twelve o'clock
twenty days
twenty-eight days
twenty-four days
twenty-four hours
twenty-nine days
twenty-seven days
twenty-three days
twnty-one days
two days, second day
two months
two o'clock
two weeks
Urban (Saint —)
Valentine (Saint —)
veintiséis (el —)
Verena of Zurzach (Saint —)
Veronica (Saint —)
Victor (Saint —)
Vincent (Saint —)
Virgin of el Pilar]
Virgin of Rosary
Visarion Cuviincios
Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary
Vitus (Saint —)
week, one week
weeks (without specifying how many)
Wenceslaus of Bohemia (Saint —)
William (Saint —)
years (plural; generic)
Zenobius (Saint —)
Zilele Babelor
Ziua Ursului, 'bear's day'
Meteorology (category)
bad weather
changes in the weather
dry weather
flash of lightning / thunderbolt
good weather
ice, frost
mild, temperate
mountains with a cover
names of winds [in italics + a succint description]
rain in the sun
rain, to rain
settled weather
snow, to snow
squall, storm
St Elmo's fire
storm, stormy weather
unsettled weather
wind [and related generic terms]
ábrego and variants [warm humid southerly and westerly, bringing rain]
aire de abajo and the like [southerly, from the lowlands or sea]
aire de arriba, vent de dalt and similars [northerly, from the mountains]
aire huelhèr [southwesterly, Valley of Aran]
alber [name of a wind from les Alberes]
alcovês [southerly and westerly, in Portugal]
aquilón and the like [northerly]
aragonès [from Aragon]
asturiano [from Asturias]
autan and variants [easterly or southerly, depending on region]
bad weather
balaguèra [warm southerly wind known in the Valley of Aran and in Gascony]
berguedà [from Berga, in northern Catalonia]
biso [according to Mistral's spelling] for Occitan, French bise, Catalan bisa [cold wind, from the north in Occitan-speaking areas]
bochorno, voltorn and variants [easterly, southerly and south-easterly, bringing storms]
bora, buere and variants [cold dry northerly, in the Adriatic]
Bragancés [viento procedente de Braganza y localizado en Galicia]
bragués, braguês [name of a wind from Braga]
breiva, breva [westerly]
brischla [northerly]
brochina [cold wind in the province of Huesca, Aragon]
bubbles (as a sign of persistent rain)
buerin, borino [summer wind from the High Adriatic]
burganés [wind from Burganes; name located in Galicia]
caldelao [from Castro Caldelas, Galicia]
calm weather
calm, clear
changes in the weather
cierzo, cerç and similar [cold northerly]
cool, fresh
crivăţ [strong, cold winter wind, in Moldavia and in the plains of the Danube, northeasterly]
curena [southwesterly]
cureñu [local Asturian wind]
descuernacabras [cold wind, northerly]
direct forecast [outlook and outset offer the same meteorological conditions]
dry (weather)
empordanès [from l'Empordà]
espan / Espanha (vent d'—) [from Spain]
espitller [?]
favonio and variants [from latin FAVONIU]
flash of lightning / thunderbolt
fog, mist
francès [from France]
gabacha [cold wind in the Valley of Gistau, Upper Aragon]
galerna [strong north-westerly]
gallego, galego and variants [from Galicia]
garbino, garbín, garbí [southwesterly]
good weather
gregal and variants [northeasterly]
halo of the sun
heavy rain
height and angle of the sun
ice, frost
inverse forecast [The outset and the resultant meteorological conditions are opposed]
late cold snap
lebeche, llebeig, labé and similar [southwesterly]
levante, levant, llevant and similar [easterly]
mackerel sky
madrileño [from Madrid]
mild, temperate
mist, sea mist
mountains shrouded in cloud
rain in the sun
rain, to rain
red sky
settled weather
snow, to snow
solar eclipse
squall, storm
St Elmo's fire
storm, stormy weather
thunder, thunderstorm, to thunder
tortosano [from Tortosa]
unsettled weather
wind from the sea
[cold wind in Catalonia]
[from A Peroxa, place in Galicia]
[from los Monegros]
[from Melidde, place in Galicia]
[from Padrón, place in Galicia]
[from Ripoll, place in northern Catalonia]
[from Roussillon]
[from Sarria, place in Galicia]
[from Tarragona]
[from the catalan area of Pallars]
[from the mountain range]
[from the mountain]
[from Villalba, place in Galicia]
[from Zamora, Spain]
[maybe deformation of (n)arbonès]
[name of a wind from Morella]
[name of a wind from Narbonne]
[name of a wind from Valencia]
[name of a wind from Xàtiva]
[northwesterly in the Iberian Peninsula]
[southerly, in Portugal]
[southerly, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal]
[southwesterly, in Argentina]
[strong wind, southerly]
[westerly in the Rhône Valley]
[westerly, from the sea]
[wind from the sea]
[wind which blows across open country]
bad weather
changes in the weather
dry weather
flash of lightning / thunderbolt
good weather
ice, frost
mild, temperate
mountains with a cover
names of winds [in italics + a succint description]
rain in the sun
rain, to rain
settled weather
snow, to snow
squall, storm
St Elmo's fire
storm, stormy weather
unsettled weather
wind [and related generic terms]
ábrego and variants [warm humid southerly and westerly, bringing rain]
aire de abajo and the like [southerly, from the lowlands or sea]
aire de arriba, vent de dalt and similars [northerly, from the mountains]
aire huelhèr [southwesterly, Valley of Aran]
alber [name of a wind from les Alberes]
alcovês [southerly and westerly, in Portugal]
aquilón and the like [northerly]
aragonès [from Aragon]
asturiano [from Asturias]
autan and variants [easterly or southerly, depending on region]
bad weather
balaguèra [warm southerly wind known in the Valley of Aran and in Gascony]
berguedà [from Berga, in northern Catalonia]
biso [according to Mistral's spelling] for Occitan, French bise, Catalan bisa [cold wind, from the north in Occitan-speaking areas]
bochorno, voltorn and variants [easterly, southerly and south-easterly, bringing storms]
bora, buere and variants [cold dry northerly, in the Adriatic]
Bragancés [viento procedente de Braganza y localizado en Galicia]
bragués, braguês [name of a wind from Braga]
breiva, breva [westerly]
brischla [northerly]
brochina [cold wind in the province of Huesca, Aragon]
bubbles (as a sign of persistent rain)
buerin, borino [summer wind from the High Adriatic]
burganés [wind from Burganes; name located in Galicia]
caldelao [from Castro Caldelas, Galicia]
calm weather
calm, clear
changes in the weather
cierzo, cerç and similar [cold northerly]
cool, fresh
crivăţ [strong, cold winter wind, in Moldavia and in the plains of the Danube, northeasterly]
curena [southwesterly]
cureñu [local Asturian wind]
descuernacabras [cold wind, northerly]
direct forecast [outlook and outset offer the same meteorological conditions]
dry (weather)
empordanès [from l'Empordà]
espan / Espanha (vent d'—) [from Spain]
espitller [?]
favonio and variants [from latin FAVONIU]
flash of lightning / thunderbolt
fog, mist
francès [from France]
gabacha [cold wind in the Valley of Gistau, Upper Aragon]
galerna [strong north-westerly]
gallego, galego and variants [from Galicia]
garbino, garbín, garbí [southwesterly]
good weather
gregal and variants [northeasterly]
halo of the sun
heavy rain
height and angle of the sun
ice, frost
inverse forecast [The outset and the resultant meteorological conditions are opposed]
late cold snap
lebeche, llebeig, labé and similar [southwesterly]
levante, levant, llevant and similar [easterly]
mackerel sky
madrileño [from Madrid]
mild, temperate
mist, sea mist
mountains shrouded in cloud
rain in the sun
rain, to rain
red sky
settled weather
snow, to snow
solar eclipse
squall, storm
St Elmo's fire
storm, stormy weather
thunder, thunderstorm, to thunder
tortosano [from Tortosa]
unsettled weather
wind from the sea
[cold wind in Catalonia]
[from A Peroxa, place in Galicia]
[from los Monegros]
[from Melidde, place in Galicia]
[from Padrón, place in Galicia]
[from Ripoll, place in northern Catalonia]
[from Roussillon]
[from Sarria, place in Galicia]
[from Tarragona]
[from the catalan area of Pallars]
[from the mountain range]
[from the mountain]
[from Villalba, place in Galicia]
[from Zamora, Spain]
[maybe deformation of (n)arbonès]
[name of a wind from Morella]
[name of a wind from Narbonne]
[name of a wind from Valencia]
[name of a wind from Xàtiva]
[northwesterly in the Iberian Peninsula]
[southerly, in Portugal]
[southerly, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal]
[southwesterly, in Argentina]
[strong wind, southerly]
[westerly in the Rhône Valley]
[westerly, from the sea]
[wind from the sea]
[wind which blows across open country]
bad weather
changes in the weather
dry weather
flash of lightning / thunderbolt
good weather
ice, frost
mild, temperate
mountains with a cover
names of winds [in italics + a succint description]
rain in the sun
rain, to rain
settled weather
snow, to snow
squall, storm
St Elmo's fire
storm, stormy weather
unsettled weather
wind [and related generic terms]
ábrego and variants [warm humid southerly and westerly, bringing rain]
aire de abajo and the like [southerly, from the lowlands or sea]
aire de arriba, vent de dalt and similars [northerly, from the mountains]
aire huelhèr [southwesterly, Valley of Aran]
alber [name of a wind from les Alberes]
alcovês [southerly and westerly, in Portugal]
aquilón and the like [northerly]
aragonès [from Aragon]
asturiano [from Asturias]
autan and variants [easterly or southerly, depending on region]
bad weather
balaguèra [warm southerly wind known in the Valley of Aran and in Gascony]
berguedà [from Berga, in northern Catalonia]
biso [according to Mistral's spelling] for Occitan, French bise, Catalan bisa [cold wind, from the north in Occitan-speaking areas]
bochorno, voltorn and variants [easterly, southerly and south-easterly, bringing storms]
bora, buere and variants [cold dry northerly, in the Adriatic]
Bragancés [viento procedente de Braganza y localizado en Galicia]
bragués, braguês [name of a wind from Braga]
breiva, breva [westerly]
brischla [northerly]
brochina [cold wind in the province of Huesca, Aragon]
bubbles (as a sign of persistent rain)
buerin, borino [summer wind from the High Adriatic]
burganés [wind from Burganes; name located in Galicia]
caldelao [from Castro Caldelas, Galicia]
calm weather
calm, clear
changes in the weather
cierzo, cerç and similar [cold northerly]
cool, fresh
crivăţ [strong, cold winter wind, in Moldavia and in the plains of the Danube, northeasterly]
curena [southwesterly]
cureñu [local Asturian wind]
descuernacabras [cold wind, northerly]
direct forecast [outlook and outset offer the same meteorological conditions]
dry (weather)
empordanès [from l'Empordà]
espan / Espanha (vent d'—) [from Spain]
espitller [?]
favonio and variants [from latin FAVONIU]
flash of lightning / thunderbolt
fog, mist
francès [from France]
gabacha [cold wind in the Valley of Gistau, Upper Aragon]
galerna [strong north-westerly]
gallego, galego and variants [from Galicia]
garbino, garbín, garbí [southwesterly]
good weather
gregal and variants [northeasterly]
halo of the sun
heavy rain
height and angle of the sun
ice, frost
inverse forecast [The outset and the resultant meteorological conditions are opposed]
late cold snap
lebeche, llebeig, labé and similar [southwesterly]
levante, levant, llevant and similar [easterly]
mackerel sky
madrileño [from Madrid]
mild, temperate
mist, sea mist
mountains shrouded in cloud
rain in the sun
rain, to rain
red sky
settled weather
snow, to snow
solar eclipse
squall, storm
St Elmo's fire
storm, stormy weather
thunder, thunderstorm, to thunder
tortosano [from Tortosa]
unsettled weather
wind from the sea
[cold wind in Catalonia]
[from A Peroxa, place in Galicia]
[from los Monegros]
[from Melidde, place in Galicia]
[from Padrón, place in Galicia]
[from Ripoll, place in northern Catalonia]
[from Roussillon]
[from Sarria, place in Galicia]
[from Tarragona]
[from the catalan area of Pallars]
[from the mountain range]
[from the mountain]
[from Villalba, place in Galicia]
[from Zamora, Spain]
[maybe deformation of (n)arbonès]
[name of a wind from Morella]
[name of a wind from Narbonne]
[name of a wind from Valencia]
[name of a wind from Xàtiva]
[northwesterly in the Iberian Peninsula]
[southerly, in Portugal]
[southerly, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal]
[southwesterly, in Argentina]
[strong wind, southerly]
[westerly in the Rhône Valley]
[westerly, from the sea]
[wind from the sea]
[wind which blows across open country]
Global Subject Area (category)
"spoken" proverbs betwwen the humman being and the months
advice about protective clothing
animals (excluding grazing types)
cardinal points
elements of everyday life
grazing animals, cattle, cattle rearing / livestock raising
jokes, platitudes
other "spoken" proverbs
personification and the like
place names [in italics]
plant kingdom (signs and variable aspects)
prefigurement of time and weather
"horns" of the moon
"spoken" proverbs involving a peasant
"spoken" proverbs involving a shepherd
"spoken" proverbs involving an old woman
"spoken" proverbs not including a human being
Ablanarina (La —) [place in Asturias]
Ador (French, Adour) [river in Occitania]
advice about protective clothing
Ajalvir [place near Madrid]
Ajoie [area of the Canton of Jura, Switzerland]
Alagna, Aloagna [town and valley in the province of Vercelli, Italy]
Alba [place on the coast of Galicia]
Albi (l'—) [place in Catalonia]
Albufera (l'—) (Spanish, La Albufera) [province of Alicante]
Alcalá (de Henares) [place in the province of Madrid]
Alcaraz [place in the province of Albacete]
Alcarràs [place in Catalonia]
Alcoi (riu d'—) [also called Serpis; river in the province of Alicante]
Aldehuela (La —) [place in the province of Ávila]
Alès [place in the Department of Gard]
Almatret [place in Catalonia]
Almenara (La —) [peak in the province of Albacete]
almond, almond tree
alpe o alpage 'summer pasture' cognates and derivatives
Alpes (Les —) [English, The Alps; European mountain range]
Altarrasa (La —) [little tableland in Navarre]
Alvra (Piz d'—) (German, Albula) [peak and mountain range in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ambrusèit (l'—) [Friuli]
Amd'Ursigna (fuora da l'—) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ancares [area of the province of León]
Andalusia [region in the south of Spain]
Andilla [place in the province of Valencia]
angel, angels
anger, angry
Anillo [mountain range in the province of Jaén]
animalization [tails, etc.]
animals, small animals
Ansar (còth d'—) [hill in the Bearn, Occitania]
Aosta, Ôchta, Euta [place in Italy]
apple-tree, apple
Aragon (Spanish, Aragón; Catalan, Aragó) [region in northern Spain]
Aramo/Aramu (L'—) [mountain in Asturias]
Arbeca [place in Catalonia]
Arbo [place in Galicia]
Arbolín (l'—) [peak in Asturias]
Ardila [place in the province of Badajoz]
Ardila [river in the province of Badajoz]
Areta [mountains in Navarre]
Armenteira [mountain in Galicia?]
Arouca [place in Portugal]
Arpetta (l' —) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Arpiglia (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Arquillo (Sierra del —) [mountain range in the province of Cáceres]
Arrajon (Arrajon-Era Hita; en francés, Arrayou-Lahitte) [place in the Department of Hautes-Pyrénées, Occitania]
Arsac (Arzacq) [place in the Department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques]
Artiga de Lin [place in the Valley of Aran]
Artosa (La —) [summit in Asturias]
Artusu (l'Artusu) [Asturias]
Astuera [place in Asturias]
Asturias [region in northern Spain]
Aubens [mountain in Catalonia]
Aude [river in Occitania]
Aulet [place in Accous, in French Accous, in Bearn, Occitania]
Aulet [place in the Department of Pyrénées Atlantiques]
Auloron (Oulourou, Olourou; en francés, Oloron) [place in Occitania]
Aupiho (l'—) [summit of the Lis Aupiho mountain range, near Arles]
Auvèrnhe, Auvèrnha and variants (Occitan); Auvergne (French); Auvernia [region in Occitania]
Avellaneras [Aragon]
Ávila [place in Castile]
Ayamonte [place in the province of Huelva]
bad omen
Bagergue [place in the Valley of Aran]
Baiona (Spanish, Bayona; French, Bayonne) [city in Occitania]
Balaguer [place in the Catalan area of la Noguera]
Balouta [place in the province of León]
Balsareny [place in Catalonia]
bank, beach, shore, riverside
Bans (forêt des —) [wood in Switzerland]
Baragaña (la —) [place in Asturias]
Baraona, Barahona [place in the province of Soria]
Barayo [beach in Asturias]
Barbanza [mountain range in Galicia]
Barcelona [capital city of Catalonia]
Bârdo (in Croatian Brdo) [place in Istria]
Bargas [place in Toledo]
Barguero [mountain in western Asturias]
Barja (French, Barjac) [name of different places, one of them in the Department of le Gard]
barn owl
Baselgia (Munt —) [mountain in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Bassian (eth —) [lake in the Pyrénées]
bee, beehive
Begur [place in Catalonia]
Beira (A —) [region in Portugal]
bell, bell tower
Bellesa (La —), La Vellés [place in the province of Salamanca]
Benzúa (picu —) [Asturias]
Berbería [northern part of Africa]
Bercía [place in Galicia] [?]
Berga [place in Catalonia]
Beringes [mountain in the province of Cáceres]
Bernia, Bèrnia [mountain range in the province of Alicante]
Bernina [mountain range and peak in the Swiss Alps]
Besinauda (Italian, Bisalta) [summit in the Alps of Italy]
Bethlehem [city of Judea, where, according to the Gospel, Christ was born]
Bienservida [crag in the province of Albacete]
Bierzo (El —) [area of Leon]
Biga (la —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Biguera (peña —) [Asturias]
Bilbao [capital city of Biscay, Basque Land]
Bilhó (O —) [place in Portugal]
birds (generic)
Bisbín (Italian, il Bisbino) [mountain in Lombardy, Italy]
blackberry, blackberry bush
Boiraxach [mountain in the province of Huesca]
Bordèu (Bourdèu, Bourdèus; French, Bordeaux; Spanish, Burdeos) [city in Occitania]
Born (el —) (Spanish, el Borne) [quarter in Barcelona]
Borriol [place in the area of la Plana Alta, in the province of Castellón]
Bòsc d'Arròs (Bosdarros) [place in the Department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Bearn, Occitania]
bottom, bump
Braña [valley in Asturias]
Brañamayor [place in Asturias]
Bregaglia (German, Bergell) [Grisons, Switzerland; Lombardy, Italy]
Bressé [mountain in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
bright moon, dark moon
Bugarag (Puèg de —) (Bugarach o Pech de Bugarach) [peak in the Corbières mountains, in the Department of Aude]
Buin (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland; in the border with Voralberg, Austria]
Bundesca (la —) (en italiano, Bondasca) [valley and mountain of Bregaglia, Ticino, Switzerland]
Burela [place in Galicia]
Burgos [place in Castile]
Burguillos [place in Extremadura]
Burón [name of some places around Asturias]
Burriac [mountain in the Catalan area of el Maresme]
Bustelo [place in Galicia]
Ca Ferro Vell [place in Catalonia]
Cabalo (O —) [in Cíes Islands, Galicia]
Cabeza (La —) [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Cabezón (El — de Oro) (Catalan, el Cabeçó (d'Or)) [mountain range in the province of Alicante]
Cabra (la —) [valley in Asturias]
Cabra [place in the province of Córdoba]
Cabrera [mountain in Catalonia]
Cadinell (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Cal Bisbe [place in Catalonia]
Cal Magí [place in Catalonia]
Calar (El —) [mountain in the province of Almería]
Calde [place in Galicia]
Calderina (La —) [mountain range between the provinces of Toledo and Ciudad Real]
Camadra [summit in Canton Ticino, Switzerland]
Camarena [hill in the province of Córdoba]
Camayor [fertile plain in Asturias]
Camp [de Tarragona] (el —) [area of Catalonia]
Campo Maior [place in Portugal]
Campo [place in the province of Huesca]
Camprodon [place in Catalonia]
Can Castellà [place in Catalonia]
Can Parera [place in Catalonia]
Cañajarral (El —) [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Canales (Les —) [place in Asturias]
Canaria (Gran Canaria) [one of the Canary Islands]
Caneiru [place in Asturias]
Canejan [place in the Valley of Aran]
Caneyones [stream in Asturias]
Canigó (el —) (el Canigou according to Mistral's spelling) [mountain in the area of Catalonia under French administration]
Cantabria [region in northern Spain]
Cantal (lo/lou —) (lo Chantau) [mountain in Auvernia]
Cantu Manil [mountain in Asturias]
capa 'cloak', cognates and derivatives
Capiella [palce in Asturias]
capricious caracter
Caravia la Baxa (Spanish, Caravia Baja) [place in Asturias]
Carballal (O —) [place in Galicia]
Carche (El —) (Catalan, el Carxe) [mountain range in Murcia]
Cardó [mountain range in Catalonia]
Carizé [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Carmona [place in the province of Seville]
Carnota [place in Galicia]
carob, carob tree
Carrascoy [mountain range in Murcia]
cart or similar
Casaño [river in Asturias]
Castelfrío [mountain in the province of Teruel]
Castellet [place in Catalonia]
Castellví (de la Marca) [place in Catalonia]
Castellví (de Rosanes) [place in Catalonia]
Castiello (picu —) (Picu Castiellu) [peak in Asturias]
Catllar (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Catogne (le —) [peak in Switzerland, in the Mont Blanc massif]
cauldron, pot
Causse (los Causses) [limestone plateaus in the Massif Central]
cave, shelter
Cebollera (la —) [mountain range in la Rioja]
Cebreiro (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Céllecs, Séllecs [mountain in Catalonia]
Centenera (La —) [place in the province of Jaén]
Cerdanya (la —) [area of Catalonia]
Cervera (de Pisuerga) [place in the province of Palencia]
Cèsse (Cesse) [river, tributary of the Aude, Occitania]
Cetràru (Italian Cetraro) [village in the province of Cosenza]
Ceuta [Spanish city in northern Africa]
Chantada [place in Galicia]
Chanteis (French, Chanteix) [place in the Department of Corrèze, Occitania]
Chapisun (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Charsinom (il Plan —) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Chaux-de-Fonds (la —) [place in the Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland]
chestnut, chestnut tree
Chucena [place in the province of Huelva]
Chucho (el —) [mountain in Navarre]
Cid (el —) [mountain in the province of Alicante]
Clapivell (el —) (el Clapí Vell) [mountain in Catalonia]
Clot de l'Arç (el —) [place in Catalonia]
cock, chicken
Coll de la Torre (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Colldejou [place and homonymous mountain in Catalonia]
colours of the moon (red, yellow, etc.)
Coma (la —) [Catalonia]
Constatin (¿Constantim?) [Portugal]
Cope [cape in Murcia]
Cordelera (La —) [place in the coast of Gijón, Asturias]
Córdoba [city in Andalusia]
Cornac (Cournac) [place in the Department of Lot, Occitania]
Corneja (valle de —) [valley in the province of Ávila]
Coruña, Cruña (A —) [city in Galicia]
Cotiella [mountain in Aragon]
Cotovellosu [mountain in Asturias]
Coulègno (Colenha) [mountain near Colognac, in the Department of le Gard]
Courío [mountain in Asturias]
Couta (a —) [Asturias]
Cova (de Monserrat) (la —) [Catalonia]
Cova Santa (la —) [place in the province of Castellón]
Coveta (la —) [place near Campo, province of Huesca]
craftiness, astuteness
Crasta Mora [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
crescent or waxing moon
crested lark
Cruz (La —) [hill, in the province of Ávila]
Cuana [mountain in Asturias]
Cuba (d)e Rota (La —), El Perro de Rota [cave in Rota, Andalusia]
Cucalón [place in the province of Teruel]
Cudillero [place in Asturias]
Cudrial [place in the province of Badajoz]
Cué [place in Asturias]
Cuera (El —) [mountain range in Asturias]
Cueva Galana [crag in Pola de Somiedo, Asturias]
Cumar Barla (fuora da —) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Curota (A —) [mountain in Galicia]
Curotiña (A —) [mountain in Galicia]
Curun (Italian and German, Curon) [place in the province of Bolzano, Italy; in the border with Engadine (Switzerland) and Austria]
Daganzo [place near Madrid]
Daimiel [place in the province of Ciudad Real]
Daint (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Danuder (German, Nauders) [place in Tirol, Austria, in the border with Switzerland]
Dé dè Myédzo (La —) (Francoprovençal), la Dent-du-Midi (French) [mountain in Suisse Romande]
Dent d'Oche (la —) [peak in Haute-Savoye, France, in the border with Switzerland]
Dôle (pointe de la —) [peak in Switzerland, in the border with France]
Dourdougno (la —) (La Dordonha; French, Dordogne) [French Department; also river name]
Douro, Duero [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
dove, pigeon
dry hands
Duan (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
dung, dunghill, to fertilize
Dzaman (in French, Jaman) [mountain in Switzerland]
Ebro [Spanish], Ebre [Catalan] [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
eccentric character
Écija [place in the province of Seville]
eggs (of a hen)
Egoual / Augal (l'—) (French L'Aigoual) [mountain in the Cévennes]
Empordà (l'—) [area of Catalonia]
Engadina (Romansh, Engiadina) [valley in the Canton of Grisons, Switzerland]
Enu [place in Asturias]
Epitaillet (l'—) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Erata [mountain in Aragon]
Erau (l'—) (French, Hérault) [river in Occitania]
Erin (Francoprovençal), Hérens (French) [mountain in Suisse Romande]
Escaladei [place in Catalonia]
Esgueira [place in Portugal]
Esparreguera (Spanish, Esparraguera) [place in Catalonia]
Espasa (La —) [beach in Asturias]
Espina [place in Asturias]
Espluga de Toledo (la —) [place in the province of Huesca]
Estany (l' —) [place in Catalonia]
Estany Tort (l'—) [lake near l'Ametlla de Mar, place in Catalonia]
Estela [summit in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Estella [place in Navarre]
Estepa [mountain range in the province of Seville]
Estoupo (El —) [mountain in Asturias]
Etroble, Étroubles [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
fair, market
Faja (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Fajo (La —), La Faja [name of several places in Occitania]
Fanalar (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Fanlo [place in Aragon]
Farelo (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Faro (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Fâva (a —) (Francoprovençal), la Fava (French) [mountain in Suisse Romande]
Feira (Vila da —; Santa Maria da —) [place in Portugal]
Ferrol [place in Galicia]
fertile plain
Fex [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
fig, fig-tree
fir tree
fire shovel
fish, fishing, fishermen [sea or river]
flock, herd
flowers, to flower
fly, blowfly, mosquito
flying ant
Fogars [place in Catalonia]
Foissenc [region around the town of Foix, department of Ariège]
Follatères (les —) [place in Valais, Switzerland]
Font dels Monjos (la —) [spring near Marganell, Bages, Catalonia]
Font-rubí [place in Catalonia]
Fora (Piz —) [peak in the border between Switzerland and Italy]
Força Real [place near the mountains of les Corberes]
Forniello (El —) [Asturias]
Forquita (Picu la —) [peak in Asturias]
fox, vixen
Frailes (Los —) [mountains in the province of Almería]
Franqueira (A —) [sanctuary in Galicia]
Frantellone (Lombard, Frantalùn) [peak in Poschiavo, Grisons, Switzerland]
Fu (El —) [mountain in the province of Soria]
Fuen Jordana (La —) [spring in Ramastué, in the Valley of Benasque, Huesca]
Fuerteventura [one of the Canary Islands]
full moon
full, satiated
Furadía (La —) [mountain in Asturias]
fury, furious
gabán, gabbano 'overcoat', cognates and derivatives
Gabàs [Gabás, place in the Valley of Benasque]
Galirón [mountain in the province of Huesca]
Gandarío [beach in Bergondo, Galicia]
Garamanchón (El —) [mountain pass in Asturias]
Gargocha (a —) [Aragon]
Garlaban [mountain in the Department of Bouches-du-Rhône]
Gasconeta [diminutive for Gascony]
Gavarres (les —) [area of Catalonia]
Gave (de Pau) [Occitan river]
Gave [name of several rivers in the Pyrénées of Gascogny]
Generus (Italian, il Generoso) [mountain in Ticino, Switzerland]
Gilico [mountain in the province of Jaén]
Ginestars [place in département Aude, Occitania]
Gomera (La—) [hill near Osuna, province Seville]
good omen
Gotina (la —) [mountain in the Department of Aude]
Gotinas (las —) [place in the Department of Aude, Occitania]
Goza (Francoproveçal), Gourze (French) [tower in Riex, Canton Vaud, Suisse Romande]
Gozón [municipality in Asturias]
Granada [city in Andalusia]
Gratal [peak in the mountain range of Guara, in Aragon]
Grausat (Pueg d'en —) [mountain in the Department of Corrèze, Occitania]
Grazalema [place in the province of Cádiz]
great bustard
greed, avarice
Gresas (Grèzes) [place near Carcassonne, Occitania]
Griega (La —) [beach in Asturias]
Grimola [Montnegre,[mountain in Catalonia]
Grischun [Grisons, Canton of Switzerland]
Groba (A —) [mountain range in the province of Pontevedra, Galicia]
ground, soil
Guadalcanal [place in the province of Seville]
Guadalquivir [river in Andalusia]
Guadarrama (El —) [mountain range to the north of Madrid]
Guadiana [Menor] [river in Andalusia, tributary of Guadalquivir]
Guadiana [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
Guara [mountain range in the province of Huesca, Aragón]
Güera, Buera [place in Aragon]
Güimar [place in Tenerife, Canary Islands]
gully, ravine
Gurlaina [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
half-burnt log
halo of the moon
hare, rabbit
Herbón [place in Galicia]
Herrera (del Duque) [place in the province of Badajoz]
Herrèra (French, Herrère) [place in the Bearn, Occitania]
Higa [de Monreal] (La —) [mountain in Navarre]
Hontejas [crags in Calatayud, in the province of Zaragoza]
horse, mare
horsefly, gadfly
Huelma [place in the province of Jaén]
Ichaus (Issaus o Ishaus) [place in the Department of Pyrénées Atlantiques]
Igueste [place in Tenerife, Canary Islands]
ilex, holm oak
ill, illness
Illeiretta, Llieiretta [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
impertinent, insolent character
Infiestu (L'Infiestu; Spanish, Infiesto) [place in Asturias]
Inn (Romansh, En) [river in Engadine, tributary of Danube]
irrigation, to irrigate
Irta [mountain range in the province of Castellón]
Isleta (La —) [little peninsula of Gran Canaria, Canay Islands]
Izaga [crag in Navarre]
Jabalcón [mountain in Andalusia]
Jabalcuz (El —) [mountain range in Andalusia]
Jaén [city in Andalucía, Spain]
Jerez (de la Frontera) [place in the province of Cádiz]
Jerez (de los Caballeros) [place in the province of Badajoz]
jokes, platitudes
Joux (la —) [valley in Suisse Romande]
Jura [mountain range in Switzerland]
killer whale
kinship: brothers and sisters (siblings)
kinship: children
kinship: cousins
kinship: daughter-in-law
kinship: fathers
kinship: godfathers
kinship: godfathers
kinship: godmothers
kinship: godmothers
kinship: husband
kinship: mothers
kinship: mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law
kinship: son-in-law
kinship: stepmothers
kinship: widows
kinship: wife
La Parra [place in the province of Badajoz]
La Serra [place in the Department of Corrèze, Occitania]
Labaco [place in the province of Huesca]
Labán (Piz —), (German, Schmalzkopf) [peak in Tirol, Austria]
Lagarda (La Garda) [place in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
Lai Nair [lake in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
lake, lagoon
lambs [and related terms for the male of ovine cattle]
Langreo [place in Asturias]
Lanzada (A —) [beach in O Grove, Pontevedra, Galicia]
larch tree
Laric (or Alaric) [mountain in the Department of Aude]
Larón (Llarón) [place in Asturias]
Las Crotos [place name in Occitania]
Las Parras (de Castellote) [place in the province of Teruel]
Latín (El —), Natín, created by folk etymology from the name Aznaitín [mountain in the province of Jaén]
Lausero (Losera) (French, Lozère) [mountain range in Occitania]
Lavedan (Labedà) [area of Gascogny, Occitania]
Lavèr [valley in Engadin, Grisons, Switzerland]
Layos [mountain range in the province of Toledo]
Lebrija [place in the province of Seville]
Ledesma [place in the province of Salamanca]
Lemosin, Limosin (French, Limousin) [region in Occitania]
León [city in Spain]
Lezina [Lecina, place in Aragon]
lie, to lie
Lirou (Liron) [mountain near Colognac, in the Department of le Gard]
Lischana [peak and glacier of Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
little owl, owl
Llacuna (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Llançà [place in Catalonia]
Llanes [place in Asturias]
Llanos (de Somerón) [place in Asturias]
Lloroza [mountain on the border of Cantabria and Asturias]
Lluçà [place in Catalonia]
Lobier (còth de —) [hill in the Bearn, Occitania]
Lora (de Estepa) [place in the province of Seville]
Lugo [city and province of Galicia]
Lumías [place in the province of Soria]
lunar eclipse
Lunghin (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Luque [place in the province of Córdoba]
Macastre [place in the province of Valencia]
Maccarese [place near Rome]
Madalena (La —) [mountain in Asturias]
Madalena (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Madrid [capital city of Spain]
Magalouno [Magalona, place in Languedoc]
maize, corn [US]
Málaga [city in Andalucía, Spain]
Malagón [place in the province of Ciudad Real]
Mallorca [Majorca, Balearic Islands]
Malniu [hill in Catalonia]
Maloja (Engadin, Malögia) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Mamisan (French, Mimizan) [place in the Department of the Landes, Occitania]
Maó (Spanish, Mahón) [place in Menorca, Balearic Islands]
Maraña [place in León, beside Asturias]
Maravio (Marabiu) [mountain pass in Asturias]
Marcó (el Mas de —) [place in Catalonia]
Mare de Déu de Queralt (la —) [sanctuary in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Mariane (Mont —) (Italian, Monte Amariana) [mountain in Friuli]
Marsiho (Marselha; French, Marseille) [city of Provence, Occitania]
Martinsonero pasture in the province of Badajoz]
Martorella (la —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Marufe (Merufe) [place in Portugal, near Galicia]
Matas (¿Matos?) [place in the province of Guadalajara]
Meira [place and mountain range in Galicia]
mercy, mercilessness
Mérida [city in Extremadura]
Merón [beach in Asturias]
Mesquita (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Messina [place in Sicily, Italy]
Mieres [place in Asturias]
mill, miller, milling
Mingoyo (Mengoyo) [place in Asturias]
Miño, Minho [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
Mirabel [place in the province of Cáceres]
Miranda (monte —) [mountain in Galicia]
Miravet [place in the area of la Ribera de Ebro, Catalonia]
Miravete [peak in Asturias]
mistle thrush
Mitgel (Piz —) [peak in Grisons, Switzerland]
Mohías, Moías [place and beach in Asturias]
Mola (la —) [name given to various mountains in Catalonia]
Moncau (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Moncayo [mountain between the provinces of Zaragoza (of Aragon] and Soria (Castile)]
Mondigo [mountain in eastern Lugo]
Monforte [place in Galicia]
Monjardín [mountain near Estella, Navarre]
Monlora [monastery in the province of Zaragoza]
Monrondio (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
Monsaraz [place in Portugal]
Mont (el —) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Mont Blanc [mountain in the Alps]
Mont Chavalard (le —) [mountain in Valais, Switzerland]
Mont di Maj [mountain in Friuli]
Mont-Cau (Occitan, Montcauv; French, Mont Chauve) [mountain near Nice, Occitania]
Montalban (French, Montauban) [city in the departement of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
Montalt (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Montalvo (El —) [hill in the province of Salamanca]
Montán [place in Galicia]
Montarnaud [place in the Department of Hérault, Occitania]
Montau (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Montaut, Mount-Aut [oronym and village in the Rasés, in the department of Aude]
Montcorbisson [mountain in the Valley of Aran]
Monte Gargàne [Gargano] (mountain of Puglia, Italy)
Monte Lloy [mountain in Asturias]
Monte Louro, Montelouro [mountain in the province of Corunna, Galicia]
Monte Mayor [mountain in the province of Málaga]
Monte Minerva [mountain in Villanova Monteleone, Sassari, Sardinia]
Monte Rasu [mountain in Bottidda, Sassari, Sardinia]
Monte Sanctu [mountain in Siligo, Sassari, Sardinia]
Montegil [mountain in the province of Seville]
Montejurra [mountain in Navarre]
Montgó [mountain in the province of Alicante]
Montgròs [mountain in the range of Montserrat, Catalonia]
Montjuïc [mountain in Barcelona]
Montllorer [mountain in Catalonia]
Montmell (el —) [place and mountain in Catalonia]
Montnegre [mountain in Catalonia]
Montosa [mountain in Aragon]
Montsant (el Montsant) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Montsec (el —) [mountain range in the border between Catalonia and Aragon]
Montseny (el —) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Montserrat [mountain range in Catalonia]
Montsià [mountain range in southern Catalonia]
Montsianell [mountain range in Catalonia]
Monzón [place in Aragon]
Morella [place in the area of els Ports, in the province of Castellón]
Morera (la —) (la Morera de Montsant) [place in Catalonia]
Morlans (Morlaas) [place in the Bearn, Occitania]
Morón (Spanish name for Mourão) [place in Portugal]
Morón, Morón de la Frontera [place in the province of Seville]
Morrell (lo —) [place in the catalan coast, near Mataró]
Morvedre (Murviedro, Murviedre) [place in the province of Valencia]
Mosca (la —) [mountain range in the province of Cáceres]
Mot da set Mezdis (il —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Motélon [valley in Suisse Romande]
Mount Ventour (Lo Mont Ventor; French, Mont Ventoux) [mountain between Provence and Dauphiné]
Mountagno-Negro (Montanha Negra) [mountain in Occitania]
mountain pass
mountain range
mouse, rat
Moutas (picu de —) (pico Pedrorio) [peak in Asturias]
Mundeis [mountain in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Mundin [valley and peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Muntafun (German, Montafon) [valley in Vorarlberg, Tirol, Austria]
Murta (la —) [mountain range in the province of Valencia]
Muxía [place in Galicia]
Nambroca [place in the province of Toledo]
Naranco (El —) [mountain in Asturias]
Narbonne (Narbouno, according to Frederic Mistral's spelling) [city in Occitania]
Natison (il —) [river in Friuli]
Navia [place in Asturias]
neck, throat
Neira [de Rey] [Galicia]
Ñera (La —) [beach in Asturias]
new moon
Nòra, Noro (French, Nore) [mountain in the area of Narbonne]
Noreña [place in Asturias]
Nudigls [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
oak-tree, oak grove
Ocaña [place in the province of Toledo]
oil lamp, candle
oil, olive, olive tree
old age, old, old woman
Oleiro [coastal area, Asturias]
Olot [place in Catalonia]
Olt (Òlt; French, Lot) [river in Occitania]
Omaña [area of the province of León]
Ons [islands in Galicia]
Oración (la —) [well in Poo de Cabrales, Asturias]
Ordás [Somontano, Aragon]
Ordet [mountain in Catalonia]
Oreña [cave in Cantabria]
Orhi [peak in Navarre]
Orihuela [place in the province of Alicante]
Ormonts (Les —) [valley in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland]
Ortigueira [place in Galicia]
Oseira [place and monastery in Galicia]
other "spoken" proverbs
Otoyo [mountain in Biscay, Basque Land]
Ourense (Spanish, Orense) [city and province of Galicia]
Ovar [place in Portugal]
Oviedo [capital city of Asturias]
Padrón [place in Galicia]
Pajares [mountain pass between Asturias and León]
Palermo [place in Sicily, Italy]
Pallars (el —) (Occitan, Palhars) [area of Catalonia]
palm tree
Palombera (La —) [mountain pass in Asturias]
Pamplona [capital city of Navarre]
Pandera (La —) [mountain range in Andalusia]
Pando [mountain in Asturias]
Panillo [place in the province of Huesca]
Panxón [beach in Galicia]
Parapanda [mountain range in the province of Granada]
Paris [capital city of France]
Parizòt (Parizòt) [place in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
parts of a ship (anchor, rudder, sails, etc.)
Pau [town in Bearn, Occitania]
Pedraforca (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Pedregar (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Pedroveya [place in Asturias]
Peguera (els Rasos de —) [open countries, place in Catalonia]
Pelitrón (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
pelliza 'fur jacket', cognates and derivatives
Pellota (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Pena (French, Penne) [place in Occitania]
Peña (La —) [mountain in the province of León]
Peñamayor [mountain in Asturias]
Peñapalomera [mountain in the province of Teruel]
Pení (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Penso [place in Portugal]
Penyagatos [strait along the river Ebro]
Penyagolosa [mountain in the province of Castellón]
Penyíscola (normative Catalan, Peníscola) [place in the area of el Baix Maestrat, province of Castellón]
Pereda [place in Asturias]
personification (in general)
Pesells (els —) [place in Catalonia]
phases of the moon (in general)
phases of the moon (waxing and waning)
Pi Gros (el —) [place in the province of Castellón]
Pico Sacro / Sagro (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Picossa (la —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Picotes (Los —) [place in the province of Teruel]
Pierzu (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
Pina (de Ebro) [place in Aragon]
pine-tree, pine wood, pine-cone
Pinzan [Friuli]
Pisoc (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Pittinuri [place in Sardinia]
Plá de Ginebret (el) [Pla de Ginebret, place in Catalonia, without specification]
Plan [place in Aragon]
plants (in general)
Plattamala [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Plaz [forest and meadows in Bever, Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
plum, plum tree
Pobla (la —), la Pobla de Lillet [place in Catalonia]
Poncione di Pesciora [peak between the Cantons of Ticino, Uri and Valais, Switzerland]
Pontes (As —) (As Pontes de García Rodríguez) [place in Galicia]
Port del Comte (el —) [mountain pass in Catalonia]
Port(s) [el(s) —] [mountain range between Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia]
Portiellu (El —) [place in Asturias]
Porto (el —) [unidentified place in western Asturias, probably el Puerto de Connio]
Portomarín [place in Galicia]
Portopí [quarter in Palma de Mallorca harbour, Balearic Islands]
Prades [place in Catalonia]
Pravia [place in Asturias]
prefigurement of time and weather
Pría [place in Asturias]
Puèg la Ròca (French, Puylaroque) [place in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
Puget (serre del —) [mountain range in Occitania]
Pugghie (Italian, Puglia) [Apulia, area of Italy]
Puig (el —) [mountain near Paüls, place in the area of Baix Ebre]
Puig d'en Cama (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig d'en Pla (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Puig de Montagut (lo—) [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig Dui [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig Gros [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig-Reig [place in Catalonia]
Puigsobirà [mountain in Solsonès, Catalonia]
pulses, green vegetables
Punteglias (Piz —) [peak in Surselva, Grisons, Switzerland]
Puòg de Sent Lop (or Pic Saint-Loup) [peak near Montpellier]
Purón [place in Asturias]
Puyarcón [mountain in Aragon]
Pyanfayon, Plyanfayon (Francoprovençal), Planfayon (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
Quero [place in the province of Toledo]
Querol [place in Catalonia]
Ramosch and variants [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ranc de Bonos [place name in Occitania]
Rasés [old county of upper Languedoc]
Rasón (El —), El Rasoncín [Asturias]
Rasquera [place in Catalonia]
Ravera (alp —) [summer pasture in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Rebellón [place in Asturias]
Rebentin (Rebentí, Rebenti; French, Rabenty) [river, tributary of the Aude, Occitania]
Redent [province of Huesca]
Rein (in Romansh; German, Rhein) [European river]
Remolar [lagoon in the Llobregat Delta, Catalonia]
Resch [mountain pass between Austria and Italy]
Restelo [place near Lisbon, Portugal]
Riba (l'Estret de la —) [strait of the river Francolí, Alt Camp, Catalonia]
Ribeiro (O —) [area of Galicia]
Ribera (la —) (la Ribera d'Ebre) [area of Catalonia]
Ricau [peak in Asturias]
Ridaura [place in Catalonia]
Riells [place in Catalonia]
Rims [lake in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ríosalido [place in the province of Guadalajara]
Riquisuelu [beach in Asturias]
river, flood, watercourse
road, lane
Roca (Cabo da —) [cape in Portugal]
Roca d'en Pla (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Rocabo [stream in Cangas de Narcea, Asturias]
Rocacorba [mountain in Catalonia]
Rocanys [mountain eastwards from l'Aleixar, Catalonia]
Rodés (Roudez; French, Rodez) [place in the Department of Avairon, Occitania]
Roja (picu de la —) [peak in Asturias]
Roldán (El —) [mountain in Murcia]
Rome [capital city of Italy]
Ronda [place in the province of Málaga]
rook, crow
rose, rose bush
Róss (Italian, Russi) [place in the province of Ravenna, Italy]
Rota [place in the province of Cádiz]
Roullens (Occitan, Rolencs) [place in the Department of Aude]
Rouno (Francoprovençal; French, Rhône) [European river]
Roussillon (Roussilhou, according to Frederic Mistral's spelling) [area of Catalonia under French administration]
Ruinains (Val —) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Rune (French, Runaz) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Sagàs [place in Catalonia]
Salàs [place name in Catalonia]
Salga Aguda [mountain in Catalonia]
Salmoriera (La —) [coast in Asturias]
Salou [place in Catalonia]
Saluver (la val —) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Samagnun (German, Samnaun) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Samouco (O —) [place in Portugal]
San Antolín [place in Asturias]
San Benito [hill in Madrid]
San Cristóbal [mountain in Navarre]
San Ginés [mountain in the province of Teruel]
San José [mountain range in Extremadura]
San Lorenzo (del Escorial) [place near Madrid]
San Nicolás [place in the province of Huesca]
San Pascual [place in the province of Alicante]
San Pedro [hermitage near Graus, in the province of Huesca]
San Pedro [hill in Madrid]
San Pietro [St. Peter's Basilica, Rome]
Sanmelar, Pico Samelar [peak in Cantabria]
Sant Boi [place in Catalonia]
Sant Ferriol [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Gregori [hermitage in Catalonia]
Sant Gregori [hermitage in Catalonia]
Sant Isidre [hermitage in La Quar, Berguedà, Catalonia]
Sant Joan (Despí) [place in Catalonia]
Sant Julià de Ramis [place in Catalonia]
Sant Julià [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Magí (de la Brufaganya) [sanctuary in La Conca de Barberà, Catalonia]
Sant Magí [place in Catalonia]
Sant Martin (Sant Martin le Vièlh?) [place in Occitania]
Sant Mateu [mountain and mountain range in Catalonia]
Sant Miquel (de Montclar) [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Pere (de Roda) [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Pere Màrtir [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Quintí (de Mediona) [place in Catalonia]
Sant Ramon [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Salvador (de la Vedella) [monastery in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Sant'Ana, Santa Ana [hermitage in Asturias]
Sant-Pous [?] [Occitania]
Santa Bàrbara [hermitage in La Selva, Catalonia]
Santa Bàrbara [mountain in Catalonia]
Santa Cristina [mountain in Asturias]
Santa Gadía [place in Asturias]
Santa Helena [mountain in Catalonia]
Santa María [island in the archipelago Azores]
Santa María [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Santa Tecla [mountain in Galicia]
Santa Valièira [place in département Aude, Occitania]
Santiago (de Compostela) [capital city of Galicia]
Santillana [¿Santillana del Mar?,Cantabria]
Santo Ventùri (normative Occitan, Santa Venturi; French, Sainte-Victoire) [mountain near Aix-en-Provence, France]
Sarral [place in Catalonia]
Sarrués [place in upper Aragon]
Sasa (el —) [mountain in the province of Huesca]
sayo 'overcoat', cognates and derivatives
Sclavanîe, Slavonie [Friulian-speaking areas, in Friulian]
Scopi (Piz —) [peak in the border between Ticino and Grisons, Switzerland]
scops owl
scrub, scrubland
Scuol [valley and place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
sea spider
seaport, harbour
Sebastopol [place in the Ukraine]
Segarra (la —) [area of Catalonia]
Segre (el —) [river in Catalonia]
Seloriu [place in Asturias]
Serantes [mountain in Biscay, Basque Land]
Serllé [in "benasqués"], Cerler [place in the Valley of Benasque, Huesca]
Serra de Cavalls (la —) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Serra Morena [mountain range in Catalonia]
Sestolorro [mountain in Asturias]
Sevil [place in Aragon]
Sevilla [city in Andalusia]
ship, boat
Sierra Gorda (La —) [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Sierra Morena [mountain range in Andalusia]
Siman, ol Simágn (Italian, il Simano) [mountain in Ticino, Switzerland]
Sisargas [islands in Galicia]
Sitges [place in Catalonia]
small (in size)
Son (O —), Porto do Son [seaport, Galicia]
Soria [town in Castile]
Sosorito [mountain in Aragon]
Sotonera (A —) [place in the area of Somontano, Aragon]
sowing, seed
spider's web
Stevron (French, Chevron) [mountain in Savoy, France]
stones, rocks, crags
Straits of Gibraltar
straw, straw loft
Sueve (El —) [mountain in Asturias]
Sui [hill in the Montseny range, Catalonia]
summit, peak, hill and the like
sunny spot
Superga [mountain near Torino, Italy]
Susch [place and valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
swell, heavy sea
Tajo [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
Talrà [mountain in Catalonia]
Tarrén [place in Aragon]
Tavertet [place in Catalonia]
Tavò and variants (Romansh), Davos (German) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Tchumon (Francoprovençal), Chaumont (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
Teide (El —) [mountain in Tenerife, Canary Islands]
Tenrero [beach in Asturias]
Testa (La —) [mountain in the province of Almería]
The Pyrenees [mountain range]
The Virgin
threshing floor
Tibidabo (el —) [mountain in Barcelona]
Tiñosa (La —) [mountain range in the province of Córdoba]
Tirajana, Tirijana [mountain in Gran Canaria]
Tito (el —) [mountain in Aragon]
to be born
to be cynical
to be quiet
to be sleepy
to buy, to sell
to cry, weep
to dance
to die
to disguise oneself
to doubt
to dress
to drink
to eat
to get up
to get up early
to give
to go to bed
to go up, to go down
to grumble
to hear [sounds as meteorological signs]
to hunt, hunter
to hurry
to injure
to jump
to kill
to kiss
to laugh, happiness
to live, to revive, to resurrect
to look
to make peace
to marry
to mock
to piss
to play
to plough; plough
to roar
to run
to say, tell
to see
to see [as meteorological sign]
to shout, to shriek
to sing
to smell [as meteorological sign]
to snore
to speak, talk
to spin
to sweat
to swimm
to take a bath
to take revenge, vengeance
to tame
to tickle
to tremble
to wake up
to walk
to wash (clothes), washing place
to work
to wrap up, warm clothes
Toledo [city of Spain]
Tolivia [place in Asturias]
Tordera (el/la —) [river in Catalonia]
Torizon [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Toro (el —) [mountain in Menorca, Balearic Islands]
Toro [place in the province of Zamora]
Torres (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
Tortosa [place in Catalonia]
Tossa (la —) [hill near Alfara, place in Catalonia]
Tossal (el —) [hill in the province of Alicante]
traitor, treason
Trauc de Madama [place in the Department of Aude]
Trençan (Treçan, Tressan) [place in the Department of Hérault, Occitania]
Tres Collets (els —) [mountain pass in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Trient [ravine, narrow pass, in Valais, Switzerland]
true service tree
Trueire [river in Gavaudan, tributary of the Lot, Occitania]
Tsateillon (French, Châtillon) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Tschütt or Tschütta (Piz —) (German, Stammerspitze) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Tumpiv (Piz —) [peak in the Glarus Alps, Switzerland]
Turb [mountain in Catalonia]
Turbón (El —) [mountain in the province of Huesca]
turn over
turnip, turnip patch
Turó d'en Torres (el —) [hill in Catalonia]
Turón [place in Asturias]
Úbeda [place in the province of Jaén]
Ubiña (peña —) [mountain in Asturias]
Učka [mountain range in Istria]
Uina, fuora d'Uina [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ulla (A —) [area and river of Galicia]
unirrigated land
Urban (Lei Baumas de Venisa; French, Beaumes-de-Venise) [place in the Department of Vaucluse, Provence]
Ures [place in the province of Guadalajara]
Urriellu [peak in Asturias]
Vacamorta [place in Catalonia]
Vacivèr, Bacivèr, Baciver [place name of several of pastures in the Pyrenees, in northeastern Aragon and northwestern Catalonia]
Val (alp—) [summer pasture in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Val d'Aran (Era —), Era Val d'Arann [Valley of Aran, Pyrenees]
Val Müsella [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Valais (Le —) (Francoprovençal, Valéi, Valai and variants) [canton of Switzerland]
Valencia (Catalan, València) [town in Eastern Spain]
Valfrío [place in the province of Segovia]
Valladolid [city in Spain]
Vallbona [place in Catalonia]
Valldebous [gully/ravine in Montsià, Catalonia]
Vallès (el —) [area of Catalonia]
Valtellina (Engadin, Vuclina; German, Veltlin) [valley in Lombardy, Italy; in the border with Switzerland]
Van-né (le —) (Francoprovençal), le Vanel (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
various shapes and aspects of the moon
vegetable garden
Veiga (A —) [Vegadeo, place in western Asturias]
Vendrell (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Ventana [mountain pass in Asturias]
Ventaniella [mountain pass in Asturias]
Vertosan [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Vesubio [Mount Vesuvius, volcano by Napoli, Italy]
Vevè, Vevâi and variants (Francoprovençal), Vevey (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
Vic [place in Catalonia]
Vidrà [place in Catalonia]
Vilaller [place in Catalonia]; Vidallèr [Benasquese]
vile, vileness
Villalba (Galician, Vilalba) [place in Galicia]
Villalgordo [pasture in the province of Badajoz]
Villanueva (del Fresno) [place in the province of Badajoz]
Villuerca[s] (La[s] —) [mountain range in Extremadura]
Viluorna [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Vinaixa [place in the area of les Garrigues, Catalonia]
vineyard, grape-harvesting and wine
Viseu [place in Portugal]
Vodíţe (in Croatian, Vodice) [place in Istria]
Voirons (les —) [mountain in Haute-Savoie, France, in the border with Switzerland]
walnut, walnut-tree, walnut grove
waning moon
weather vane
wood, timber
Xagón [beach in Asturias]
Xallo, Xalo (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Xerru (El —) [sheepfold in Ventaniella pass, Asturias]
Xerta [place in the area of la Ribera de Ebro, Catalonia]
Xixón (Spanish, Gijón) [place in Asturias]
Yeba [place in Aragon]
Yebra (Yebra de Basa) [place in Aragon]
Yosa (Yosa de Sobremonte) [place in the province of Huesca]
young man
youth, youthful
Zafra [place in Extremadura]
Zanganillo (El —) [stream in the province of Badajoz]
Zulema (la cuesta —) [place in Alcalá de Henares, province of Madrid]
Zuort [country house in Val Sinestra, Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
"spoken" proverbs betwwen the humman being and the months
advice about protective clothing
animals (excluding grazing types)
cardinal points
elements of everyday life
grazing animals, cattle, cattle rearing / livestock raising
jokes, platitudes
other "spoken" proverbs
personification and the like
place names [in italics]
plant kingdom (signs and variable aspects)
prefigurement of time and weather
"horns" of the moon
"spoken" proverbs involving a peasant
"spoken" proverbs involving a shepherd
"spoken" proverbs involving an old woman
"spoken" proverbs not including a human being
Ablanarina (La —) [place in Asturias]
Ador (French, Adour) [river in Occitania]
advice about protective clothing
Ajalvir [place near Madrid]
Ajoie [area of the Canton of Jura, Switzerland]
Alagna, Aloagna [town and valley in the province of Vercelli, Italy]
Alba [place on the coast of Galicia]
Albi (l'—) [place in Catalonia]
Albufera (l'—) (Spanish, La Albufera) [province of Alicante]
Alcalá (de Henares) [place in the province of Madrid]
Alcaraz [place in the province of Albacete]
Alcarràs [place in Catalonia]
Alcoi (riu d'—) [also called Serpis; river in the province of Alicante]
Aldehuela (La —) [place in the province of Ávila]
Alès [place in the Department of Gard]
Almatret [place in Catalonia]
Almenara (La —) [peak in the province of Albacete]
almond, almond tree
alpe o alpage 'summer pasture' cognates and derivatives
Alpes (Les —) [English, The Alps; European mountain range]
Altarrasa (La —) [little tableland in Navarre]
Alvra (Piz d'—) (German, Albula) [peak and mountain range in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ambrusèit (l'—) [Friuli]
Amd'Ursigna (fuora da l'—) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ancares [area of the province of León]
Andalusia [region in the south of Spain]
Andilla [place in the province of Valencia]
angel, angels
anger, angry
Anillo [mountain range in the province of Jaén]
animalization [tails, etc.]
animals, small animals
Ansar (còth d'—) [hill in the Bearn, Occitania]
Aosta, Ôchta, Euta [place in Italy]
apple-tree, apple
Aragon (Spanish, Aragón; Catalan, Aragó) [region in northern Spain]
Aramo/Aramu (L'—) [mountain in Asturias]
Arbeca [place in Catalonia]
Arbo [place in Galicia]
Arbolín (l'—) [peak in Asturias]
Ardila [place in the province of Badajoz]
Ardila [river in the province of Badajoz]
Areta [mountains in Navarre]
Armenteira [mountain in Galicia?]
Arouca [place in Portugal]
Arpetta (l' —) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Arpiglia (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Arquillo (Sierra del —) [mountain range in the province of Cáceres]
Arrajon (Arrajon-Era Hita; en francés, Arrayou-Lahitte) [place in the Department of Hautes-Pyrénées, Occitania]
Arsac (Arzacq) [place in the Department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques]
Artiga de Lin [place in the Valley of Aran]
Artosa (La —) [summit in Asturias]
Artusu (l'Artusu) [Asturias]
Astuera [place in Asturias]
Asturias [region in northern Spain]
Aubens [mountain in Catalonia]
Aude [river in Occitania]
Aulet [place in Accous, in French Accous, in Bearn, Occitania]
Aulet [place in the Department of Pyrénées Atlantiques]
Auloron (Oulourou, Olourou; en francés, Oloron) [place in Occitania]
Aupiho (l'—) [summit of the Lis Aupiho mountain range, near Arles]
Auvèrnhe, Auvèrnha and variants (Occitan); Auvergne (French); Auvernia [region in Occitania]
Avellaneras [Aragon]
Ávila [place in Castile]
Ayamonte [place in the province of Huelva]
bad omen
Bagergue [place in the Valley of Aran]
Baiona (Spanish, Bayona; French, Bayonne) [city in Occitania]
Balaguer [place in the Catalan area of la Noguera]
Balouta [place in the province of León]
Balsareny [place in Catalonia]
bank, beach, shore, riverside
Bans (forêt des —) [wood in Switzerland]
Baragaña (la —) [place in Asturias]
Baraona, Barahona [place in the province of Soria]
Barayo [beach in Asturias]
Barbanza [mountain range in Galicia]
Barcelona [capital city of Catalonia]
Bârdo (in Croatian Brdo) [place in Istria]
Bargas [place in Toledo]
Barguero [mountain in western Asturias]
Barja (French, Barjac) [name of different places, one of them in the Department of le Gard]
barn owl
Baselgia (Munt —) [mountain in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Bassian (eth —) [lake in the Pyrénées]
bee, beehive
Begur [place in Catalonia]
Beira (A —) [region in Portugal]
bell, bell tower
Bellesa (La —), La Vellés [place in the province of Salamanca]
Benzúa (picu —) [Asturias]
Berbería [northern part of Africa]
Bercía [place in Galicia] [?]
Berga [place in Catalonia]
Beringes [mountain in the province of Cáceres]
Bernia, Bèrnia [mountain range in the province of Alicante]
Bernina [mountain range and peak in the Swiss Alps]
Besinauda (Italian, Bisalta) [summit in the Alps of Italy]
Bethlehem [city of Judea, where, according to the Gospel, Christ was born]
Bienservida [crag in the province of Albacete]
Bierzo (El —) [area of Leon]
Biga (la —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Biguera (peña —) [Asturias]
Bilbao [capital city of Biscay, Basque Land]
Bilhó (O —) [place in Portugal]
birds (generic)
Bisbín (Italian, il Bisbino) [mountain in Lombardy, Italy]
blackberry, blackberry bush
Boiraxach [mountain in the province of Huesca]
Bordèu (Bourdèu, Bourdèus; French, Bordeaux; Spanish, Burdeos) [city in Occitania]
Born (el —) (Spanish, el Borne) [quarter in Barcelona]
Borriol [place in the area of la Plana Alta, in the province of Castellón]
Bòsc d'Arròs (Bosdarros) [place in the Department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Bearn, Occitania]
bottom, bump
Braña [valley in Asturias]
Brañamayor [place in Asturias]
Bregaglia (German, Bergell) [Grisons, Switzerland; Lombardy, Italy]
Bressé [mountain in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
bright moon, dark moon
Bugarag (Puèg de —) (Bugarach o Pech de Bugarach) [peak in the Corbières mountains, in the Department of Aude]
Buin (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland; in the border with Voralberg, Austria]
Bundesca (la —) (en italiano, Bondasca) [valley and mountain of Bregaglia, Ticino, Switzerland]
Burela [place in Galicia]
Burgos [place in Castile]
Burguillos [place in Extremadura]
Burón [name of some places around Asturias]
Burriac [mountain in the Catalan area of el Maresme]
Bustelo [place in Galicia]
Ca Ferro Vell [place in Catalonia]
Cabalo (O —) [in Cíes Islands, Galicia]
Cabeza (La —) [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Cabezón (El — de Oro) (Catalan, el Cabeçó (d'Or)) [mountain range in the province of Alicante]
Cabra (la —) [valley in Asturias]
Cabra [place in the province of Córdoba]
Cabrera [mountain in Catalonia]
Cadinell (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Cal Bisbe [place in Catalonia]
Cal Magí [place in Catalonia]
Calar (El —) [mountain in the province of Almería]
Calde [place in Galicia]
Calderina (La —) [mountain range between the provinces of Toledo and Ciudad Real]
Camadra [summit in Canton Ticino, Switzerland]
Camarena [hill in the province of Córdoba]
Camayor [fertile plain in Asturias]
Camp [de Tarragona] (el —) [area of Catalonia]
Campo Maior [place in Portugal]
Campo [place in the province of Huesca]
Camprodon [place in Catalonia]
Can Castellà [place in Catalonia]
Can Parera [place in Catalonia]
Cañajarral (El —) [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Canales (Les —) [place in Asturias]
Canaria (Gran Canaria) [one of the Canary Islands]
Caneiru [place in Asturias]
Canejan [place in the Valley of Aran]
Caneyones [stream in Asturias]
Canigó (el —) (el Canigou according to Mistral's spelling) [mountain in the area of Catalonia under French administration]
Cantabria [region in northern Spain]
Cantal (lo/lou —) (lo Chantau) [mountain in Auvernia]
Cantu Manil [mountain in Asturias]
capa 'cloak', cognates and derivatives
Capiella [palce in Asturias]
capricious caracter
Caravia la Baxa (Spanish, Caravia Baja) [place in Asturias]
Carballal (O —) [place in Galicia]
Carche (El —) (Catalan, el Carxe) [mountain range in Murcia]
Cardó [mountain range in Catalonia]
Carizé [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Carmona [place in the province of Seville]
Carnota [place in Galicia]
carob, carob tree
Carrascoy [mountain range in Murcia]
cart or similar
Casaño [river in Asturias]
Castelfrío [mountain in the province of Teruel]
Castellet [place in Catalonia]
Castellví (de la Marca) [place in Catalonia]
Castellví (de Rosanes) [place in Catalonia]
Castiello (picu —) (Picu Castiellu) [peak in Asturias]
Catllar (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Catogne (le —) [peak in Switzerland, in the Mont Blanc massif]
cauldron, pot
Causse (los Causses) [limestone plateaus in the Massif Central]
cave, shelter
Cebollera (la —) [mountain range in la Rioja]
Cebreiro (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Céllecs, Séllecs [mountain in Catalonia]
Centenera (La —) [place in the province of Jaén]
Cerdanya (la —) [area of Catalonia]
Cervera (de Pisuerga) [place in the province of Palencia]
Cèsse (Cesse) [river, tributary of the Aude, Occitania]
Cetràru (Italian Cetraro) [village in the province of Cosenza]
Ceuta [Spanish city in northern Africa]
Chantada [place in Galicia]
Chanteis (French, Chanteix) [place in the Department of Corrèze, Occitania]
Chapisun (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Charsinom (il Plan —) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Chaux-de-Fonds (la —) [place in the Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland]
chestnut, chestnut tree
Chucena [place in the province of Huelva]
Chucho (el —) [mountain in Navarre]
Cid (el —) [mountain in the province of Alicante]
Clapivell (el —) (el Clapí Vell) [mountain in Catalonia]
Clot de l'Arç (el —) [place in Catalonia]
cock, chicken
Coll de la Torre (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Colldejou [place and homonymous mountain in Catalonia]
colours of the moon (red, yellow, etc.)
Coma (la —) [Catalonia]
Constatin (¿Constantim?) [Portugal]
Cope [cape in Murcia]
Cordelera (La —) [place in the coast of Gijón, Asturias]
Córdoba [city in Andalusia]
Cornac (Cournac) [place in the Department of Lot, Occitania]
Corneja (valle de —) [valley in the province of Ávila]
Coruña, Cruña (A —) [city in Galicia]
Cotiella [mountain in Aragon]
Cotovellosu [mountain in Asturias]
Coulègno (Colenha) [mountain near Colognac, in the Department of le Gard]
Courío [mountain in Asturias]
Couta (a —) [Asturias]
Cova (de Monserrat) (la —) [Catalonia]
Cova Santa (la —) [place in the province of Castellón]
Coveta (la —) [place near Campo, province of Huesca]
craftiness, astuteness
Crasta Mora [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
crescent or waxing moon
crested lark
Cruz (La —) [hill, in the province of Ávila]
Cuana [mountain in Asturias]
Cuba (d)e Rota (La —), El Perro de Rota [cave in Rota, Andalusia]
Cucalón [place in the province of Teruel]
Cudillero [place in Asturias]
Cudrial [place in the province of Badajoz]
Cué [place in Asturias]
Cuera (El —) [mountain range in Asturias]
Cueva Galana [crag in Pola de Somiedo, Asturias]
Cumar Barla (fuora da —) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Curota (A —) [mountain in Galicia]
Curotiña (A —) [mountain in Galicia]
Curun (Italian and German, Curon) [place in the province of Bolzano, Italy; in the border with Engadine (Switzerland) and Austria]
Daganzo [place near Madrid]
Daimiel [place in the province of Ciudad Real]
Daint (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Danuder (German, Nauders) [place in Tirol, Austria, in the border with Switzerland]
Dé dè Myédzo (La —) (Francoprovençal), la Dent-du-Midi (French) [mountain in Suisse Romande]
Dent d'Oche (la —) [peak in Haute-Savoye, France, in the border with Switzerland]
Dôle (pointe de la —) [peak in Switzerland, in the border with France]
Dourdougno (la —) (La Dordonha; French, Dordogne) [French Department; also river name]
Douro, Duero [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
dove, pigeon
dry hands
Duan (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
dung, dunghill, to fertilize
Dzaman (in French, Jaman) [mountain in Switzerland]
Ebro [Spanish], Ebre [Catalan] [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
eccentric character
Écija [place in the province of Seville]
eggs (of a hen)
Egoual / Augal (l'—) (French L'Aigoual) [mountain in the Cévennes]
Empordà (l'—) [area of Catalonia]
Engadina (Romansh, Engiadina) [valley in the Canton of Grisons, Switzerland]
Enu [place in Asturias]
Epitaillet (l'—) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Erata [mountain in Aragon]
Erau (l'—) (French, Hérault) [river in Occitania]
Erin (Francoprovençal), Hérens (French) [mountain in Suisse Romande]
Escaladei [place in Catalonia]
Esgueira [place in Portugal]
Esparreguera (Spanish, Esparraguera) [place in Catalonia]
Espasa (La —) [beach in Asturias]
Espina [place in Asturias]
Espluga de Toledo (la —) [place in the province of Huesca]
Estany (l' —) [place in Catalonia]
Estany Tort (l'—) [lake near l'Ametlla de Mar, place in Catalonia]
Estela [summit in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Estella [place in Navarre]
Estepa [mountain range in the province of Seville]
Estoupo (El —) [mountain in Asturias]
Etroble, Étroubles [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
fair, market
Faja (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Fajo (La —), La Faja [name of several places in Occitania]
Fanalar (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Fanlo [place in Aragon]
Farelo (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Faro (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Fâva (a —) (Francoprovençal), la Fava (French) [mountain in Suisse Romande]
Feira (Vila da —; Santa Maria da —) [place in Portugal]
Ferrol [place in Galicia]
fertile plain
Fex [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
fig, fig-tree
fir tree
fire shovel
fish, fishing, fishermen [sea or river]
flock, herd
flowers, to flower
fly, blowfly, mosquito
flying ant
Fogars [place in Catalonia]
Foissenc [region around the town of Foix, department of Ariège]
Follatères (les —) [place in Valais, Switzerland]
Font dels Monjos (la —) [spring near Marganell, Bages, Catalonia]
Font-rubí [place in Catalonia]
Fora (Piz —) [peak in the border between Switzerland and Italy]
Força Real [place near the mountains of les Corberes]
Forniello (El —) [Asturias]
Forquita (Picu la —) [peak in Asturias]
fox, vixen
Frailes (Los —) [mountains in the province of Almería]
Franqueira (A —) [sanctuary in Galicia]
Frantellone (Lombard, Frantalùn) [peak in Poschiavo, Grisons, Switzerland]
Fu (El —) [mountain in the province of Soria]
Fuen Jordana (La —) [spring in Ramastué, in the Valley of Benasque, Huesca]
Fuerteventura [one of the Canary Islands]
full moon
full, satiated
Furadía (La —) [mountain in Asturias]
fury, furious
gabán, gabbano 'overcoat', cognates and derivatives
Gabàs [Gabás, place in the Valley of Benasque]
Galirón [mountain in the province of Huesca]
Gandarío [beach in Bergondo, Galicia]
Garamanchón (El —) [mountain pass in Asturias]
Gargocha (a —) [Aragon]
Garlaban [mountain in the Department of Bouches-du-Rhône]
Gasconeta [diminutive for Gascony]
Gavarres (les —) [area of Catalonia]
Gave (de Pau) [Occitan river]
Gave [name of several rivers in the Pyrénées of Gascogny]
Generus (Italian, il Generoso) [mountain in Ticino, Switzerland]
Gilico [mountain in the province of Jaén]
Ginestars [place in département Aude, Occitania]
Gomera (La—) [hill near Osuna, province Seville]
good omen
Gotina (la —) [mountain in the Department of Aude]
Gotinas (las —) [place in the Department of Aude, Occitania]
Goza (Francoproveçal), Gourze (French) [tower in Riex, Canton Vaud, Suisse Romande]
Gozón [municipality in Asturias]
Granada [city in Andalusia]
Gratal [peak in the mountain range of Guara, in Aragon]
Grausat (Pueg d'en —) [mountain in the Department of Corrèze, Occitania]
Grazalema [place in the province of Cádiz]
great bustard
greed, avarice
Gresas (Grèzes) [place near Carcassonne, Occitania]
Griega (La —) [beach in Asturias]
Grimola [Montnegre,[mountain in Catalonia]
Grischun [Grisons, Canton of Switzerland]
Groba (A —) [mountain range in the province of Pontevedra, Galicia]
ground, soil
Guadalcanal [place in the province of Seville]
Guadalquivir [river in Andalusia]
Guadarrama (El —) [mountain range to the north of Madrid]
Guadiana [Menor] [river in Andalusia, tributary of Guadalquivir]
Guadiana [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
Guara [mountain range in the province of Huesca, Aragón]
Güera, Buera [place in Aragon]
Güimar [place in Tenerife, Canary Islands]
gully, ravine
Gurlaina [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
half-burnt log
halo of the moon
hare, rabbit
Herbón [place in Galicia]
Herrera (del Duque) [place in the province of Badajoz]
Herrèra (French, Herrère) [place in the Bearn, Occitania]
Higa [de Monreal] (La —) [mountain in Navarre]
Hontejas [crags in Calatayud, in the province of Zaragoza]
horse, mare
horsefly, gadfly
Huelma [place in the province of Jaén]
Ichaus (Issaus o Ishaus) [place in the Department of Pyrénées Atlantiques]
Igueste [place in Tenerife, Canary Islands]
ilex, holm oak
ill, illness
Illeiretta, Llieiretta [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
impertinent, insolent character
Infiestu (L'Infiestu; Spanish, Infiesto) [place in Asturias]
Inn (Romansh, En) [river in Engadine, tributary of Danube]
irrigation, to irrigate
Irta [mountain range in the province of Castellón]
Isleta (La —) [little peninsula of Gran Canaria, Canay Islands]
Izaga [crag in Navarre]
Jabalcón [mountain in Andalusia]
Jabalcuz (El —) [mountain range in Andalusia]
Jaén [city in Andalucía, Spain]
Jerez (de la Frontera) [place in the province of Cádiz]
Jerez (de los Caballeros) [place in the province of Badajoz]
jokes, platitudes
Joux (la —) [valley in Suisse Romande]
Jura [mountain range in Switzerland]
killer whale
kinship: brothers and sisters (siblings)
kinship: children
kinship: cousins
kinship: daughter-in-law
kinship: fathers
kinship: godfathers
kinship: godfathers
kinship: godmothers
kinship: godmothers
kinship: husband
kinship: mothers
kinship: mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law
kinship: son-in-law
kinship: stepmothers
kinship: widows
kinship: wife
La Parra [place in the province of Badajoz]
La Serra [place in the Department of Corrèze, Occitania]
Labaco [place in the province of Huesca]
Labán (Piz —), (German, Schmalzkopf) [peak in Tirol, Austria]
Lagarda (La Garda) [place in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
Lai Nair [lake in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
lake, lagoon
lambs [and related terms for the male of ovine cattle]
Langreo [place in Asturias]
Lanzada (A —) [beach in O Grove, Pontevedra, Galicia]
larch tree
Laric (or Alaric) [mountain in the Department of Aude]
Larón (Llarón) [place in Asturias]
Las Crotos [place name in Occitania]
Las Parras (de Castellote) [place in the province of Teruel]
Latín (El —), Natín, created by folk etymology from the name Aznaitín [mountain in the province of Jaén]
Lausero (Losera) (French, Lozère) [mountain range in Occitania]
Lavedan (Labedà) [area of Gascogny, Occitania]
Lavèr [valley in Engadin, Grisons, Switzerland]
Layos [mountain range in the province of Toledo]
Lebrija [place in the province of Seville]
Ledesma [place in the province of Salamanca]
Lemosin, Limosin (French, Limousin) [region in Occitania]
León [city in Spain]
Lezina [Lecina, place in Aragon]
lie, to lie
Lirou (Liron) [mountain near Colognac, in the Department of le Gard]
Lischana [peak and glacier of Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
little owl, owl
Llacuna (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Llançà [place in Catalonia]
Llanes [place in Asturias]
Llanos (de Somerón) [place in Asturias]
Lloroza [mountain on the border of Cantabria and Asturias]
Lluçà [place in Catalonia]
Lobier (còth de —) [hill in the Bearn, Occitania]
Lora (de Estepa) [place in the province of Seville]
Lugo [city and province of Galicia]
Lumías [place in the province of Soria]
lunar eclipse
Lunghin (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Luque [place in the province of Córdoba]
Macastre [place in the province of Valencia]
Maccarese [place near Rome]
Madalena (La —) [mountain in Asturias]
Madalena (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Madrid [capital city of Spain]
Magalouno [Magalona, place in Languedoc]
maize, corn [US]
Málaga [city in Andalucía, Spain]
Malagón [place in the province of Ciudad Real]
Mallorca [Majorca, Balearic Islands]
Malniu [hill in Catalonia]
Maloja (Engadin, Malögia) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Mamisan (French, Mimizan) [place in the Department of the Landes, Occitania]
Maó (Spanish, Mahón) [place in Menorca, Balearic Islands]
Maraña [place in León, beside Asturias]
Maravio (Marabiu) [mountain pass in Asturias]
Marcó (el Mas de —) [place in Catalonia]
Mare de Déu de Queralt (la —) [sanctuary in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Mariane (Mont —) (Italian, Monte Amariana) [mountain in Friuli]
Marsiho (Marselha; French, Marseille) [city of Provence, Occitania]
Martinsonero pasture in the province of Badajoz]
Martorella (la —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Marufe (Merufe) [place in Portugal, near Galicia]
Matas (¿Matos?) [place in the province of Guadalajara]
Meira [place and mountain range in Galicia]
mercy, mercilessness
Mérida [city in Extremadura]
Merón [beach in Asturias]
Mesquita (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Messina [place in Sicily, Italy]
Mieres [place in Asturias]
mill, miller, milling
Mingoyo (Mengoyo) [place in Asturias]
Miño, Minho [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
Mirabel [place in the province of Cáceres]
Miranda (monte —) [mountain in Galicia]
Miravet [place in the area of la Ribera de Ebro, Catalonia]
Miravete [peak in Asturias]
mistle thrush
Mitgel (Piz —) [peak in Grisons, Switzerland]
Mohías, Moías [place and beach in Asturias]
Mola (la —) [name given to various mountains in Catalonia]
Moncau (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Moncayo [mountain between the provinces of Zaragoza (of Aragon] and Soria (Castile)]
Mondigo [mountain in eastern Lugo]
Monforte [place in Galicia]
Monjardín [mountain near Estella, Navarre]
Monlora [monastery in the province of Zaragoza]
Monrondio (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
Monsaraz [place in Portugal]
Mont (el —) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Mont Blanc [mountain in the Alps]
Mont Chavalard (le —) [mountain in Valais, Switzerland]
Mont di Maj [mountain in Friuli]
Mont-Cau (Occitan, Montcauv; French, Mont Chauve) [mountain near Nice, Occitania]
Montalban (French, Montauban) [city in the departement of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
Montalt (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Montalvo (El —) [hill in the province of Salamanca]
Montán [place in Galicia]
Montarnaud [place in the Department of Hérault, Occitania]
Montau (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Montaut, Mount-Aut [oronym and village in the Rasés, in the department of Aude]
Montcorbisson [mountain in the Valley of Aran]
Monte Gargàne [Gargano] (mountain of Puglia, Italy)
Monte Lloy [mountain in Asturias]
Monte Louro, Montelouro [mountain in the province of Corunna, Galicia]
Monte Mayor [mountain in the province of Málaga]
Monte Minerva [mountain in Villanova Monteleone, Sassari, Sardinia]
Monte Rasu [mountain in Bottidda, Sassari, Sardinia]
Monte Sanctu [mountain in Siligo, Sassari, Sardinia]
Montegil [mountain in the province of Seville]
Montejurra [mountain in Navarre]
Montgó [mountain in the province of Alicante]
Montgròs [mountain in the range of Montserrat, Catalonia]
Montjuïc [mountain in Barcelona]
Montllorer [mountain in Catalonia]
Montmell (el —) [place and mountain in Catalonia]
Montnegre [mountain in Catalonia]
Montosa [mountain in Aragon]
Montsant (el Montsant) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Montsec (el —) [mountain range in the border between Catalonia and Aragon]
Montseny (el —) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Montserrat [mountain range in Catalonia]
Montsià [mountain range in southern Catalonia]
Montsianell [mountain range in Catalonia]
Monzón [place in Aragon]
Morella [place in the area of els Ports, in the province of Castellón]
Morera (la —) (la Morera de Montsant) [place in Catalonia]
Morlans (Morlaas) [place in the Bearn, Occitania]
Morón (Spanish name for Mourão) [place in Portugal]
Morón, Morón de la Frontera [place in the province of Seville]
Morrell (lo —) [place in the catalan coast, near Mataró]
Morvedre (Murviedro, Murviedre) [place in the province of Valencia]
Mosca (la —) [mountain range in the province of Cáceres]
Mot da set Mezdis (il —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Motélon [valley in Suisse Romande]
Mount Ventour (Lo Mont Ventor; French, Mont Ventoux) [mountain between Provence and Dauphiné]
Mountagno-Negro (Montanha Negra) [mountain in Occitania]
mountain pass
mountain range
mouse, rat
Moutas (picu de —) (pico Pedrorio) [peak in Asturias]
Mundeis [mountain in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Mundin [valley and peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Muntafun (German, Montafon) [valley in Vorarlberg, Tirol, Austria]
Murta (la —) [mountain range in the province of Valencia]
Muxía [place in Galicia]
Nambroca [place in the province of Toledo]
Naranco (El —) [mountain in Asturias]
Narbonne (Narbouno, according to Frederic Mistral's spelling) [city in Occitania]
Natison (il —) [river in Friuli]
Navia [place in Asturias]
neck, throat
Neira [de Rey] [Galicia]
Ñera (La —) [beach in Asturias]
new moon
Nòra, Noro (French, Nore) [mountain in the area of Narbonne]
Noreña [place in Asturias]
Nudigls [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
oak-tree, oak grove
Ocaña [place in the province of Toledo]
oil lamp, candle
oil, olive, olive tree
old age, old, old woman
Oleiro [coastal area, Asturias]
Olot [place in Catalonia]
Olt (Òlt; French, Lot) [river in Occitania]
Omaña [area of the province of León]
Ons [islands in Galicia]
Oración (la —) [well in Poo de Cabrales, Asturias]
Ordás [Somontano, Aragon]
Ordet [mountain in Catalonia]
Oreña [cave in Cantabria]
Orhi [peak in Navarre]
Orihuela [place in the province of Alicante]
Ormonts (Les —) [valley in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland]
Ortigueira [place in Galicia]
Oseira [place and monastery in Galicia]
other "spoken" proverbs
Otoyo [mountain in Biscay, Basque Land]
Ourense (Spanish, Orense) [city and province of Galicia]
Ovar [place in Portugal]
Oviedo [capital city of Asturias]
Padrón [place in Galicia]
Pajares [mountain pass between Asturias and León]
Palermo [place in Sicily, Italy]
Pallars (el —) (Occitan, Palhars) [area of Catalonia]
palm tree
Palombera (La —) [mountain pass in Asturias]
Pamplona [capital city of Navarre]
Pandera (La —) [mountain range in Andalusia]
Pando [mountain in Asturias]
Panillo [place in the province of Huesca]
Panxón [beach in Galicia]
Parapanda [mountain range in the province of Granada]
Paris [capital city of France]
Parizòt (Parizòt) [place in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
parts of a ship (anchor, rudder, sails, etc.)
Pau [town in Bearn, Occitania]
Pedraforca (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Pedregar (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Pedroveya [place in Asturias]
Peguera (els Rasos de —) [open countries, place in Catalonia]
Pelitrón (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
pelliza 'fur jacket', cognates and derivatives
Pellota (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Pena (French, Penne) [place in Occitania]
Peña (La —) [mountain in the province of León]
Peñamayor [mountain in Asturias]
Peñapalomera [mountain in the province of Teruel]
Pení (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Penso [place in Portugal]
Penyagatos [strait along the river Ebro]
Penyagolosa [mountain in the province of Castellón]
Penyíscola (normative Catalan, Peníscola) [place in the area of el Baix Maestrat, province of Castellón]
Pereda [place in Asturias]
personification (in general)
Pesells (els —) [place in Catalonia]
phases of the moon (in general)
phases of the moon (waxing and waning)
Pi Gros (el —) [place in the province of Castellón]
Pico Sacro / Sagro (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Picossa (la —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Picotes (Los —) [place in the province of Teruel]
Pierzu (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
Pina (de Ebro) [place in Aragon]
pine-tree, pine wood, pine-cone
Pinzan [Friuli]
Pisoc (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Pittinuri [place in Sardinia]
Plá de Ginebret (el) [Pla de Ginebret, place in Catalonia, without specification]
Plan [place in Aragon]
plants (in general)
Plattamala [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Plaz [forest and meadows in Bever, Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
plum, plum tree
Pobla (la —), la Pobla de Lillet [place in Catalonia]
Poncione di Pesciora [peak between the Cantons of Ticino, Uri and Valais, Switzerland]
Pontes (As —) (As Pontes de García Rodríguez) [place in Galicia]
Port del Comte (el —) [mountain pass in Catalonia]
Port(s) [el(s) —] [mountain range between Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia]
Portiellu (El —) [place in Asturias]
Porto (el —) [unidentified place in western Asturias, probably el Puerto de Connio]
Portomarín [place in Galicia]
Portopí [quarter in Palma de Mallorca harbour, Balearic Islands]
Prades [place in Catalonia]
Pravia [place in Asturias]
prefigurement of time and weather
Pría [place in Asturias]
Puèg la Ròca (French, Puylaroque) [place in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
Puget (serre del —) [mountain range in Occitania]
Pugghie (Italian, Puglia) [Apulia, area of Italy]
Puig (el —) [mountain near Paüls, place in the area of Baix Ebre]
Puig d'en Cama (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig d'en Pla (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Puig de Montagut (lo—) [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig Dui [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig Gros [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig-Reig [place in Catalonia]
Puigsobirà [mountain in Solsonès, Catalonia]
pulses, green vegetables
Punteglias (Piz —) [peak in Surselva, Grisons, Switzerland]
Puòg de Sent Lop (or Pic Saint-Loup) [peak near Montpellier]
Purón [place in Asturias]
Puyarcón [mountain in Aragon]
Pyanfayon, Plyanfayon (Francoprovençal), Planfayon (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
Quero [place in the province of Toledo]
Querol [place in Catalonia]
Ramosch and variants [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ranc de Bonos [place name in Occitania]
Rasés [old county of upper Languedoc]
Rasón (El —), El Rasoncín [Asturias]
Rasquera [place in Catalonia]
Ravera (alp —) [summer pasture in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Rebellón [place in Asturias]
Rebentin (Rebentí, Rebenti; French, Rabenty) [river, tributary of the Aude, Occitania]
Redent [province of Huesca]
Rein (in Romansh; German, Rhein) [European river]
Remolar [lagoon in the Llobregat Delta, Catalonia]
Resch [mountain pass between Austria and Italy]
Restelo [place near Lisbon, Portugal]
Riba (l'Estret de la —) [strait of the river Francolí, Alt Camp, Catalonia]
Ribeiro (O —) [area of Galicia]
Ribera (la —) (la Ribera d'Ebre) [area of Catalonia]
Ricau [peak in Asturias]
Ridaura [place in Catalonia]
Riells [place in Catalonia]
Rims [lake in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ríosalido [place in the province of Guadalajara]
Riquisuelu [beach in Asturias]
river, flood, watercourse
road, lane
Roca (Cabo da —) [cape in Portugal]
Roca d'en Pla (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Rocabo [stream in Cangas de Narcea, Asturias]
Rocacorba [mountain in Catalonia]
Rocanys [mountain eastwards from l'Aleixar, Catalonia]
Rodés (Roudez; French, Rodez) [place in the Department of Avairon, Occitania]
Roja (picu de la —) [peak in Asturias]
Roldán (El —) [mountain in Murcia]
Rome [capital city of Italy]
Ronda [place in the province of Málaga]
rook, crow
rose, rose bush
Róss (Italian, Russi) [place in the province of Ravenna, Italy]
Rota [place in the province of Cádiz]
Roullens (Occitan, Rolencs) [place in the Department of Aude]
Rouno (Francoprovençal; French, Rhône) [European river]
Roussillon (Roussilhou, according to Frederic Mistral's spelling) [area of Catalonia under French administration]
Ruinains (Val —) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Rune (French, Runaz) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Sagàs [place in Catalonia]
Salàs [place name in Catalonia]
Salga Aguda [mountain in Catalonia]
Salmoriera (La —) [coast in Asturias]
Salou [place in Catalonia]
Saluver (la val —) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Samagnun (German, Samnaun) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Samouco (O —) [place in Portugal]
San Antolín [place in Asturias]
San Benito [hill in Madrid]
San Cristóbal [mountain in Navarre]
San Ginés [mountain in the province of Teruel]
San José [mountain range in Extremadura]
San Lorenzo (del Escorial) [place near Madrid]
San Nicolás [place in the province of Huesca]
San Pascual [place in the province of Alicante]
San Pedro [hermitage near Graus, in the province of Huesca]
San Pedro [hill in Madrid]
San Pietro [St. Peter's Basilica, Rome]
Sanmelar, Pico Samelar [peak in Cantabria]
Sant Boi [place in Catalonia]
Sant Ferriol [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Gregori [hermitage in Catalonia]
Sant Gregori [hermitage in Catalonia]
Sant Isidre [hermitage in La Quar, Berguedà, Catalonia]
Sant Joan (Despí) [place in Catalonia]
Sant Julià de Ramis [place in Catalonia]
Sant Julià [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Magí (de la Brufaganya) [sanctuary in La Conca de Barberà, Catalonia]
Sant Magí [place in Catalonia]
Sant Martin (Sant Martin le Vièlh?) [place in Occitania]
Sant Mateu [mountain and mountain range in Catalonia]
Sant Miquel (de Montclar) [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Pere (de Roda) [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Pere Màrtir [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Quintí (de Mediona) [place in Catalonia]
Sant Ramon [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Salvador (de la Vedella) [monastery in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Sant'Ana, Santa Ana [hermitage in Asturias]
Sant-Pous [?] [Occitania]
Santa Bàrbara [hermitage in La Selva, Catalonia]
Santa Bàrbara [mountain in Catalonia]
Santa Cristina [mountain in Asturias]
Santa Gadía [place in Asturias]
Santa Helena [mountain in Catalonia]
Santa María [island in the archipelago Azores]
Santa María [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Santa Tecla [mountain in Galicia]
Santa Valièira [place in département Aude, Occitania]
Santiago (de Compostela) [capital city of Galicia]
Santillana [¿Santillana del Mar?,Cantabria]
Santo Ventùri (normative Occitan, Santa Venturi; French, Sainte-Victoire) [mountain near Aix-en-Provence, France]
Sarral [place in Catalonia]
Sarrués [place in upper Aragon]
Sasa (el —) [mountain in the province of Huesca]
sayo 'overcoat', cognates and derivatives
Sclavanîe, Slavonie [Friulian-speaking areas, in Friulian]
Scopi (Piz —) [peak in the border between Ticino and Grisons, Switzerland]
scops owl
scrub, scrubland
Scuol [valley and place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
sea spider
seaport, harbour
Sebastopol [place in the Ukraine]
Segarra (la —) [area of Catalonia]
Segre (el —) [river in Catalonia]
Seloriu [place in Asturias]
Serantes [mountain in Biscay, Basque Land]
Serllé [in "benasqués"], Cerler [place in the Valley of Benasque, Huesca]
Serra de Cavalls (la —) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Serra Morena [mountain range in Catalonia]
Sestolorro [mountain in Asturias]
Sevil [place in Aragon]
Sevilla [city in Andalusia]
ship, boat
Sierra Gorda (La —) [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Sierra Morena [mountain range in Andalusia]
Siman, ol Simágn (Italian, il Simano) [mountain in Ticino, Switzerland]
Sisargas [islands in Galicia]
Sitges [place in Catalonia]
small (in size)
Son (O —), Porto do Son [seaport, Galicia]
Soria [town in Castile]
Sosorito [mountain in Aragon]
Sotonera (A —) [place in the area of Somontano, Aragon]
sowing, seed
spider's web
Stevron (French, Chevron) [mountain in Savoy, France]
stones, rocks, crags
Straits of Gibraltar
straw, straw loft
Sueve (El —) [mountain in Asturias]
Sui [hill in the Montseny range, Catalonia]
summit, peak, hill and the like
sunny spot
Superga [mountain near Torino, Italy]
Susch [place and valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
swell, heavy sea
Tajo [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
Talrà [mountain in Catalonia]
Tarrén [place in Aragon]
Tavertet [place in Catalonia]
Tavò and variants (Romansh), Davos (German) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Tchumon (Francoprovençal), Chaumont (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
Teide (El —) [mountain in Tenerife, Canary Islands]
Tenrero [beach in Asturias]
Testa (La —) [mountain in the province of Almería]
The Pyrenees [mountain range]
The Virgin
threshing floor
Tibidabo (el —) [mountain in Barcelona]
Tiñosa (La —) [mountain range in the province of Córdoba]
Tirajana, Tirijana [mountain in Gran Canaria]
Tito (el —) [mountain in Aragon]
to be born
to be cynical
to be quiet
to be sleepy
to buy, to sell
to cry, weep
to dance
to die
to disguise oneself
to doubt
to dress
to drink
to eat
to get up
to get up early
to give
to go to bed
to go up, to go down
to grumble
to hear [sounds as meteorological signs]
to hunt, hunter
to hurry
to injure
to jump
to kill
to kiss
to laugh, happiness
to live, to revive, to resurrect
to look
to make peace
to marry
to mock
to piss
to play
to plough; plough
to roar
to run
to say, tell
to see
to see [as meteorological sign]
to shout, to shriek
to sing
to smell [as meteorological sign]
to snore
to speak, talk
to spin
to sweat
to swimm
to take a bath
to take revenge, vengeance
to tame
to tickle
to tremble
to wake up
to walk
to wash (clothes), washing place
to work
to wrap up, warm clothes
Toledo [city of Spain]
Tolivia [place in Asturias]
Tordera (el/la —) [river in Catalonia]
Torizon [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Toro (el —) [mountain in Menorca, Balearic Islands]
Toro [place in the province of Zamora]
Torres (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
Tortosa [place in Catalonia]
Tossa (la —) [hill near Alfara, place in Catalonia]
Tossal (el —) [hill in the province of Alicante]
traitor, treason
Trauc de Madama [place in the Department of Aude]
Trençan (Treçan, Tressan) [place in the Department of Hérault, Occitania]
Tres Collets (els —) [mountain pass in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Trient [ravine, narrow pass, in Valais, Switzerland]
true service tree
Trueire [river in Gavaudan, tributary of the Lot, Occitania]
Tsateillon (French, Châtillon) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Tschütt or Tschütta (Piz —) (German, Stammerspitze) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Tumpiv (Piz —) [peak in the Glarus Alps, Switzerland]
Turb [mountain in Catalonia]
Turbón (El —) [mountain in the province of Huesca]
turn over
turnip, turnip patch
Turó d'en Torres (el —) [hill in Catalonia]
Turón [place in Asturias]
Úbeda [place in the province of Jaén]
Ubiña (peña —) [mountain in Asturias]
Učka [mountain range in Istria]
Uina, fuora d'Uina [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ulla (A —) [area and river of Galicia]
unirrigated land
Urban (Lei Baumas de Venisa; French, Beaumes-de-Venise) [place in the Department of Vaucluse, Provence]
Ures [place in the province of Guadalajara]
Urriellu [peak in Asturias]
Vacamorta [place in Catalonia]
Vacivèr, Bacivèr, Baciver [place name of several of pastures in the Pyrenees, in northeastern Aragon and northwestern Catalonia]
Val (alp—) [summer pasture in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Val d'Aran (Era —), Era Val d'Arann [Valley of Aran, Pyrenees]
Val Müsella [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Valais (Le —) (Francoprovençal, Valéi, Valai and variants) [canton of Switzerland]
Valencia (Catalan, València) [town in Eastern Spain]
Valfrío [place in the province of Segovia]
Valladolid [city in Spain]
Vallbona [place in Catalonia]
Valldebous [gully/ravine in Montsià, Catalonia]
Vallès (el —) [area of Catalonia]
Valtellina (Engadin, Vuclina; German, Veltlin) [valley in Lombardy, Italy; in the border with Switzerland]
Van-né (le —) (Francoprovençal), le Vanel (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
various shapes and aspects of the moon
vegetable garden
Veiga (A —) [Vegadeo, place in western Asturias]
Vendrell (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Ventana [mountain pass in Asturias]
Ventaniella [mountain pass in Asturias]
Vertosan [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Vesubio [Mount Vesuvius, volcano by Napoli, Italy]
Vevè, Vevâi and variants (Francoprovençal), Vevey (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
Vic [place in Catalonia]
Vidrà [place in Catalonia]
Vilaller [place in Catalonia]; Vidallèr [Benasquese]
vile, vileness
Villalba (Galician, Vilalba) [place in Galicia]
Villalgordo [pasture in the province of Badajoz]
Villanueva (del Fresno) [place in the province of Badajoz]
Villuerca[s] (La[s] —) [mountain range in Extremadura]
Viluorna [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Vinaixa [place in the area of les Garrigues, Catalonia]
vineyard, grape-harvesting and wine
Viseu [place in Portugal]
Vodíţe (in Croatian, Vodice) [place in Istria]
Voirons (les —) [mountain in Haute-Savoie, France, in the border with Switzerland]
walnut, walnut-tree, walnut grove
waning moon
weather vane
wood, timber
Xagón [beach in Asturias]
Xallo, Xalo (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Xerru (El —) [sheepfold in Ventaniella pass, Asturias]
Xerta [place in the area of la Ribera de Ebro, Catalonia]
Xixón (Spanish, Gijón) [place in Asturias]
Yeba [place in Aragon]
Yebra (Yebra de Basa) [place in Aragon]
Yosa (Yosa de Sobremonte) [place in the province of Huesca]
young man
youth, youthful
Zafra [place in Extremadura]
Zanganillo (El —) [stream in the province of Badajoz]
Zulema (la cuesta —) [place in Alcalá de Henares, province of Madrid]
Zuort [country house in Val Sinestra, Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
"spoken" proverbs betwwen the humman being and the months
advice about protective clothing
animals (excluding grazing types)
cardinal points
elements of everyday life
grazing animals, cattle, cattle rearing / livestock raising
jokes, platitudes
other "spoken" proverbs
personification and the like
place names [in italics]
plant kingdom (signs and variable aspects)
prefigurement of time and weather
"horns" of the moon
"spoken" proverbs involving a peasant
"spoken" proverbs involving a shepherd
"spoken" proverbs involving an old woman
"spoken" proverbs not including a human being
Ablanarina (La —) [place in Asturias]
Ador (French, Adour) [river in Occitania]
advice about protective clothing
Ajalvir [place near Madrid]
Ajoie [area of the Canton of Jura, Switzerland]
Alagna, Aloagna [town and valley in the province of Vercelli, Italy]
Alba [place on the coast of Galicia]
Albi (l'—) [place in Catalonia]
Albufera (l'—) (Spanish, La Albufera) [province of Alicante]
Alcalá (de Henares) [place in the province of Madrid]
Alcaraz [place in the province of Albacete]
Alcarràs [place in Catalonia]
Alcoi (riu d'—) [also called Serpis; river in the province of Alicante]
Aldehuela (La —) [place in the province of Ávila]
Alès [place in the Department of Gard]
Almatret [place in Catalonia]
Almenara (La —) [peak in the province of Albacete]
almond, almond tree
alpe o alpage 'summer pasture' cognates and derivatives
Alpes (Les —) [English, The Alps; European mountain range]
Altarrasa (La —) [little tableland in Navarre]
Alvra (Piz d'—) (German, Albula) [peak and mountain range in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ambrusèit (l'—) [Friuli]
Amd'Ursigna (fuora da l'—) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ancares [area of the province of León]
Andalusia [region in the south of Spain]
Andilla [place in the province of Valencia]
angel, angels
anger, angry
Anillo [mountain range in the province of Jaén]
animalization [tails, etc.]
animals, small animals
Ansar (còth d'—) [hill in the Bearn, Occitania]
Aosta, Ôchta, Euta [place in Italy]
apple-tree, apple
Aragon (Spanish, Aragón; Catalan, Aragó) [region in northern Spain]
Aramo/Aramu (L'—) [mountain in Asturias]
Arbeca [place in Catalonia]
Arbo [place in Galicia]
Arbolín (l'—) [peak in Asturias]
Ardila [place in the province of Badajoz]
Ardila [river in the province of Badajoz]
Areta [mountains in Navarre]
Armenteira [mountain in Galicia?]
Arouca [place in Portugal]
Arpetta (l' —) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Arpiglia (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Arquillo (Sierra del —) [mountain range in the province of Cáceres]
Arrajon (Arrajon-Era Hita; en francés, Arrayou-Lahitte) [place in the Department of Hautes-Pyrénées, Occitania]
Arsac (Arzacq) [place in the Department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques]
Artiga de Lin [place in the Valley of Aran]
Artosa (La —) [summit in Asturias]
Artusu (l'Artusu) [Asturias]
Astuera [place in Asturias]
Asturias [region in northern Spain]
Aubens [mountain in Catalonia]
Aude [river in Occitania]
Aulet [place in Accous, in French Accous, in Bearn, Occitania]
Aulet [place in the Department of Pyrénées Atlantiques]
Auloron (Oulourou, Olourou; en francés, Oloron) [place in Occitania]
Aupiho (l'—) [summit of the Lis Aupiho mountain range, near Arles]
Auvèrnhe, Auvèrnha and variants (Occitan); Auvergne (French); Auvernia [region in Occitania]
Avellaneras [Aragon]
Ávila [place in Castile]
Ayamonte [place in the province of Huelva]
bad omen
Bagergue [place in the Valley of Aran]
Baiona (Spanish, Bayona; French, Bayonne) [city in Occitania]
Balaguer [place in the Catalan area of la Noguera]
Balouta [place in the province of León]
Balsareny [place in Catalonia]
bank, beach, shore, riverside
Bans (forêt des —) [wood in Switzerland]
Baragaña (la —) [place in Asturias]
Baraona, Barahona [place in the province of Soria]
Barayo [beach in Asturias]
Barbanza [mountain range in Galicia]
Barcelona [capital city of Catalonia]
Bârdo (in Croatian Brdo) [place in Istria]
Bargas [place in Toledo]
Barguero [mountain in western Asturias]
Barja (French, Barjac) [name of different places, one of them in the Department of le Gard]
barn owl
Baselgia (Munt —) [mountain in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Bassian (eth —) [lake in the Pyrénées]
bee, beehive
Begur [place in Catalonia]
Beira (A —) [region in Portugal]
bell, bell tower
Bellesa (La —), La Vellés [place in the province of Salamanca]
Benzúa (picu —) [Asturias]
Berbería [northern part of Africa]
Bercía [place in Galicia] [?]
Berga [place in Catalonia]
Beringes [mountain in the province of Cáceres]
Bernia, Bèrnia [mountain range in the province of Alicante]
Bernina [mountain range and peak in the Swiss Alps]
Besinauda (Italian, Bisalta) [summit in the Alps of Italy]
Bethlehem [city of Judea, where, according to the Gospel, Christ was born]
Bienservida [crag in the province of Albacete]
Bierzo (El —) [area of Leon]
Biga (la —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Biguera (peña —) [Asturias]
Bilbao [capital city of Biscay, Basque Land]
Bilhó (O —) [place in Portugal]
birds (generic)
Bisbín (Italian, il Bisbino) [mountain in Lombardy, Italy]
blackberry, blackberry bush
Boiraxach [mountain in the province of Huesca]
Bordèu (Bourdèu, Bourdèus; French, Bordeaux; Spanish, Burdeos) [city in Occitania]
Born (el —) (Spanish, el Borne) [quarter in Barcelona]
Borriol [place in the area of la Plana Alta, in the province of Castellón]
Bòsc d'Arròs (Bosdarros) [place in the Department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Bearn, Occitania]
bottom, bump
Braña [valley in Asturias]
Brañamayor [place in Asturias]
Bregaglia (German, Bergell) [Grisons, Switzerland; Lombardy, Italy]
Bressé [mountain in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
bright moon, dark moon
Bugarag (Puèg de —) (Bugarach o Pech de Bugarach) [peak in the Corbières mountains, in the Department of Aude]
Buin (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland; in the border with Voralberg, Austria]
Bundesca (la —) (en italiano, Bondasca) [valley and mountain of Bregaglia, Ticino, Switzerland]
Burela [place in Galicia]
Burgos [place in Castile]
Burguillos [place in Extremadura]
Burón [name of some places around Asturias]
Burriac [mountain in the Catalan area of el Maresme]
Bustelo [place in Galicia]
Ca Ferro Vell [place in Catalonia]
Cabalo (O —) [in Cíes Islands, Galicia]
Cabeza (La —) [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Cabezón (El — de Oro) (Catalan, el Cabeçó (d'Or)) [mountain range in the province of Alicante]
Cabra (la —) [valley in Asturias]
Cabra [place in the province of Córdoba]
Cabrera [mountain in Catalonia]
Cadinell (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Cal Bisbe [place in Catalonia]
Cal Magí [place in Catalonia]
Calar (El —) [mountain in the province of Almería]
Calde [place in Galicia]
Calderina (La —) [mountain range between the provinces of Toledo and Ciudad Real]
Camadra [summit in Canton Ticino, Switzerland]
Camarena [hill in the province of Córdoba]
Camayor [fertile plain in Asturias]
Camp [de Tarragona] (el —) [area of Catalonia]
Campo Maior [place in Portugal]
Campo [place in the province of Huesca]
Camprodon [place in Catalonia]
Can Castellà [place in Catalonia]
Can Parera [place in Catalonia]
Cañajarral (El —) [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Canales (Les —) [place in Asturias]
Canaria (Gran Canaria) [one of the Canary Islands]
Caneiru [place in Asturias]
Canejan [place in the Valley of Aran]
Caneyones [stream in Asturias]
Canigó (el —) (el Canigou according to Mistral's spelling) [mountain in the area of Catalonia under French administration]
Cantabria [region in northern Spain]
Cantal (lo/lou —) (lo Chantau) [mountain in Auvernia]
Cantu Manil [mountain in Asturias]
capa 'cloak', cognates and derivatives
Capiella [palce in Asturias]
capricious caracter
Caravia la Baxa (Spanish, Caravia Baja) [place in Asturias]
Carballal (O —) [place in Galicia]
Carche (El —) (Catalan, el Carxe) [mountain range in Murcia]
Cardó [mountain range in Catalonia]
Carizé [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Carmona [place in the province of Seville]
Carnota [place in Galicia]
carob, carob tree
Carrascoy [mountain range in Murcia]
cart or similar
Casaño [river in Asturias]
Castelfrío [mountain in the province of Teruel]
Castellet [place in Catalonia]
Castellví (de la Marca) [place in Catalonia]
Castellví (de Rosanes) [place in Catalonia]
Castiello (picu —) (Picu Castiellu) [peak in Asturias]
Catllar (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Catogne (le —) [peak in Switzerland, in the Mont Blanc massif]
cauldron, pot
Causse (los Causses) [limestone plateaus in the Massif Central]
cave, shelter
Cebollera (la —) [mountain range in la Rioja]
Cebreiro (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Céllecs, Séllecs [mountain in Catalonia]
Centenera (La —) [place in the province of Jaén]
Cerdanya (la —) [area of Catalonia]
Cervera (de Pisuerga) [place in the province of Palencia]
Cèsse (Cesse) [river, tributary of the Aude, Occitania]
Cetràru (Italian Cetraro) [village in the province of Cosenza]
Ceuta [Spanish city in northern Africa]
Chantada [place in Galicia]
Chanteis (French, Chanteix) [place in the Department of Corrèze, Occitania]
Chapisun (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Charsinom (il Plan —) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Chaux-de-Fonds (la —) [place in the Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland]
chestnut, chestnut tree
Chucena [place in the province of Huelva]
Chucho (el —) [mountain in Navarre]
Cid (el —) [mountain in the province of Alicante]
Clapivell (el —) (el Clapí Vell) [mountain in Catalonia]
Clot de l'Arç (el —) [place in Catalonia]
cock, chicken
Coll de la Torre (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Colldejou [place and homonymous mountain in Catalonia]
colours of the moon (red, yellow, etc.)
Coma (la —) [Catalonia]
Constatin (¿Constantim?) [Portugal]
Cope [cape in Murcia]
Cordelera (La —) [place in the coast of Gijón, Asturias]
Córdoba [city in Andalusia]
Cornac (Cournac) [place in the Department of Lot, Occitania]
Corneja (valle de —) [valley in the province of Ávila]
Coruña, Cruña (A —) [city in Galicia]
Cotiella [mountain in Aragon]
Cotovellosu [mountain in Asturias]
Coulègno (Colenha) [mountain near Colognac, in the Department of le Gard]
Courío [mountain in Asturias]
Couta (a —) [Asturias]
Cova (de Monserrat) (la —) [Catalonia]
Cova Santa (la —) [place in the province of Castellón]
Coveta (la —) [place near Campo, province of Huesca]
craftiness, astuteness
Crasta Mora [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
crescent or waxing moon
crested lark
Cruz (La —) [hill, in the province of Ávila]
Cuana [mountain in Asturias]
Cuba (d)e Rota (La —), El Perro de Rota [cave in Rota, Andalusia]
Cucalón [place in the province of Teruel]
Cudillero [place in Asturias]
Cudrial [place in the province of Badajoz]
Cué [place in Asturias]
Cuera (El —) [mountain range in Asturias]
Cueva Galana [crag in Pola de Somiedo, Asturias]
Cumar Barla (fuora da —) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Curota (A —) [mountain in Galicia]
Curotiña (A —) [mountain in Galicia]
Curun (Italian and German, Curon) [place in the province of Bolzano, Italy; in the border with Engadine (Switzerland) and Austria]
Daganzo [place near Madrid]
Daimiel [place in the province of Ciudad Real]
Daint (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Danuder (German, Nauders) [place in Tirol, Austria, in the border with Switzerland]
Dé dè Myédzo (La —) (Francoprovençal), la Dent-du-Midi (French) [mountain in Suisse Romande]
Dent d'Oche (la —) [peak in Haute-Savoye, France, in the border with Switzerland]
Dôle (pointe de la —) [peak in Switzerland, in the border with France]
Dourdougno (la —) (La Dordonha; French, Dordogne) [French Department; also river name]
Douro, Duero [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
dove, pigeon
dry hands
Duan (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
dung, dunghill, to fertilize
Dzaman (in French, Jaman) [mountain in Switzerland]
Ebro [Spanish], Ebre [Catalan] [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
eccentric character
Écija [place in the province of Seville]
eggs (of a hen)
Egoual / Augal (l'—) (French L'Aigoual) [mountain in the Cévennes]
Empordà (l'—) [area of Catalonia]
Engadina (Romansh, Engiadina) [valley in the Canton of Grisons, Switzerland]
Enu [place in Asturias]
Epitaillet (l'—) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Erata [mountain in Aragon]
Erau (l'—) (French, Hérault) [river in Occitania]
Erin (Francoprovençal), Hérens (French) [mountain in Suisse Romande]
Escaladei [place in Catalonia]
Esgueira [place in Portugal]
Esparreguera (Spanish, Esparraguera) [place in Catalonia]
Espasa (La —) [beach in Asturias]
Espina [place in Asturias]
Espluga de Toledo (la —) [place in the province of Huesca]
Estany (l' —) [place in Catalonia]
Estany Tort (l'—) [lake near l'Ametlla de Mar, place in Catalonia]
Estela [summit in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Estella [place in Navarre]
Estepa [mountain range in the province of Seville]
Estoupo (El —) [mountain in Asturias]
Etroble, Étroubles [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
fair, market
Faja (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Fajo (La —), La Faja [name of several places in Occitania]
Fanalar (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Fanlo [place in Aragon]
Farelo (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Faro (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Fâva (a —) (Francoprovençal), la Fava (French) [mountain in Suisse Romande]
Feira (Vila da —; Santa Maria da —) [place in Portugal]
Ferrol [place in Galicia]
fertile plain
Fex [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
fig, fig-tree
fir tree
fire shovel
fish, fishing, fishermen [sea or river]
flock, herd
flowers, to flower
fly, blowfly, mosquito
flying ant
Fogars [place in Catalonia]
Foissenc [region around the town of Foix, department of Ariège]
Follatères (les —) [place in Valais, Switzerland]
Font dels Monjos (la —) [spring near Marganell, Bages, Catalonia]
Font-rubí [place in Catalonia]
Fora (Piz —) [peak in the border between Switzerland and Italy]
Força Real [place near the mountains of les Corberes]
Forniello (El —) [Asturias]
Forquita (Picu la —) [peak in Asturias]
fox, vixen
Frailes (Los —) [mountains in the province of Almería]
Franqueira (A —) [sanctuary in Galicia]
Frantellone (Lombard, Frantalùn) [peak in Poschiavo, Grisons, Switzerland]
Fu (El —) [mountain in the province of Soria]
Fuen Jordana (La —) [spring in Ramastué, in the Valley of Benasque, Huesca]
Fuerteventura [one of the Canary Islands]
full moon
full, satiated
Furadía (La —) [mountain in Asturias]
fury, furious
gabán, gabbano 'overcoat', cognates and derivatives
Gabàs [Gabás, place in the Valley of Benasque]
Galirón [mountain in the province of Huesca]
Gandarío [beach in Bergondo, Galicia]
Garamanchón (El —) [mountain pass in Asturias]
Gargocha (a —) [Aragon]
Garlaban [mountain in the Department of Bouches-du-Rhône]
Gasconeta [diminutive for Gascony]
Gavarres (les —) [area of Catalonia]
Gave (de Pau) [Occitan river]
Gave [name of several rivers in the Pyrénées of Gascogny]
Generus (Italian, il Generoso) [mountain in Ticino, Switzerland]
Gilico [mountain in the province of Jaén]
Ginestars [place in département Aude, Occitania]
Gomera (La—) [hill near Osuna, province Seville]
good omen
Gotina (la —) [mountain in the Department of Aude]
Gotinas (las —) [place in the Department of Aude, Occitania]
Goza (Francoproveçal), Gourze (French) [tower in Riex, Canton Vaud, Suisse Romande]
Gozón [municipality in Asturias]
Granada [city in Andalusia]
Gratal [peak in the mountain range of Guara, in Aragon]
Grausat (Pueg d'en —) [mountain in the Department of Corrèze, Occitania]
Grazalema [place in the province of Cádiz]
great bustard
greed, avarice
Gresas (Grèzes) [place near Carcassonne, Occitania]
Griega (La —) [beach in Asturias]
Grimola [Montnegre,[mountain in Catalonia]
Grischun [Grisons, Canton of Switzerland]
Groba (A —) [mountain range in the province of Pontevedra, Galicia]
ground, soil
Guadalcanal [place in the province of Seville]
Guadalquivir [river in Andalusia]
Guadarrama (El —) [mountain range to the north of Madrid]
Guadiana [Menor] [river in Andalusia, tributary of Guadalquivir]
Guadiana [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
Guara [mountain range in the province of Huesca, Aragón]
Güera, Buera [place in Aragon]
Güimar [place in Tenerife, Canary Islands]
gully, ravine
Gurlaina [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
half-burnt log
halo of the moon
hare, rabbit
Herbón [place in Galicia]
Herrera (del Duque) [place in the province of Badajoz]
Herrèra (French, Herrère) [place in the Bearn, Occitania]
Higa [de Monreal] (La —) [mountain in Navarre]
Hontejas [crags in Calatayud, in the province of Zaragoza]
horse, mare
horsefly, gadfly
Huelma [place in the province of Jaén]
Ichaus (Issaus o Ishaus) [place in the Department of Pyrénées Atlantiques]
Igueste [place in Tenerife, Canary Islands]
ilex, holm oak
ill, illness
Illeiretta, Llieiretta [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
impertinent, insolent character
Infiestu (L'Infiestu; Spanish, Infiesto) [place in Asturias]
Inn (Romansh, En) [river in Engadine, tributary of Danube]
irrigation, to irrigate
Irta [mountain range in the province of Castellón]
Isleta (La —) [little peninsula of Gran Canaria, Canay Islands]
Izaga [crag in Navarre]
Jabalcón [mountain in Andalusia]
Jabalcuz (El —) [mountain range in Andalusia]
Jaén [city in Andalucía, Spain]
Jerez (de la Frontera) [place in the province of Cádiz]
Jerez (de los Caballeros) [place in the province of Badajoz]
jokes, platitudes
Joux (la —) [valley in Suisse Romande]
Jura [mountain range in Switzerland]
killer whale
kinship: brothers and sisters (siblings)
kinship: children
kinship: cousins
kinship: daughter-in-law
kinship: fathers
kinship: godfathers
kinship: godfathers
kinship: godmothers
kinship: godmothers
kinship: husband
kinship: mothers
kinship: mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law
kinship: son-in-law
kinship: stepmothers
kinship: widows
kinship: wife
La Parra [place in the province of Badajoz]
La Serra [place in the Department of Corrèze, Occitania]
Labaco [place in the province of Huesca]
Labán (Piz —), (German, Schmalzkopf) [peak in Tirol, Austria]
Lagarda (La Garda) [place in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
Lai Nair [lake in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
lake, lagoon
lambs [and related terms for the male of ovine cattle]
Langreo [place in Asturias]
Lanzada (A —) [beach in O Grove, Pontevedra, Galicia]
larch tree
Laric (or Alaric) [mountain in the Department of Aude]
Larón (Llarón) [place in Asturias]
Las Crotos [place name in Occitania]
Las Parras (de Castellote) [place in the province of Teruel]
Latín (El —), Natín, created by folk etymology from the name Aznaitín [mountain in the province of Jaén]
Lausero (Losera) (French, Lozère) [mountain range in Occitania]
Lavedan (Labedà) [area of Gascogny, Occitania]
Lavèr [valley in Engadin, Grisons, Switzerland]
Layos [mountain range in the province of Toledo]
Lebrija [place in the province of Seville]
Ledesma [place in the province of Salamanca]
Lemosin, Limosin (French, Limousin) [region in Occitania]
León [city in Spain]
Lezina [Lecina, place in Aragon]
lie, to lie
Lirou (Liron) [mountain near Colognac, in the Department of le Gard]
Lischana [peak and glacier of Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
little owl, owl
Llacuna (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Llançà [place in Catalonia]
Llanes [place in Asturias]
Llanos (de Somerón) [place in Asturias]
Lloroza [mountain on the border of Cantabria and Asturias]
Lluçà [place in Catalonia]
Lobier (còth de —) [hill in the Bearn, Occitania]
Lora (de Estepa) [place in the province of Seville]
Lugo [city and province of Galicia]
Lumías [place in the province of Soria]
lunar eclipse
Lunghin (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Luque [place in the province of Córdoba]
Macastre [place in the province of Valencia]
Maccarese [place near Rome]
Madalena (La —) [mountain in Asturias]
Madalena (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Madrid [capital city of Spain]
Magalouno [Magalona, place in Languedoc]
maize, corn [US]
Málaga [city in Andalucía, Spain]
Malagón [place in the province of Ciudad Real]
Mallorca [Majorca, Balearic Islands]
Malniu [hill in Catalonia]
Maloja (Engadin, Malögia) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Mamisan (French, Mimizan) [place in the Department of the Landes, Occitania]
Maó (Spanish, Mahón) [place in Menorca, Balearic Islands]
Maraña [place in León, beside Asturias]
Maravio (Marabiu) [mountain pass in Asturias]
Marcó (el Mas de —) [place in Catalonia]
Mare de Déu de Queralt (la —) [sanctuary in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Mariane (Mont —) (Italian, Monte Amariana) [mountain in Friuli]
Marsiho (Marselha; French, Marseille) [city of Provence, Occitania]
Martinsonero pasture in the province of Badajoz]
Martorella (la —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Marufe (Merufe) [place in Portugal, near Galicia]
Matas (¿Matos?) [place in the province of Guadalajara]
Meira [place and mountain range in Galicia]
mercy, mercilessness
Mérida [city in Extremadura]
Merón [beach in Asturias]
Mesquita (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Messina [place in Sicily, Italy]
Mieres [place in Asturias]
mill, miller, milling
Mingoyo (Mengoyo) [place in Asturias]
Miño, Minho [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
Mirabel [place in the province of Cáceres]
Miranda (monte —) [mountain in Galicia]
Miravet [place in the area of la Ribera de Ebro, Catalonia]
Miravete [peak in Asturias]
mistle thrush
Mitgel (Piz —) [peak in Grisons, Switzerland]
Mohías, Moías [place and beach in Asturias]
Mola (la —) [name given to various mountains in Catalonia]
Moncau (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Moncayo [mountain between the provinces of Zaragoza (of Aragon] and Soria (Castile)]
Mondigo [mountain in eastern Lugo]
Monforte [place in Galicia]
Monjardín [mountain near Estella, Navarre]
Monlora [monastery in the province of Zaragoza]
Monrondio (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
Monsaraz [place in Portugal]
Mont (el —) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Mont Blanc [mountain in the Alps]
Mont Chavalard (le —) [mountain in Valais, Switzerland]
Mont di Maj [mountain in Friuli]
Mont-Cau (Occitan, Montcauv; French, Mont Chauve) [mountain near Nice, Occitania]
Montalban (French, Montauban) [city in the departement of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
Montalt (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Montalvo (El —) [hill in the province of Salamanca]
Montán [place in Galicia]
Montarnaud [place in the Department of Hérault, Occitania]
Montau (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Montaut, Mount-Aut [oronym and village in the Rasés, in the department of Aude]
Montcorbisson [mountain in the Valley of Aran]
Monte Gargàne [Gargano] (mountain of Puglia, Italy)
Monte Lloy [mountain in Asturias]
Monte Louro, Montelouro [mountain in the province of Corunna, Galicia]
Monte Mayor [mountain in the province of Málaga]
Monte Minerva [mountain in Villanova Monteleone, Sassari, Sardinia]
Monte Rasu [mountain in Bottidda, Sassari, Sardinia]
Monte Sanctu [mountain in Siligo, Sassari, Sardinia]
Montegil [mountain in the province of Seville]
Montejurra [mountain in Navarre]
Montgó [mountain in the province of Alicante]
Montgròs [mountain in the range of Montserrat, Catalonia]
Montjuïc [mountain in Barcelona]
Montllorer [mountain in Catalonia]
Montmell (el —) [place and mountain in Catalonia]
Montnegre [mountain in Catalonia]
Montosa [mountain in Aragon]
Montsant (el Montsant) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Montsec (el —) [mountain range in the border between Catalonia and Aragon]
Montseny (el —) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Montserrat [mountain range in Catalonia]
Montsià [mountain range in southern Catalonia]
Montsianell [mountain range in Catalonia]
Monzón [place in Aragon]
Morella [place in the area of els Ports, in the province of Castellón]
Morera (la —) (la Morera de Montsant) [place in Catalonia]
Morlans (Morlaas) [place in the Bearn, Occitania]
Morón (Spanish name for Mourão) [place in Portugal]
Morón, Morón de la Frontera [place in the province of Seville]
Morrell (lo —) [place in the catalan coast, near Mataró]
Morvedre (Murviedro, Murviedre) [place in the province of Valencia]
Mosca (la —) [mountain range in the province of Cáceres]
Mot da set Mezdis (il —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Motélon [valley in Suisse Romande]
Mount Ventour (Lo Mont Ventor; French, Mont Ventoux) [mountain between Provence and Dauphiné]
Mountagno-Negro (Montanha Negra) [mountain in Occitania]
mountain pass
mountain range
mouse, rat
Moutas (picu de —) (pico Pedrorio) [peak in Asturias]
Mundeis [mountain in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Mundin [valley and peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Muntafun (German, Montafon) [valley in Vorarlberg, Tirol, Austria]
Murta (la —) [mountain range in the province of Valencia]
Muxía [place in Galicia]
Nambroca [place in the province of Toledo]
Naranco (El —) [mountain in Asturias]
Narbonne (Narbouno, according to Frederic Mistral's spelling) [city in Occitania]
Natison (il —) [river in Friuli]
Navia [place in Asturias]
neck, throat
Neira [de Rey] [Galicia]
Ñera (La —) [beach in Asturias]
new moon
Nòra, Noro (French, Nore) [mountain in the area of Narbonne]
Noreña [place in Asturias]
Nudigls [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
oak-tree, oak grove
Ocaña [place in the province of Toledo]
oil lamp, candle
oil, olive, olive tree
old age, old, old woman
Oleiro [coastal area, Asturias]
Olot [place in Catalonia]
Olt (Òlt; French, Lot) [river in Occitania]
Omaña [area of the province of León]
Ons [islands in Galicia]
Oración (la —) [well in Poo de Cabrales, Asturias]
Ordás [Somontano, Aragon]
Ordet [mountain in Catalonia]
Oreña [cave in Cantabria]
Orhi [peak in Navarre]
Orihuela [place in the province of Alicante]
Ormonts (Les —) [valley in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland]
Ortigueira [place in Galicia]
Oseira [place and monastery in Galicia]
other "spoken" proverbs
Otoyo [mountain in Biscay, Basque Land]
Ourense (Spanish, Orense) [city and province of Galicia]
Ovar [place in Portugal]
Oviedo [capital city of Asturias]
Padrón [place in Galicia]
Pajares [mountain pass between Asturias and León]
Palermo [place in Sicily, Italy]
Pallars (el —) (Occitan, Palhars) [area of Catalonia]
palm tree
Palombera (La —) [mountain pass in Asturias]
Pamplona [capital city of Navarre]
Pandera (La —) [mountain range in Andalusia]
Pando [mountain in Asturias]
Panillo [place in the province of Huesca]
Panxón [beach in Galicia]
Parapanda [mountain range in the province of Granada]
Paris [capital city of France]
Parizòt (Parizòt) [place in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
parts of a ship (anchor, rudder, sails, etc.)
Pau [town in Bearn, Occitania]
Pedraforca (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Pedregar (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Pedroveya [place in Asturias]
Peguera (els Rasos de —) [open countries, place in Catalonia]
Pelitrón (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
pelliza 'fur jacket', cognates and derivatives
Pellota (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Pena (French, Penne) [place in Occitania]
Peña (La —) [mountain in the province of León]
Peñamayor [mountain in Asturias]
Peñapalomera [mountain in the province of Teruel]
Pení (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Penso [place in Portugal]
Penyagatos [strait along the river Ebro]
Penyagolosa [mountain in the province of Castellón]
Penyíscola (normative Catalan, Peníscola) [place in the area of el Baix Maestrat, province of Castellón]
Pereda [place in Asturias]
personification (in general)
Pesells (els —) [place in Catalonia]
phases of the moon (in general)
phases of the moon (waxing and waning)
Pi Gros (el —) [place in the province of Castellón]
Pico Sacro / Sagro (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Picossa (la —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Picotes (Los —) [place in the province of Teruel]
Pierzu (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
Pina (de Ebro) [place in Aragon]
pine-tree, pine wood, pine-cone
Pinzan [Friuli]
Pisoc (Piz —) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Pittinuri [place in Sardinia]
Plá de Ginebret (el) [Pla de Ginebret, place in Catalonia, without specification]
Plan [place in Aragon]
plants (in general)
Plattamala [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Plaz [forest and meadows in Bever, Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
plum, plum tree
Pobla (la —), la Pobla de Lillet [place in Catalonia]
Poncione di Pesciora [peak between the Cantons of Ticino, Uri and Valais, Switzerland]
Pontes (As —) (As Pontes de García Rodríguez) [place in Galicia]
Port del Comte (el —) [mountain pass in Catalonia]
Port(s) [el(s) —] [mountain range between Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia]
Portiellu (El —) [place in Asturias]
Porto (el —) [unidentified place in western Asturias, probably el Puerto de Connio]
Portomarín [place in Galicia]
Portopí [quarter in Palma de Mallorca harbour, Balearic Islands]
Prades [place in Catalonia]
Pravia [place in Asturias]
prefigurement of time and weather
Pría [place in Asturias]
Puèg la Ròca (French, Puylaroque) [place in the Department of Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitania]
Puget (serre del —) [mountain range in Occitania]
Pugghie (Italian, Puglia) [Apulia, area of Italy]
Puig (el —) [mountain near Paüls, place in the area of Baix Ebre]
Puig d'en Cama (el —) [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig d'en Pla (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Puig de Montagut (lo—) [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig Dui [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig Gros [mountain in Catalonia]
Puig-Reig [place in Catalonia]
Puigsobirà [mountain in Solsonès, Catalonia]
pulses, green vegetables
Punteglias (Piz —) [peak in Surselva, Grisons, Switzerland]
Puòg de Sent Lop (or Pic Saint-Loup) [peak near Montpellier]
Purón [place in Asturias]
Puyarcón [mountain in Aragon]
Pyanfayon, Plyanfayon (Francoprovençal), Planfayon (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
Quero [place in the province of Toledo]
Querol [place in Catalonia]
Ramosch and variants [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ranc de Bonos [place name in Occitania]
Rasés [old county of upper Languedoc]
Rasón (El —), El Rasoncín [Asturias]
Rasquera [place in Catalonia]
Ravera (alp —) [summer pasture in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Rebellón [place in Asturias]
Rebentin (Rebentí, Rebenti; French, Rabenty) [river, tributary of the Aude, Occitania]
Redent [province of Huesca]
Rein (in Romansh; German, Rhein) [European river]
Remolar [lagoon in the Llobregat Delta, Catalonia]
Resch [mountain pass between Austria and Italy]
Restelo [place near Lisbon, Portugal]
Riba (l'Estret de la —) [strait of the river Francolí, Alt Camp, Catalonia]
Ribeiro (O —) [area of Galicia]
Ribera (la —) (la Ribera d'Ebre) [area of Catalonia]
Ricau [peak in Asturias]
Ridaura [place in Catalonia]
Riells [place in Catalonia]
Rims [lake in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ríosalido [place in the province of Guadalajara]
Riquisuelu [beach in Asturias]
river, flood, watercourse
road, lane
Roca (Cabo da —) [cape in Portugal]
Roca d'en Pla (la —) [place in Catalonia]
Rocabo [stream in Cangas de Narcea, Asturias]
Rocacorba [mountain in Catalonia]
Rocanys [mountain eastwards from l'Aleixar, Catalonia]
Rodés (Roudez; French, Rodez) [place in the Department of Avairon, Occitania]
Roja (picu de la —) [peak in Asturias]
Roldán (El —) [mountain in Murcia]
Rome [capital city of Italy]
Ronda [place in the province of Málaga]
rook, crow
rose, rose bush
Róss (Italian, Russi) [place in the province of Ravenna, Italy]
Rota [place in the province of Cádiz]
Roullens (Occitan, Rolencs) [place in the Department of Aude]
Rouno (Francoprovençal; French, Rhône) [European river]
Roussillon (Roussilhou, according to Frederic Mistral's spelling) [area of Catalonia under French administration]
Ruinains (Val —) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Rune (French, Runaz) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Sagàs [place in Catalonia]
Salàs [place name in Catalonia]
Salga Aguda [mountain in Catalonia]
Salmoriera (La —) [coast in Asturias]
Salou [place in Catalonia]
Saluver (la val —) [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Samagnun (German, Samnaun) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Samouco (O —) [place in Portugal]
San Antolín [place in Asturias]
San Benito [hill in Madrid]
San Cristóbal [mountain in Navarre]
San Ginés [mountain in the province of Teruel]
San José [mountain range in Extremadura]
San Lorenzo (del Escorial) [place near Madrid]
San Nicolás [place in the province of Huesca]
San Pascual [place in the province of Alicante]
San Pedro [hermitage near Graus, in the province of Huesca]
San Pedro [hill in Madrid]
San Pietro [St. Peter's Basilica, Rome]
Sanmelar, Pico Samelar [peak in Cantabria]
Sant Boi [place in Catalonia]
Sant Ferriol [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Gregori [hermitage in Catalonia]
Sant Gregori [hermitage in Catalonia]
Sant Isidre [hermitage in La Quar, Berguedà, Catalonia]
Sant Joan (Despí) [place in Catalonia]
Sant Julià de Ramis [place in Catalonia]
Sant Julià [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Magí (de la Brufaganya) [sanctuary in La Conca de Barberà, Catalonia]
Sant Magí [place in Catalonia]
Sant Martin (Sant Martin le Vièlh?) [place in Occitania]
Sant Mateu [mountain and mountain range in Catalonia]
Sant Miquel (de Montclar) [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Pere (de Roda) [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Pere Màrtir [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Quintí (de Mediona) [place in Catalonia]
Sant Ramon [mountain in Catalonia]
Sant Salvador (de la Vedella) [monastery in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Sant'Ana, Santa Ana [hermitage in Asturias]
Sant-Pous [?] [Occitania]
Santa Bàrbara [hermitage in La Selva, Catalonia]
Santa Bàrbara [mountain in Catalonia]
Santa Cristina [mountain in Asturias]
Santa Gadía [place in Asturias]
Santa Helena [mountain in Catalonia]
Santa María [island in the archipelago Azores]
Santa María [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Santa Tecla [mountain in Galicia]
Santa Valièira [place in département Aude, Occitania]
Santiago (de Compostela) [capital city of Galicia]
Santillana [¿Santillana del Mar?,Cantabria]
Santo Ventùri (normative Occitan, Santa Venturi; French, Sainte-Victoire) [mountain near Aix-en-Provence, France]
Sarral [place in Catalonia]
Sarrués [place in upper Aragon]
Sasa (el —) [mountain in the province of Huesca]
sayo 'overcoat', cognates and derivatives
Sclavanîe, Slavonie [Friulian-speaking areas, in Friulian]
Scopi (Piz —) [peak in the border between Ticino and Grisons, Switzerland]
scops owl
scrub, scrubland
Scuol [valley and place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
sea spider
seaport, harbour
Sebastopol [place in the Ukraine]
Segarra (la —) [area of Catalonia]
Segre (el —) [river in Catalonia]
Seloriu [place in Asturias]
Serantes [mountain in Biscay, Basque Land]
Serllé [in "benasqués"], Cerler [place in the Valley of Benasque, Huesca]
Serra de Cavalls (la —) [mountain range in Catalonia]
Serra Morena [mountain range in Catalonia]
Sestolorro [mountain in Asturias]
Sevil [place in Aragon]
Sevilla [city in Andalusia]
ship, boat
Sierra Gorda (La —) [mountain range in the province of Badajoz]
Sierra Morena [mountain range in Andalusia]
Siman, ol Simágn (Italian, il Simano) [mountain in Ticino, Switzerland]
Sisargas [islands in Galicia]
Sitges [place in Catalonia]
small (in size)
Son (O —), Porto do Son [seaport, Galicia]
Soria [town in Castile]
Sosorito [mountain in Aragon]
Sotonera (A —) [place in the area of Somontano, Aragon]
sowing, seed
spider's web
Stevron (French, Chevron) [mountain in Savoy, France]
stones, rocks, crags
Straits of Gibraltar
straw, straw loft
Sueve (El —) [mountain in Asturias]
Sui [hill in the Montseny range, Catalonia]
summit, peak, hill and the like
sunny spot
Superga [mountain near Torino, Italy]
Susch [place and valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
swell, heavy sea
Tajo [river in the Iberian Peninsula]
Talrà [mountain in Catalonia]
Tarrén [place in Aragon]
Tavertet [place in Catalonia]
Tavò and variants (Romansh), Davos (German) [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Tchumon (Francoprovençal), Chaumont (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
Teide (El —) [mountain in Tenerife, Canary Islands]
Tenrero [beach in Asturias]
Testa (La —) [mountain in the province of Almería]
The Pyrenees [mountain range]
The Virgin
threshing floor
Tibidabo (el —) [mountain in Barcelona]
Tiñosa (La —) [mountain range in the province of Córdoba]
Tirajana, Tirijana [mountain in Gran Canaria]
Tito (el —) [mountain in Aragon]
to be born
to be cynical
to be quiet
to be sleepy
to buy, to sell
to cry, weep
to dance
to die
to disguise oneself
to doubt
to dress
to drink
to eat
to get up
to get up early
to give
to go to bed
to go up, to go down
to grumble
to hear [sounds as meteorological signs]
to hunt, hunter
to hurry
to injure
to jump
to kill
to kiss
to laugh, happiness
to live, to revive, to resurrect
to look
to make peace
to marry
to mock
to piss
to play
to plough; plough
to roar
to run
to say, tell
to see
to see [as meteorological sign]
to shout, to shriek
to sing
to smell [as meteorological sign]
to snore
to speak, talk
to spin
to sweat
to swimm
to take a bath
to take revenge, vengeance
to tame
to tickle
to tremble
to wake up
to walk
to wash (clothes), washing place
to work
to wrap up, warm clothes
Toledo [city of Spain]
Tolivia [place in Asturias]
Tordera (el/la —) [river in Catalonia]
Torizon [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Toro (el —) [mountain in Menorca, Balearic Islands]
Toro [place in the province of Zamora]
Torres (picu —) [peak in Asturias]
Tortosa [place in Catalonia]
Tossa (la —) [hill near Alfara, place in Catalonia]
Tossal (el —) [hill in the province of Alicante]
traitor, treason
Trauc de Madama [place in the Department of Aude]
Trençan (Treçan, Tressan) [place in the Department of Hérault, Occitania]
Tres Collets (els —) [mountain pass in Berguedà, Catalonia]
Trient [ravine, narrow pass, in Valais, Switzerland]
true service tree
Trueire [river in Gavaudan, tributary of the Lot, Occitania]
Tsateillon (French, Châtillon) [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Tschütt or Tschütta (Piz —) (German, Stammerspitze) [peak in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Tumpiv (Piz —) [peak in the Glarus Alps, Switzerland]
Turb [mountain in Catalonia]
Turbón (El —) [mountain in the province of Huesca]
turn over
turnip, turnip patch
Turó d'en Torres (el —) [hill in Catalonia]
Turón [place in Asturias]
Úbeda [place in the province of Jaén]
Ubiña (peña —) [mountain in Asturias]
Učka [mountain range in Istria]
Uina, fuora d'Uina [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Ulla (A —) [area and river of Galicia]
unirrigated land
Urban (Lei Baumas de Venisa; French, Beaumes-de-Venise) [place in the Department of Vaucluse, Provence]
Ures [place in the province of Guadalajara]
Urriellu [peak in Asturias]
Vacamorta [place in Catalonia]
Vacivèr, Bacivèr, Baciver [place name of several of pastures in the Pyrenees, in northeastern Aragon and northwestern Catalonia]
Val (alp—) [summer pasture in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Val d'Aran (Era —), Era Val d'Arann [Valley of Aran, Pyrenees]
Val Müsella [valley in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Valais (Le —) (Francoprovençal, Valéi, Valai and variants) [canton of Switzerland]
Valencia (Catalan, València) [town in Eastern Spain]
Valfrío [place in the province of Segovia]
Valladolid [city in Spain]
Vallbona [place in Catalonia]
Valldebous [gully/ravine in Montsià, Catalonia]
Vallès (el —) [area of Catalonia]
Valtellina (Engadin, Vuclina; German, Veltlin) [valley in Lombardy, Italy; in the border with Switzerland]
Van-né (le —) (Francoprovençal), le Vanel (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
various shapes and aspects of the moon
vegetable garden
Veiga (A —) [Vegadeo, place in western Asturias]
Vendrell (el —) [place in Catalonia]
Ventana [mountain pass in Asturias]
Ventaniella [mountain pass in Asturias]
Vertosan [place in the Valley of Aosta, Italy]
Vesubio [Mount Vesuvius, volcano by Napoli, Italy]
Vevè, Vevâi and variants (Francoprovençal), Vevey (French) [place in Suisse Romande]
Vic [place in Catalonia]
Vidrà [place in Catalonia]
Vilaller [place in Catalonia]; Vidallèr [Benasquese]
vile, vileness
Villalba (Galician, Vilalba) [place in Galicia]
Villalgordo [pasture in the province of Badajoz]
Villanueva (del Fresno) [place in the province of Badajoz]
Villuerca[s] (La[s] —) [mountain range in Extremadura]
Viluorna [place in Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
Vinaixa [place in the area of les Garrigues, Catalonia]
vineyard, grape-harvesting and wine
Viseu [place in Portugal]
Vodíţe (in Croatian, Vodice) [place in Istria]
Voirons (les —) [mountain in Haute-Savoie, France, in the border with Switzerland]
walnut, walnut-tree, walnut grove
waning moon
weather vane
wood, timber
Xagón [beach in Asturias]
Xallo, Xalo (O —) [mountain in Galicia]
Xerru (El —) [sheepfold in Ventaniella pass, Asturias]
Xerta [place in the area of la Ribera de Ebro, Catalonia]
Xixón (Spanish, Gijón) [place in Asturias]
Yeba [place in Aragon]
Yebra (Yebra de Basa) [place in Aragon]
Yosa (Yosa de Sobremonte) [place in the province of Huesca]
young man
youth, youthful
Zafra [place in Extremadura]
Zanganillo (El —) [stream in the province of Badajoz]
Zulema (la cuesta —) [place in Alcalá de Henares, province of Madrid]
Zuort [country house in Val Sinestra, Engadine, Grisons, Switzerland]
By sources
ALAIMO, Emma - Proverbi Siciliani
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ALEXANDER-FRIZER, Tamar / Yaakov BENTOLILA - La palabra en su hora es oro. El refrán judeo-español del Norte de Marruecos
ALIBERT, Louis - Proverbes de l'Aude, classés et mis en ortographe occitane par Raymond CHABBERT
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ALVAR, Manuel - ALEICan = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de las Islas Canarias [3 vols.]
ALVAR, Manuel, con la colaboración de Antonio LLORENTE y Gregorio SALVADOR - ALEA = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Andalucía [6 vols.]
ALVAR, Manuel, con la colaboración de Antonio LLORENTE, Tomás BUESA y Elena ALVAR - ALEANR = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Aragón, Navarra y Rioja [12 vols.]
ALVAR, Manuel, con la colaboración de José Antonio MAYORAL, Carlos ALVAR, Mª del Pilar NUÑO, Mª del Carmen CABALLERO, Julia B. CORRAL y Elena ALVAR. - ALECant = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Cantabria [2 vols.]
AMADES, Joan - Costumari català [16 vols.]
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ANTONI, Anna Maria / Carlo LAPUCCI - 30 dì conta novembre... I proverbi dei mesi
ARNAL CAVERO, Pedro - Refranes, Dichos, Mazadas... en el Somontano y montaña oscense
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BALLARÍN CORNEL, Ángel - Diccionario del benasqués
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BLAS GABARDA, Fernando / Fernando ROMANOS HERNANDO - Fraseología en chistabín. Diccionario de refranes, modismos, locuciones y frases hechas en aragonés del Valle de Chistau
BOISGONTIER, Jacques - ALLOr = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Languedoc oriental [3 vols.]
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CANO GONZÁLEZ, Ana Mª - Notas de Folklor Somedán
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FONTANOT, Roberto - "Els refranys meteorològics als dialectes de les costes vènetes i istrianes", José Enrique GARGALLO GIL, coordinatore (con la collaborazione di Maria-Reina BASTARDAS, Joan FONTANA I TOUS, Gabriele IANNÀCCARO e Antonio TORRES TORR
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GARGALLO GIL, José Enrique - "Habla, refranero y cultura popular en el Rincón de Ademuz", Josep Montesinos i Martínez / Carmen Poyato Holgado, La cruz de los tres reinos: espacio y tiempo en un territorio de frontera, 135-153.
GARGALLO, José Enrique / Miquel Àngel PRADILLA - El joc ancestral de la paraula. Llengua, cultura popular i refranyer a Rossell (Baix Maestrat)
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GIPPINI ESCODA, Enrique - Refraneiro galego (Escolma)
GOMIS i MESTRE, Cels [Edició notablement augmentada amb gran nombre de confrontacions a cura de Cels GOMIS i SERDAÑONS] - Meteorologia i agricultura populars. Recull d'aforismes, modismes, creences i supersticions referents a la meteorologia i a l'agric
GRAÇA, António dos Santos - O Poveiro – Usos, Costumes, Tradições, Lendas
GRIERA, Antoni - Tresor de la llengua, de les tradicions i de la cultura popular catalana (14 vols.)
HAUSER, Albert - Bauernregeln. Eine schweizerische Sammlung mit Erläuterungen von Albert Hauser
HINŢESCU, I.C. - Proverbele românilor
HOURCADE, André - Dictionnaire bilingue des proverbes gascons
IBÀÑEZ MARTÍ, Pili / Tere IZQUIERDO SALOM / Maite MOYA REVERTÉ - "«Montsià en capell, guarda't d'ell»: Els noms dels núvols a la comarca del Montsià", Miquel Àngel PRADILLA CARDONA (ed.), Llengua i Literatura a les comarques de la diòcesi de To
Instituto de Estudios Ilerdenses / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Refranes climatológicos del Valle de Arán
LAPUCCI, Carlo - Cielo a pecorelle. I segni del tempo nella meteorologia popolare
LEITE DE VASCONCELOS, José - Etnografia Portuguesa [10 vol.]
LESPY, Vastin - Dictons et proverbes de Béarn. Paroemologie [sic] comparée
LOI, Salvatore - Proverbi sardi
LÓPEZ SUSÍN, José Ignacio / María Dolores MONTANER SUSÍN - Bocabulario de Plasenzia (Sotonera)
MANENT i SEGIMON, Albert / Joan CERVERA i BATARIU - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents al Vallès Occidental
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents a la Conca de Barberà
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Baix Ebre i [del] Baix Llobregat
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Barcelonès i [del] Solsonès
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Maresme
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Penedès (Alt Penedès, Baix Penedès, Garraf)
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents: Ribera d'Ebre i Terra Alta
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars dels núvols i boires: Camp de Tarragona. El Priorat
MANENT, Albert / Joan CERVERA - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents a l'Urgell
MANENT, Albert / Joan CERVERA - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents al Vallès Oriental
MANENT, Albert / Joan CERVERA - Els noms populars de Núvols, Boires i Vents de la comarca de la Selva
MARTÍNEZ KLEISER, Luis - El tiempo y los espacios de tiempo en los refranes
MARTÍNEZ KLEISER, Luis - Refranero general ideológico español
MISTRAL, Frédéric - Lou Tresor dóu Felibrige ou Dictionnaire Provençal-Français [2 vols.]
MONTREYNAUD, Florence / Agnès PIERRON / François SUZZONI - Dictionnaire de proverbes et dictons. La sagesse du monde entier
MORANT i MARCO, Ricard; con la colaboración de Miquel PEÑARROYA i PRATS y Julia A. TORNAL MONRABAL - [node:field_richtext_title]
MOREIRA, António - Provérbios portugueses
MOTT, Brian - Diccionario Etimológico Chistabino-Castellano / Castellano-Chistabino
MUNTEAN, George - Proverbe româneşti
MUNTEANU COLÁN, Dan - "Elementos de mitología autóctona en refranes rumanos meteorológicos y del calendario", José Enrique GARGALLO GIL, coordinador (con la colaboración de Maria-Reina Bastardas, Joan Fontana i Tous y Antonio Torres Torres), Paremio
NAUTON, Pierre - ALMC = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Massif central [4 vols.]
NAZZI, Gianni - Dizionari dai provierbs
NINNI, Alessandro Pericle - Materiali per un vocabolario della lingua rusticana del Contado di Treviso con un’aggiunta sopra le superstizioni, le credenze ed i proverbi rusticani
NORIEGA VARELA, Antón - "Archivo filolóxico e etnográfico de Galiza. Repertorio de refrás para todol-os meses do ano", Nós, 3, pp. 16-18.
OLTEANU, Antoaneta - Calendarele poporului român
OSTERMANN, Valentino - Proverbi friulani raccolti dalla viva voce del popolo
OTERO Álvarez, Aníbal - Vocabulario de San Jorge de Piquín
PALACIOS RASAL, Liena / Chan BAOS MUÑOZ - Bocabulario de Murillo de Galligo
PALAY, Simin - Dictionnaire du béarnais et du gascon modernes (Bassin Aquitain)
PALIOTTI, Vittorio - Proverbi napoletani
PALOMBA, Joan - Tradizioni, Usi e Costumi di Alghero. Pàgines de literatura algueresa [edición de Antoni Nughes]
PANZINI, Mario - Dizionario del vernacolo anconitano
PEJENAUTE GOÑI, Javier María - Los Refranes del Tiempo de Navarra
PERBOSC, Antonin - Proverbes et dictons du Pays d'Oc
PICCITTO, Giorgio Piccitto / TROPEA, Giovanni / TROVATO, Salvatore C. - Vocabolario siciliano (I-V)
PILLONCA, Paolo - Narat su diciu. Proverbi del popolo sardo
PLANTA, Robert von / Florian MELCHER / Chapar PULT / Andra SCHORTA [fundadores] - Dicziunari Rumantcsh Grischun
POTTE, Jean-Claude - ALAL = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique de l’Auvergne et du Limousin [3 vols.]
PRATS i SOBREPERE, Joan / Joan CERVERA i BATARIU / Albert MANENT i SEGIMON - Lèxic de meteorologia popular a les Garrigues
PUENTE Y ÚBEDA, Carlos - Meteorología popular ó Refranero meteorológico de la Península Ibérica
QUINTÁNS SUÁREZ, Manuel - Anuario de tradicións galegas
RAIMONDI, Piero - Proverbi genovesi
RALHA, Maria Arlete -orientadora- - Provérbios e Lengalengas
RAMA, Giuseppe - Proverbi de Verona. “Pillole di saggezza popolare”
RAVIER, Xavier - ALLOc = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Languedoc occidental [4 vols.]
RAYNAL, François - Au jardin des adages. 1016 proverbes en dialecte de Haute-Auvergne
REBETEZ, Martine / Christine BARRAS - Le climat des Romands
REIS, José Alves - Provérbios e Ditos Populares
RIBA i GABARRÓ, Josep - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents de l'Anoia
RICHELMY, Tino - Proverbi piemontesi
RÍOS NASARRE, Paz / Alberto BOLSA PUYUELO - Replega de tradizión oral en Salas Altas
RODRÍGUEZ MARÍN, Francisco - Cien refranes andaluces de meteorología, cronología y agricultura rural, recogidos de la tradición oral
RODRÍGUEZ MARÍN, Francisco - Los refranes del almanaque. Recogidos, explicados y concordados con los de varios paises [sic] románicos
RODRÍGUEZ MARÍN, Francisco - Más de 21.000 Refranes Castellanos. No contenidos en la copiosa colección del Maestro Gonzalo Correas[,] allególos de la tradición oral y de sus lecturas durante más de medio siglo (1871-1926)
RODRÍGUEZ Y RODRÍGUEZ, Manuel - "Refranes Galaico-Bercianos", Estudios Bercianos, 13, pp. 56-63
ROGNONI, Carlo - Raccolta di proverbi agrari meteorologici del parmigiano. Edizione a cura di Luigi PELIZZONI
ROLLAND, Eugène - Faune populaire de la France. Noms vulgaires, dictons, proverbes, contes et superstitions.
RONDOU, J.-P. - Folklore Pyrénéen
ROSÁRIO, Serafim do - Terras do Vimioso – Retalhos de Literatura Oral
ROUX, Josep [Josep ROS] - Proverbis Bas-Lemosins
RÚA ALLER, F. Javier - Refranes del tiempo en León
RUBIO MARCOS, Elías / José Manuel PEDROSA / César Javier PALACIOS - Creencias y supersticiones populares de la provincia de Burgos. El cielo. La tierra. El fuego. El agua. Los animales
RUSU-PĂSĂRIN, Gabriela - Calendar popular românesc
SAMPIERI, Martinu - Parlà di u Sartinesu
SÁNCHEZ VICENTE, Xuan Xosé / Jesús CAÑEDO VALLE - Mitoloxía. Refraneru asturianu (ordenáu por temes)
SANCHIS GUARNER, Manuel - Calendari de refranys
SANCHIS GUARNER, Manuel - Els vents segons la cultura popular
SANTORO, Caterina - Proverbi milanesi
SARALEGUI Y MEDINA, Manuel de - Refranero español, náutico y meteorológico
SAURA RAMI, José Antonio - De paremiologia benasquesa [inédito]
SBARBI, José María - Monografía sobre los refranes, adagios y proverbios castellanos y las obras ó fragmentos que expresamente tratan de ellos en nuestra lengua
SCHWAMENTHAL, Riccardo / Michele L. STRANIERO - Dizionario dei proverbi italiani
SÉGUY, Jean - ALG = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique de la Gascogne [6 vols.]
SERRA FÁBREGAS, Joaquín P. - Refranero apícola
SEVILLA MUÑOZ, Julia (con la colaboración de Mª Ángeles GARCÍA JOVE) - "El refranero hoy" (Sección dirigida por Julia Sevilla Muñoz con la colaboración de Mª Ángeles García Jove), Paremia, nº 9, pp. 133-141.
SEVILLA MUÑOZ, Julia - "El refranero hoy" (Sección dirigida por Julia Sevilla Muñoz), Paremia, nº 7, pp. 141-152
SILVESTRE, Isabel - Silvestre, Isabel (2010): Memória de Um Povo. Lisboa: Temas e Debates/ Círculo de Leitores.
SOLER I SANTALÓ, Juli - La Vall d'Aran
SORAPERRA DE GIULIO, Simon - "Proverbi e detti fassani: II", Mondo Ladino. Bollettino dell'Istituto Culturale Ladino, 1-2, pp. 155-178.
SPALLICCI, Aldo - Proverbi romagnoli
SPANO, Giovanni - Proverbi sardi trasportati in lingua italiana e confrontati con quelli degli antichi popoli. A cura de Giulio Angioni
SPEZZANO, Francesco - Proverbi calabresi
TABOADA CID, Manuel - Léxico de la comarca de Verín
TALAMONI, Jean-Guy - TALAMONI, Jean-Guy, Dictionnaire commenté des proverbes corses
TEODORESCU-KIRILEANU, S. - Proverbe agricole
TOMÁS ARIAS, Chabier - "Literatura popular aragonesa de tradizión oral en a Baixa Ribagorza", Luenga & fablas, 2, pp. 27-68.
TOMÁS ARIAS, Chabier - El aragonés del Biello Sobrarbe
TRINQUIER, Pierre - Proverbes & dictons de la langue d'Oc d'après le Dictionnaire Languedocien-Français de l'Abbé Boissier de Sauvages (1785)
TROTTA, Marco - Società e cultura contadina nei proverbi di Monte S. Angelo
VAYSSIER, Aimé - Dictionnaire Patois-Français du Département de l'Aveyron
VÁZQUEZ OBRADOR, Jesús - "Notas sobre refranes, dichos y tradiciones de algunos pueblos de Tierra de Biescas, Valle de Tena, Valle de Serrablo y Somontano", Argensola, 89, pp. 55-72.
VÁZQUEZ SACO, Francisco - Refraneiro galego e outros materiais de tradición oral [núm. 5 de Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega]
VENY, Joan / Lidia PONS i GRIERA - ALDC = Atles lingüístic del domini català. Volum III 4. La família: cicle de la vida. 5. Món espiritual: l'Església. Festes religioses. Creences. 6. Jocs. 7. Temps cronològic. Meteorologia. 8. Topografia
VERGARA MARTÍN, Gabriel María - Refranero geográfico español
VERGARA, Gabriel María - "Relaciones entre las festividades de la Iglesia y los fenómenos atmosféricos y las faenas agrícolas según las frases populares españolas", Boletín de la Real Sociedad Geográfica, LIII, pp. 195-210.
VIDALLER TRICAS, Rafel - Libro de as matas y os animals. Dizionario Aragonés d'Espezies Animals y Bechetals. Diccionario Aragonés de Especies Animales y Vegetales
VULETIĆ, Nikola - "Refranys meteorològics i del calendari istroromanesos i relacions interlingüístiques", Géolinguistique, 13, 343-357.
ZAMORA MOSQUERA, Federico - Refráns e ditos populares galegos
ZAMORA VICENTE, Alonso - El habla de Mérida y sus cercanías [anejo XXIX de la Revista de Filología Española]
ZANNE, Iuliu A. - Proverbele românilor din România, Basarabia, Bucovina, Ungaria, Istria şi Macedonia [10 vol.]
ALAIMO, Emma - Proverbi Siciliani
ALCOVER, Antoni M. / Francesc de B. MOLL - Diccionari català-valencià-balear [10 vols.] [también consultable en línea:]
ALEXANDER-FRIZER, Tamar / Yaakov BENTOLILA - La palabra en su hora es oro. El refrán judeo-español del Norte de Marruecos
ALIBERT, Louis - Proverbes de l'Aude, classés et mis en ortographe occitane par Raymond CHABBERT
ALTON, Giovanni - Proverbi, tradizioni ed Anneddoti [sic] delle valli ladine orientali con versione italiana.
ALTON, Johann - Beiträge zur ethnologie von Ostladinien
ALVAR, Manuel - ALEICan = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de las Islas Canarias [3 vols.]
ALVAR, Manuel, con la colaboración de Antonio LLORENTE y Gregorio SALVADOR - ALEA = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Andalucía [6 vols.]
ALVAR, Manuel, con la colaboración de Antonio LLORENTE, Tomás BUESA y Elena ALVAR - ALEANR = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Aragón, Navarra y Rioja [12 vols.]
ALVAR, Manuel, con la colaboración de José Antonio MAYORAL, Carlos ALVAR, Mª del Pilar NUÑO, Mª del Carmen CABALLERO, Julia B. CORRAL y Elena ALVAR. - ALECant = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Cantabria [2 vols.]
AMADES, Joan - Costumari català [16 vols.]
AMADES, Joan - Folklore de Catalunya [Vol. II]. Cançoner. Cançons - refranys - endevinalles
ANDOLZ CANELA, Rafael - "Refranes, dichos, frases hechas y expresiones en aragonés y en catalán de Aragón", en Actas de las VI Jornadas sobre cultura popular altoaragonesa, pp. 75-91.
ANTONI, Anna Maria / Carlo LAPUCCI - 30 dì conta novembre... I proverbi dei mesi
ARNAL CAVERO, Pedro - Refranes, Dichos, Mazadas... en el Somontano y montaña oscense
ARNAUDIN, Félix - Proverbes de la Grande Lande (Édition établie et présentée par Jacques Boisgontier et Lothaire Mabru)
BADÍA MARGARIT, Antonio [BADIA I MARGARIT, Antoni M.] - El habla del Valle de Bielsa (Pirineo aragonés)
BALLARÍN CORNEL, Ángel - Diccionario del benasqués
BELLONZI, Fortunato - Proverbi toscani
BELTRAM, Ž. F. / Ž. N. MATALON - Proverbi friulani
BERGUA, José - Refranero español
BLADÉ, Jean-François [Bladèr, Joan-Francés] - Proverbes & Devinettes populaires recueillis dans l'Armagnac & l'Agenais
BLAQUIÈRA, Jan - Proverbes du Pays Niçois. Prouverbi dóu Païs Nissart
BLAS GABARDA, Fernando / Fernando ROMANOS HERNANDO - Fraseología en chistabín. Diccionario de refranes, modismos, locuciones y frases hechas en aragonés del Valle de Chistau
BOISGONTIER, Jacques - ALLOr = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Languedoc oriental [3 vols.]
BOTEZATU, Grigore / Andrei HÂNCU - Dicţionar de proverbe şi zicători româneşti (Ediţia a III-a) [3.ª edición]
BRACHET, F. - Dictionnaire du patois savoyard tel qu'il est parlé dans le canton d'Albertville [...] suivi d'une collection de proverbes et maximes usités dans le pays
BRAZÃO, José Ruivinho - Os Provérbios Estão Vivos em Portugal – Pesquisa Paremiológica no Algarve
CANO GONZÁLEZ, Ana Mª - Notas de Folklor Somedán
CARRÉ ALDAO, Uxío - "Coleición de refráns de almanaque", Nós, 35, pp. 6-8; 36, 13-18.
CARRUSCA, Maria de Sousa -coordenadora- - "Vozes da sabedoria" [3 vols.]
CASSANO, Joseph - La vie rustique et la philosophie dans les proverbes et dictons valdôtains
CASTAÑÓN, Luciano - "Advocaciones religiosas en refranes asturianos", Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, tomo XXII, cuadernos 1º y 2º, pp. 378-393.
CASTAÑÓN, Luciano - "Los meses en el refranero asturiano", Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, XVIII, pp. 395-415
CASTAÑÓN, Luciano - "Refranero asturiano. Apéndice", Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 49, pp. 251-280
CASTAÑÓN, Luciano - Refranero asturiano
CASTET, L'Abbé - Proverbes patois de la vallée de Biros en Couserans (Ariége) [sic]
CELLARD, Jacques / Gilbert DUBOIS - Dictons de la pluie et du beau temps
Centre de Normalisacion Lingüistica dera Val d'Aran (CNLVA) - Arrepervèris
CHARNAY, Thierry - "Les motifs du rossignol et du coucou dans la chanson traditionnelle de langue française", Littérature orale traditionnelle populaire. Actes du colloque, Paris, 20-22 novembre 1986,
CHASSANY, Jean-Philippe - Dictionnaire de Météorologie Populaire
CHIOCCHETTI, Fabio - "Proverbies, dič e paragogn fašegn", Mondo Ladino. Bollettino dell' Istituto Culturale Ladino, 3-4, pp. 197-223.
CIBOTTO, G. A. / DEL DRAGO, G. - Proverbi romaneschi
CIBOTTO, Giovanni Antonio - Proverbi veneti
COLONNA d'ISTRIA, Robert / COLONNA d'ISTRIA, Jean - Pruverbii di Corsica
CONDE TARRÍO, Germán - Diccionario de refráns. Correspondencias en castelán e francés
CORDIER, Eugène - Études sur le dialecte du Lavedan
COROMINES, Joan - El parlar de la Vall d'Aran. Gramàtica, diccionari i estudis lexicals sobre el gascó
CRUSET i VILAR, Lídia / Mireia CUSTEY i BASSACH / Sònia PEITIVÍ i ALGANS - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents de l'Alt Empordà
DEL FABRO, Adriano - Proverbi e modi di dire del Friuli
DELPASTRE, Marcelle - Nouveaux contes & Proverbes Limousins. Contes e Proverbis d'en qu'auqu'un [sic] temps
DÍAZ DÍAZ, Emilio - Refranero popular extremeño
DUARTE, Joaninha - A Luz da Cal ao Canto do Lume – Tradição Oral do Concelho de Mora
DUSSICH, Marino - Vocabolario della parlata di Buie d’Istria
ESTRUCH i SUBIRANA, Maria - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents al Berguedà
ESTRUCH i SUBIRANA, Maria - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Bages
FAPPANI, Antonio / TURELLI, Francesco - Il dialetto bresciano
FARNÉS, Sebastià - Paremiologia catalana comparada. Edició a cura de Jaume VIDAL ALCOVER, Magí SUNYER i Josep Lluís SAVALL, amb la col·laboració de Josep M. PUJOL [8 vol.]
FERNANDES, Celina Maria Busto - Ecos do Passado, Vozes do Presente – Literatura Oral e Tradicional dos Concelhos de Vinhais e Chaves
FERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ, José Ramón - "Dichos y refranes del valle de Ancares", Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, XL, pp. 191-217
FERRAZ Y CASTÁN, Vicente - Vocabulario del dialecto que se habla en la Alta Ribagorza
FERREIRA, Joaquim Alves - Miscelânia, vol. IV: Literatura Popular de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
FERRO RUIBAL, Xesús (dir.) - Diccionario dos nomes galegos
FERRO RUIBAL, Xesús - "Refraneiro de Grou (Lobios) recollido por Bieito Fernandes do Palheiro", Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega, 10, pp. 241-253
FERRO RUIBAL, Xesús - Refraneiro galego básico
FONTANOT, Roberto - "Els refranys meteorològics als dialectes de les costes vènetes i istrianes", José Enrique GARGALLO GIL, coordinatore (con la collaborazione di Maria-Reina BASTARDAS, Joan FONTANA I TOUS, Gabriele IANNÀCCARO e Antonio TORRES TORR
FONTES, António Lourenço - Etnografia Transmontana
GARCÍA ARIAS, Xosé Lluis - Diccionario General de la Lengua Asturiana
GARCÍA GARCÍA, Luis - "Santos y fiestas en el refranero astur", Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 88-89 (año 30), pp. 535-563
GARCÍA MOUTON, Pilar / Francisco MORENO FERNÁNDEZ (directores) - ALeCMan = Atlas Lingüístico (y etnográfico) de Castilla - La Mancha
GARCÍA, Constantino / SANTAMARINA, Antón (directores) - ALGa = Atlas Lingüístico Galego. Volume IV. Léxico. Tempo atmosférico e cronolóxico
GARGALLO GIL, José Enrique - "Habla, refranero y cultura popular en el Rincón de Ademuz", Josep Montesinos i Martínez / Carmen Poyato Holgado, La cruz de los tres reinos: espacio y tiempo en un territorio de frontera, 135-153.
GARGALLO, José Enrique / Miquel Àngel PRADILLA - El joc ancestral de la paraula. Llengua, cultura popular i refranyer a Rossell (Baix Maestrat)
GIAMMARCO, Ernesto - Dizionario Abruzzese e Molisano [I-V]
GIOVANNOLI, Renato - “Il tempo nella saggezza popolare. Antologia di detti e proverbi dialettali del Ticino”. Quaderni di documentazione, 11
GIOVINE, Alfredo - Proverbi pugliesi
GIPPINI ESCODA, Enrique - Refraneiro galego (Escolma)
GOMIS i MESTRE, Cels [Edició notablement augmentada amb gran nombre de confrontacions a cura de Cels GOMIS i SERDAÑONS] - Meteorologia i agricultura populars. Recull d'aforismes, modismes, creences i supersticions referents a la meteorologia i a l'agric
GRAÇA, António dos Santos - O Poveiro – Usos, Costumes, Tradições, Lendas
GRIERA, Antoni - Tresor de la llengua, de les tradicions i de la cultura popular catalana (14 vols.)
HAUSER, Albert - Bauernregeln. Eine schweizerische Sammlung mit Erläuterungen von Albert Hauser
HINŢESCU, I.C. - Proverbele românilor
HOURCADE, André - Dictionnaire bilingue des proverbes gascons
IBÀÑEZ MARTÍ, Pili / Tere IZQUIERDO SALOM / Maite MOYA REVERTÉ - "«Montsià en capell, guarda't d'ell»: Els noms dels núvols a la comarca del Montsià", Miquel Àngel PRADILLA CARDONA (ed.), Llengua i Literatura a les comarques de la diòcesi de To
Instituto de Estudios Ilerdenses / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Refranes climatológicos del Valle de Arán
LAPUCCI, Carlo - Cielo a pecorelle. I segni del tempo nella meteorologia popolare
LEITE DE VASCONCELOS, José - Etnografia Portuguesa [10 vol.]
LESPY, Vastin - Dictons et proverbes de Béarn. Paroemologie [sic] comparée
LOI, Salvatore - Proverbi sardi
LÓPEZ SUSÍN, José Ignacio / María Dolores MONTANER SUSÍN - Bocabulario de Plasenzia (Sotonera)
MANENT i SEGIMON, Albert / Joan CERVERA i BATARIU - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents al Vallès Occidental
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents a la Conca de Barberà
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Baix Ebre i [del] Baix Llobregat
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Barcelonès i [del] Solsonès
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Maresme
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Penedès (Alt Penedès, Baix Penedès, Garraf)
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents: Ribera d'Ebre i Terra Alta
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars dels núvols i boires: Camp de Tarragona. El Priorat
MANENT, Albert / Joan CERVERA - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents a l'Urgell
MANENT, Albert / Joan CERVERA - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents al Vallès Oriental
MANENT, Albert / Joan CERVERA - Els noms populars de Núvols, Boires i Vents de la comarca de la Selva
MARTÍNEZ KLEISER, Luis - El tiempo y los espacios de tiempo en los refranes
MARTÍNEZ KLEISER, Luis - Refranero general ideológico español
MISTRAL, Frédéric - Lou Tresor dóu Felibrige ou Dictionnaire Provençal-Français [2 vols.]
MONTREYNAUD, Florence / Agnès PIERRON / François SUZZONI - Dictionnaire de proverbes et dictons. La sagesse du monde entier
MORANT i MARCO, Ricard; con la colaboración de Miquel PEÑARROYA i PRATS y Julia A. TORNAL MONRABAL - [node:field_richtext_title]
MOREIRA, António - Provérbios portugueses
MOTT, Brian - Diccionario Etimológico Chistabino-Castellano / Castellano-Chistabino
MUNTEAN, George - Proverbe româneşti
MUNTEANU COLÁN, Dan - "Elementos de mitología autóctona en refranes rumanos meteorológicos y del calendario", José Enrique GARGALLO GIL, coordinador (con la colaboración de Maria-Reina Bastardas, Joan Fontana i Tous y Antonio Torres Torres), Paremio
NAUTON, Pierre - ALMC = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Massif central [4 vols.]
NAZZI, Gianni - Dizionari dai provierbs
NINNI, Alessandro Pericle - Materiali per un vocabolario della lingua rusticana del Contado di Treviso con un’aggiunta sopra le superstizioni, le credenze ed i proverbi rusticani
NORIEGA VARELA, Antón - "Archivo filolóxico e etnográfico de Galiza. Repertorio de refrás para todol-os meses do ano", Nós, 3, pp. 16-18.
OLTEANU, Antoaneta - Calendarele poporului român
OSTERMANN, Valentino - Proverbi friulani raccolti dalla viva voce del popolo
OTERO Álvarez, Aníbal - Vocabulario de San Jorge de Piquín
PALACIOS RASAL, Liena / Chan BAOS MUÑOZ - Bocabulario de Murillo de Galligo
PALAY, Simin - Dictionnaire du béarnais et du gascon modernes (Bassin Aquitain)
PALIOTTI, Vittorio - Proverbi napoletani
PALOMBA, Joan - Tradizioni, Usi e Costumi di Alghero. Pàgines de literatura algueresa [edición de Antoni Nughes]
PANZINI, Mario - Dizionario del vernacolo anconitano
PEJENAUTE GOÑI, Javier María - Los Refranes del Tiempo de Navarra
PERBOSC, Antonin - Proverbes et dictons du Pays d'Oc
PICCITTO, Giorgio Piccitto / TROPEA, Giovanni / TROVATO, Salvatore C. - Vocabolario siciliano (I-V)
PILLONCA, Paolo - Narat su diciu. Proverbi del popolo sardo
PLANTA, Robert von / Florian MELCHER / Chapar PULT / Andra SCHORTA [fundadores] - Dicziunari Rumantcsh Grischun
POTTE, Jean-Claude - ALAL = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique de l’Auvergne et du Limousin [3 vols.]
PRATS i SOBREPERE, Joan / Joan CERVERA i BATARIU / Albert MANENT i SEGIMON - Lèxic de meteorologia popular a les Garrigues
PUENTE Y ÚBEDA, Carlos - Meteorología popular ó Refranero meteorológico de la Península Ibérica
QUINTÁNS SUÁREZ, Manuel - Anuario de tradicións galegas
RAIMONDI, Piero - Proverbi genovesi
RALHA, Maria Arlete -orientadora- - Provérbios e Lengalengas
RAMA, Giuseppe - Proverbi de Verona. “Pillole di saggezza popolare”
RAVIER, Xavier - ALLOc = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Languedoc occidental [4 vols.]
RAYNAL, François - Au jardin des adages. 1016 proverbes en dialecte de Haute-Auvergne
REBETEZ, Martine / Christine BARRAS - Le climat des Romands
REIS, José Alves - Provérbios e Ditos Populares
RIBA i GABARRÓ, Josep - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents de l'Anoia
RICHELMY, Tino - Proverbi piemontesi
RÍOS NASARRE, Paz / Alberto BOLSA PUYUELO - Replega de tradizión oral en Salas Altas
RODRÍGUEZ MARÍN, Francisco - Cien refranes andaluces de meteorología, cronología y agricultura rural, recogidos de la tradición oral
RODRÍGUEZ MARÍN, Francisco - Los refranes del almanaque. Recogidos, explicados y concordados con los de varios paises [sic] románicos
RODRÍGUEZ MARÍN, Francisco - Más de 21.000 Refranes Castellanos. No contenidos en la copiosa colección del Maestro Gonzalo Correas[,] allególos de la tradición oral y de sus lecturas durante más de medio siglo (1871-1926)
RODRÍGUEZ Y RODRÍGUEZ, Manuel - "Refranes Galaico-Bercianos", Estudios Bercianos, 13, pp. 56-63
ROGNONI, Carlo - Raccolta di proverbi agrari meteorologici del parmigiano. Edizione a cura di Luigi PELIZZONI
ROLLAND, Eugène - Faune populaire de la France. Noms vulgaires, dictons, proverbes, contes et superstitions.
RONDOU, J.-P. - Folklore Pyrénéen
ROSÁRIO, Serafim do - Terras do Vimioso – Retalhos de Literatura Oral
ROUX, Josep [Josep ROS] - Proverbis Bas-Lemosins
RÚA ALLER, F. Javier - Refranes del tiempo en León
RUBIO MARCOS, Elías / José Manuel PEDROSA / César Javier PALACIOS - Creencias y supersticiones populares de la provincia de Burgos. El cielo. La tierra. El fuego. El agua. Los animales
RUSU-PĂSĂRIN, Gabriela - Calendar popular românesc
SAMPIERI, Martinu - Parlà di u Sartinesu
SÁNCHEZ VICENTE, Xuan Xosé / Jesús CAÑEDO VALLE - Mitoloxía. Refraneru asturianu (ordenáu por temes)
SANCHIS GUARNER, Manuel - Calendari de refranys
SANCHIS GUARNER, Manuel - Els vents segons la cultura popular
SANTORO, Caterina - Proverbi milanesi
SARALEGUI Y MEDINA, Manuel de - Refranero español, náutico y meteorológico
SAURA RAMI, José Antonio - De paremiologia benasquesa [inédito]
SBARBI, José María - Monografía sobre los refranes, adagios y proverbios castellanos y las obras ó fragmentos que expresamente tratan de ellos en nuestra lengua
SCHWAMENTHAL, Riccardo / Michele L. STRANIERO - Dizionario dei proverbi italiani
SÉGUY, Jean - ALG = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique de la Gascogne [6 vols.]
SERRA FÁBREGAS, Joaquín P. - Refranero apícola
SEVILLA MUÑOZ, Julia (con la colaboración de Mª Ángeles GARCÍA JOVE) - "El refranero hoy" (Sección dirigida por Julia Sevilla Muñoz con la colaboración de Mª Ángeles García Jove), Paremia, nº 9, pp. 133-141.
SEVILLA MUÑOZ, Julia - "El refranero hoy" (Sección dirigida por Julia Sevilla Muñoz), Paremia, nº 7, pp. 141-152
SILVESTRE, Isabel - Silvestre, Isabel (2010): Memória de Um Povo. Lisboa: Temas e Debates/ Círculo de Leitores.
SOLER I SANTALÓ, Juli - La Vall d'Aran
SORAPERRA DE GIULIO, Simon - "Proverbi e detti fassani: II", Mondo Ladino. Bollettino dell'Istituto Culturale Ladino, 1-2, pp. 155-178.
SPALLICCI, Aldo - Proverbi romagnoli
SPANO, Giovanni - Proverbi sardi trasportati in lingua italiana e confrontati con quelli degli antichi popoli. A cura de Giulio Angioni
SPEZZANO, Francesco - Proverbi calabresi
TABOADA CID, Manuel - Léxico de la comarca de Verín
TALAMONI, Jean-Guy - TALAMONI, Jean-Guy, Dictionnaire commenté des proverbes corses
TEODORESCU-KIRILEANU, S. - Proverbe agricole
TOMÁS ARIAS, Chabier - "Literatura popular aragonesa de tradizión oral en a Baixa Ribagorza", Luenga & fablas, 2, pp. 27-68.
TOMÁS ARIAS, Chabier - El aragonés del Biello Sobrarbe
TRINQUIER, Pierre - Proverbes & dictons de la langue d'Oc d'après le Dictionnaire Languedocien-Français de l'Abbé Boissier de Sauvages (1785)
TROTTA, Marco - Società e cultura contadina nei proverbi di Monte S. Angelo
VAYSSIER, Aimé - Dictionnaire Patois-Français du Département de l'Aveyron
VÁZQUEZ OBRADOR, Jesús - "Notas sobre refranes, dichos y tradiciones de algunos pueblos de Tierra de Biescas, Valle de Tena, Valle de Serrablo y Somontano", Argensola, 89, pp. 55-72.
VÁZQUEZ SACO, Francisco - Refraneiro galego e outros materiais de tradición oral [núm. 5 de Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega]
VENY, Joan / Lidia PONS i GRIERA - ALDC = Atles lingüístic del domini català. Volum III 4. La família: cicle de la vida. 5. Món espiritual: l'Església. Festes religioses. Creences. 6. Jocs. 7. Temps cronològic. Meteorologia. 8. Topografia
VERGARA MARTÍN, Gabriel María - Refranero geográfico español
VERGARA, Gabriel María - "Relaciones entre las festividades de la Iglesia y los fenómenos atmosféricos y las faenas agrícolas según las frases populares españolas", Boletín de la Real Sociedad Geográfica, LIII, pp. 195-210.
VIDALLER TRICAS, Rafel - Libro de as matas y os animals. Dizionario Aragonés d'Espezies Animals y Bechetals. Diccionario Aragonés de Especies Animales y Vegetales
VULETIĆ, Nikola - "Refranys meteorològics i del calendari istroromanesos i relacions interlingüístiques", Géolinguistique, 13, 343-357.
ZAMORA MOSQUERA, Federico - Refráns e ditos populares galegos
ZAMORA VICENTE, Alonso - El habla de Mérida y sus cercanías [anejo XXIX de la Revista de Filología Española]
ZANNE, Iuliu A. - Proverbele românilor din România, Basarabia, Bucovina, Ungaria, Istria şi Macedonia [10 vol.]
ALAIMO, Emma - Proverbi Siciliani
ALCOVER, Antoni M. / Francesc de B. MOLL - Diccionari català-valencià-balear [10 vols.] [también consultable en línea:]
ALEXANDER-FRIZER, Tamar / Yaakov BENTOLILA - La palabra en su hora es oro. El refrán judeo-español del Norte de Marruecos
ALIBERT, Louis - Proverbes de l'Aude, classés et mis en ortographe occitane par Raymond CHABBERT
ALTON, Giovanni - Proverbi, tradizioni ed Anneddoti [sic] delle valli ladine orientali con versione italiana.
ALTON, Johann - Beiträge zur ethnologie von Ostladinien
ALVAR, Manuel - ALEICan = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de las Islas Canarias [3 vols.]
ALVAR, Manuel, con la colaboración de Antonio LLORENTE y Gregorio SALVADOR - ALEA = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Andalucía [6 vols.]
ALVAR, Manuel, con la colaboración de Antonio LLORENTE, Tomás BUESA y Elena ALVAR - ALEANR = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Aragón, Navarra y Rioja [12 vols.]
ALVAR, Manuel, con la colaboración de José Antonio MAYORAL, Carlos ALVAR, Mª del Pilar NUÑO, Mª del Carmen CABALLERO, Julia B. CORRAL y Elena ALVAR. - ALECant = Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Cantabria [2 vols.]
AMADES, Joan - Costumari català [16 vols.]
AMADES, Joan - Folklore de Catalunya [Vol. II]. Cançoner. Cançons - refranys - endevinalles
ANDOLZ CANELA, Rafael - "Refranes, dichos, frases hechas y expresiones en aragonés y en catalán de Aragón", en Actas de las VI Jornadas sobre cultura popular altoaragonesa, pp. 75-91.
ANTONI, Anna Maria / Carlo LAPUCCI - 30 dì conta novembre... I proverbi dei mesi
ARNAL CAVERO, Pedro - Refranes, Dichos, Mazadas... en el Somontano y montaña oscense
ARNAUDIN, Félix - Proverbes de la Grande Lande (Édition établie et présentée par Jacques Boisgontier et Lothaire Mabru)
BADÍA MARGARIT, Antonio [BADIA I MARGARIT, Antoni M.] - El habla del Valle de Bielsa (Pirineo aragonés)
BALLARÍN CORNEL, Ángel - Diccionario del benasqués
BELLONZI, Fortunato - Proverbi toscani
BELTRAM, Ž. F. / Ž. N. MATALON - Proverbi friulani
BERGUA, José - Refranero español
BLADÉ, Jean-François [Bladèr, Joan-Francés] - Proverbes & Devinettes populaires recueillis dans l'Armagnac & l'Agenais
BLAQUIÈRA, Jan - Proverbes du Pays Niçois. Prouverbi dóu Païs Nissart
BLAS GABARDA, Fernando / Fernando ROMANOS HERNANDO - Fraseología en chistabín. Diccionario de refranes, modismos, locuciones y frases hechas en aragonés del Valle de Chistau
BOISGONTIER, Jacques - ALLOr = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Languedoc oriental [3 vols.]
BOTEZATU, Grigore / Andrei HÂNCU - Dicţionar de proverbe şi zicători româneşti (Ediţia a III-a) [3.ª edición]
BRACHET, F. - Dictionnaire du patois savoyard tel qu'il est parlé dans le canton d'Albertville [...] suivi d'une collection de proverbes et maximes usités dans le pays
BRAZÃO, José Ruivinho - Os Provérbios Estão Vivos em Portugal – Pesquisa Paremiológica no Algarve
CANO GONZÁLEZ, Ana Mª - Notas de Folklor Somedán
CARRÉ ALDAO, Uxío - "Coleición de refráns de almanaque", Nós, 35, pp. 6-8; 36, 13-18.
CARRUSCA, Maria de Sousa -coordenadora- - "Vozes da sabedoria" [3 vols.]
CASSANO, Joseph - La vie rustique et la philosophie dans les proverbes et dictons valdôtains
CASTAÑÓN, Luciano - "Advocaciones religiosas en refranes asturianos", Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, tomo XXII, cuadernos 1º y 2º, pp. 378-393.
CASTAÑÓN, Luciano - "Los meses en el refranero asturiano", Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, XVIII, pp. 395-415
CASTAÑÓN, Luciano - "Refranero asturiano. Apéndice", Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 49, pp. 251-280
CASTAÑÓN, Luciano - Refranero asturiano
CASTET, L'Abbé - Proverbes patois de la vallée de Biros en Couserans (Ariége) [sic]
CELLARD, Jacques / Gilbert DUBOIS - Dictons de la pluie et du beau temps
Centre de Normalisacion Lingüistica dera Val d'Aran (CNLVA) - Arrepervèris
CHARNAY, Thierry - "Les motifs du rossignol et du coucou dans la chanson traditionnelle de langue française", Littérature orale traditionnelle populaire. Actes du colloque, Paris, 20-22 novembre 1986,
CHASSANY, Jean-Philippe - Dictionnaire de Météorologie Populaire
CHIOCCHETTI, Fabio - "Proverbies, dič e paragogn fašegn", Mondo Ladino. Bollettino dell' Istituto Culturale Ladino, 3-4, pp. 197-223.
CIBOTTO, G. A. / DEL DRAGO, G. - Proverbi romaneschi
CIBOTTO, Giovanni Antonio - Proverbi veneti
COLONNA d'ISTRIA, Robert / COLONNA d'ISTRIA, Jean - Pruverbii di Corsica
CONDE TARRÍO, Germán - Diccionario de refráns. Correspondencias en castelán e francés
CORDIER, Eugène - Études sur le dialecte du Lavedan
COROMINES, Joan - El parlar de la Vall d'Aran. Gramàtica, diccionari i estudis lexicals sobre el gascó
CRUSET i VILAR, Lídia / Mireia CUSTEY i BASSACH / Sònia PEITIVÍ i ALGANS - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents de l'Alt Empordà
DEL FABRO, Adriano - Proverbi e modi di dire del Friuli
DELPASTRE, Marcelle - Nouveaux contes & Proverbes Limousins. Contes e Proverbis d'en qu'auqu'un [sic] temps
DÍAZ DÍAZ, Emilio - Refranero popular extremeño
DUARTE, Joaninha - A Luz da Cal ao Canto do Lume – Tradição Oral do Concelho de Mora
DUSSICH, Marino - Vocabolario della parlata di Buie d’Istria
ESTRUCH i SUBIRANA, Maria - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents al Berguedà
ESTRUCH i SUBIRANA, Maria - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Bages
FAPPANI, Antonio / TURELLI, Francesco - Il dialetto bresciano
FARNÉS, Sebastià - Paremiologia catalana comparada. Edició a cura de Jaume VIDAL ALCOVER, Magí SUNYER i Josep Lluís SAVALL, amb la col·laboració de Josep M. PUJOL [8 vol.]
FERNANDES, Celina Maria Busto - Ecos do Passado, Vozes do Presente – Literatura Oral e Tradicional dos Concelhos de Vinhais e Chaves
FERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ, José Ramón - "Dichos y refranes del valle de Ancares", Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, XL, pp. 191-217
FERRAZ Y CASTÁN, Vicente - Vocabulario del dialecto que se habla en la Alta Ribagorza
FERREIRA, Joaquim Alves - Miscelânia, vol. IV: Literatura Popular de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
FERRO RUIBAL, Xesús (dir.) - Diccionario dos nomes galegos
FERRO RUIBAL, Xesús - "Refraneiro de Grou (Lobios) recollido por Bieito Fernandes do Palheiro", Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega, 10, pp. 241-253
FERRO RUIBAL, Xesús - Refraneiro galego básico
FONTANOT, Roberto - "Els refranys meteorològics als dialectes de les costes vènetes i istrianes", José Enrique GARGALLO GIL, coordinatore (con la collaborazione di Maria-Reina BASTARDAS, Joan FONTANA I TOUS, Gabriele IANNÀCCARO e Antonio TORRES TORR
FONTES, António Lourenço - Etnografia Transmontana
GARCÍA ARIAS, Xosé Lluis - Diccionario General de la Lengua Asturiana
GARCÍA GARCÍA, Luis - "Santos y fiestas en el refranero astur", Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 88-89 (año 30), pp. 535-563
GARCÍA MOUTON, Pilar / Francisco MORENO FERNÁNDEZ (directores) - ALeCMan = Atlas Lingüístico (y etnográfico) de Castilla - La Mancha
GARCÍA, Constantino / SANTAMARINA, Antón (directores) - ALGa = Atlas Lingüístico Galego. Volume IV. Léxico. Tempo atmosférico e cronolóxico
GARGALLO GIL, José Enrique - "Habla, refranero y cultura popular en el Rincón de Ademuz", Josep Montesinos i Martínez / Carmen Poyato Holgado, La cruz de los tres reinos: espacio y tiempo en un territorio de frontera, 135-153.
GARGALLO, José Enrique / Miquel Àngel PRADILLA - El joc ancestral de la paraula. Llengua, cultura popular i refranyer a Rossell (Baix Maestrat)
GIAMMARCO, Ernesto - Dizionario Abruzzese e Molisano [I-V]
GIOVANNOLI, Renato - “Il tempo nella saggezza popolare. Antologia di detti e proverbi dialettali del Ticino”. Quaderni di documentazione, 11
GIOVINE, Alfredo - Proverbi pugliesi
GIPPINI ESCODA, Enrique - Refraneiro galego (Escolma)
GOMIS i MESTRE, Cels [Edició notablement augmentada amb gran nombre de confrontacions a cura de Cels GOMIS i SERDAÑONS] - Meteorologia i agricultura populars. Recull d'aforismes, modismes, creences i supersticions referents a la meteorologia i a l'agric
GRAÇA, António dos Santos - O Poveiro – Usos, Costumes, Tradições, Lendas
GRIERA, Antoni - Tresor de la llengua, de les tradicions i de la cultura popular catalana (14 vols.)
HAUSER, Albert - Bauernregeln. Eine schweizerische Sammlung mit Erläuterungen von Albert Hauser
HINŢESCU, I.C. - Proverbele românilor
HOURCADE, André - Dictionnaire bilingue des proverbes gascons
IBÀÑEZ MARTÍ, Pili / Tere IZQUIERDO SALOM / Maite MOYA REVERTÉ - "«Montsià en capell, guarda't d'ell»: Els noms dels núvols a la comarca del Montsià", Miquel Àngel PRADILLA CARDONA (ed.), Llengua i Literatura a les comarques de la diòcesi de To
Instituto de Estudios Ilerdenses / Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Refranes climatológicos del Valle de Arán
LAPUCCI, Carlo - Cielo a pecorelle. I segni del tempo nella meteorologia popolare
LEITE DE VASCONCELOS, José - Etnografia Portuguesa [10 vol.]
LESPY, Vastin - Dictons et proverbes de Béarn. Paroemologie [sic] comparée
LOI, Salvatore - Proverbi sardi
LÓPEZ SUSÍN, José Ignacio / María Dolores MONTANER SUSÍN - Bocabulario de Plasenzia (Sotonera)
MANENT i SEGIMON, Albert / Joan CERVERA i BATARIU - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents al Vallès Occidental
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents a la Conca de Barberà
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Baix Ebre i [del] Baix Llobregat
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Barcelonès i [del] Solsonès
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Maresme
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents del Penedès (Alt Penedès, Baix Penedès, Garraf)
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents: Ribera d'Ebre i Terra Alta
MANENT, Albert - Els noms populars dels núvols i boires: Camp de Tarragona. El Priorat
MANENT, Albert / Joan CERVERA - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents a l'Urgell
MANENT, Albert / Joan CERVERA - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents al Vallès Oriental
MANENT, Albert / Joan CERVERA - Els noms populars de Núvols, Boires i Vents de la comarca de la Selva
MARTÍNEZ KLEISER, Luis - El tiempo y los espacios de tiempo en los refranes
MARTÍNEZ KLEISER, Luis - Refranero general ideológico español
MISTRAL, Frédéric - Lou Tresor dóu Felibrige ou Dictionnaire Provençal-Français [2 vols.]
MONTREYNAUD, Florence / Agnès PIERRON / François SUZZONI - Dictionnaire de proverbes et dictons. La sagesse du monde entier
MORANT i MARCO, Ricard; con la colaboración de Miquel PEÑARROYA i PRATS y Julia A. TORNAL MONRABAL - [node:field_richtext_title]
MOREIRA, António - Provérbios portugueses
MOTT, Brian - Diccionario Etimológico Chistabino-Castellano / Castellano-Chistabino
MUNTEAN, George - Proverbe româneşti
MUNTEANU COLÁN, Dan - "Elementos de mitología autóctona en refranes rumanos meteorológicos y del calendario", José Enrique GARGALLO GIL, coordinador (con la colaboración de Maria-Reina Bastardas, Joan Fontana i Tous y Antonio Torres Torres), Paremio
NAUTON, Pierre - ALMC = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Massif central [4 vols.]
NAZZI, Gianni - Dizionari dai provierbs
NINNI, Alessandro Pericle - Materiali per un vocabolario della lingua rusticana del Contado di Treviso con un’aggiunta sopra le superstizioni, le credenze ed i proverbi rusticani
NORIEGA VARELA, Antón - "Archivo filolóxico e etnográfico de Galiza. Repertorio de refrás para todol-os meses do ano", Nós, 3, pp. 16-18.
OLTEANU, Antoaneta - Calendarele poporului român
OSTERMANN, Valentino - Proverbi friulani raccolti dalla viva voce del popolo
OTERO Álvarez, Aníbal - Vocabulario de San Jorge de Piquín
PALACIOS RASAL, Liena / Chan BAOS MUÑOZ - Bocabulario de Murillo de Galligo
PALAY, Simin - Dictionnaire du béarnais et du gascon modernes (Bassin Aquitain)
PALIOTTI, Vittorio - Proverbi napoletani
PALOMBA, Joan - Tradizioni, Usi e Costumi di Alghero. Pàgines de literatura algueresa [edición de Antoni Nughes]
PANZINI, Mario - Dizionario del vernacolo anconitano
PEJENAUTE GOÑI, Javier María - Los Refranes del Tiempo de Navarra
PERBOSC, Antonin - Proverbes et dictons du Pays d'Oc
PICCITTO, Giorgio Piccitto / TROPEA, Giovanni / TROVATO, Salvatore C. - Vocabolario siciliano (I-V)
PILLONCA, Paolo - Narat su diciu. Proverbi del popolo sardo
PLANTA, Robert von / Florian MELCHER / Chapar PULT / Andra SCHORTA [fundadores] - Dicziunari Rumantcsh Grischun
POTTE, Jean-Claude - ALAL = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique de l’Auvergne et du Limousin [3 vols.]
PRATS i SOBREPERE, Joan / Joan CERVERA i BATARIU / Albert MANENT i SEGIMON - Lèxic de meteorologia popular a les Garrigues
PUENTE Y ÚBEDA, Carlos - Meteorología popular ó Refranero meteorológico de la Península Ibérica
QUINTÁNS SUÁREZ, Manuel - Anuario de tradicións galegas
RAIMONDI, Piero - Proverbi genovesi
RALHA, Maria Arlete -orientadora- - Provérbios e Lengalengas
RAMA, Giuseppe - Proverbi de Verona. “Pillole di saggezza popolare”
RAVIER, Xavier - ALLOc = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Languedoc occidental [4 vols.]
RAYNAL, François - Au jardin des adages. 1016 proverbes en dialecte de Haute-Auvergne
REBETEZ, Martine / Christine BARRAS - Le climat des Romands
REIS, José Alves - Provérbios e Ditos Populares
RIBA i GABARRÓ, Josep - Els noms populars de núvols, boires i vents de l'Anoia
RICHELMY, Tino - Proverbi piemontesi
RÍOS NASARRE, Paz / Alberto BOLSA PUYUELO - Replega de tradizión oral en Salas Altas
RODRÍGUEZ MARÍN, Francisco - Cien refranes andaluces de meteorología, cronología y agricultura rural, recogidos de la tradición oral
RODRÍGUEZ MARÍN, Francisco - Los refranes del almanaque. Recogidos, explicados y concordados con los de varios paises [sic] románicos
RODRÍGUEZ MARÍN, Francisco - Más de 21.000 Refranes Castellanos. No contenidos en la copiosa colección del Maestro Gonzalo Correas[,] allególos de la tradición oral y de sus lecturas durante más de medio siglo (1871-1926)
RODRÍGUEZ Y RODRÍGUEZ, Manuel - "Refranes Galaico-Bercianos", Estudios Bercianos, 13, pp. 56-63
ROGNONI, Carlo - Raccolta di proverbi agrari meteorologici del parmigiano. Edizione a cura di Luigi PELIZZONI
ROLLAND, Eugène - Faune populaire de la France. Noms vulgaires, dictons, proverbes, contes et superstitions.
RONDOU, J.-P. - Folklore Pyrénéen
ROSÁRIO, Serafim do - Terras do Vimioso – Retalhos de Literatura Oral
ROUX, Josep [Josep ROS] - Proverbis Bas-Lemosins
RÚA ALLER, F. Javier - Refranes del tiempo en León
RUBIO MARCOS, Elías / José Manuel PEDROSA / César Javier PALACIOS - Creencias y supersticiones populares de la provincia de Burgos. El cielo. La tierra. El fuego. El agua. Los animales
RUSU-PĂSĂRIN, Gabriela - Calendar popular românesc
SAMPIERI, Martinu - Parlà di u Sartinesu
SÁNCHEZ VICENTE, Xuan Xosé / Jesús CAÑEDO VALLE - Mitoloxía. Refraneru asturianu (ordenáu por temes)
SANCHIS GUARNER, Manuel - Calendari de refranys
SANCHIS GUARNER, Manuel - Els vents segons la cultura popular
SANTORO, Caterina - Proverbi milanesi
SARALEGUI Y MEDINA, Manuel de - Refranero español, náutico y meteorológico
SAURA RAMI, José Antonio - De paremiologia benasquesa [inédito]
SBARBI, José María - Monografía sobre los refranes, adagios y proverbios castellanos y las obras ó fragmentos que expresamente tratan de ellos en nuestra lengua
SCHWAMENTHAL, Riccardo / Michele L. STRANIERO - Dizionario dei proverbi italiani
SÉGUY, Jean - ALG = Atlas linguistique et ethnographique de la Gascogne [6 vols.]
SERRA FÁBREGAS, Joaquín P. - Refranero apícola
SEVILLA MUÑOZ, Julia (con la colaboración de Mª Ángeles GARCÍA JOVE) - "El refranero hoy" (Sección dirigida por Julia Sevilla Muñoz con la colaboración de Mª Ángeles García Jove), Paremia, nº 9, pp. 133-141.
SEVILLA MUÑOZ, Julia - "El refranero hoy" (Sección dirigida por Julia Sevilla Muñoz), Paremia, nº 7, pp. 141-152
SILVESTRE, Isabel - Silvestre, Isabel (2010): Memória de Um Povo. Lisboa: Temas e Debates/ Círculo de Leitores.
SOLER I SANTALÓ, Juli - La Vall d'Aran
SORAPERRA DE GIULIO, Simon - "Proverbi e detti fassani: II", Mondo Ladino. Bollettino dell'Istituto Culturale Ladino, 1-2, pp. 155-178.
SPALLICCI, Aldo - Proverbi romagnoli
SPANO, Giovanni - Proverbi sardi trasportati in lingua italiana e confrontati con quelli degli antichi popoli. A cura de Giulio Angioni
SPEZZANO, Francesco - Proverbi calabresi
TABOADA CID, Manuel - Léxico de la comarca de Verín
TALAMONI, Jean-Guy - TALAMONI, Jean-Guy, Dictionnaire commenté des proverbes corses
TEODORESCU-KIRILEANU, S. - Proverbe agricole
TOMÁS ARIAS, Chabier - "Literatura popular aragonesa de tradizión oral en a Baixa Ribagorza", Luenga & fablas, 2, pp. 27-68.
TOMÁS ARIAS, Chabier - El aragonés del Biello Sobrarbe
TRINQUIER, Pierre - Proverbes & dictons de la langue d'Oc d'après le Dictionnaire Languedocien-Français de l'Abbé Boissier de Sauvages (1785)
TROTTA, Marco - Società e cultura contadina nei proverbi di Monte S. Angelo
VAYSSIER, Aimé - Dictionnaire Patois-Français du Département de l'Aveyron
VÁZQUEZ OBRADOR, Jesús - "Notas sobre refranes, dichos y tradiciones de algunos pueblos de Tierra de Biescas, Valle de Tena, Valle de Serrablo y Somontano", Argensola, 89, pp. 55-72.
VÁZQUEZ SACO, Francisco - Refraneiro galego e outros materiais de tradición oral [núm. 5 de Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega]
VENY, Joan / Lidia PONS i GRIERA - ALDC = Atles lingüístic del domini català. Volum III 4. La família: cicle de la vida. 5. Món espiritual: l'Església. Festes religioses. Creences. 6. Jocs. 7. Temps cronològic. Meteorologia. 8. Topografia
VERGARA MARTÍN, Gabriel María - Refranero geográfico español
VERGARA, Gabriel María - "Relaciones entre las festividades de la Iglesia y los fenómenos atmosféricos y las faenas agrícolas según las frases populares españolas", Boletín de la Real Sociedad Geográfica, LIII, pp. 195-210.
VIDALLER TRICAS, Rafel - Libro de as matas y os animals. Dizionario Aragonés d'Espezies Animals y Bechetals. Diccionario Aragonés de Especies Animales y Vegetales
VULETIĆ, Nikola - "Refranys meteorològics i del calendari istroromanesos i relacions interlingüístiques", Géolinguistique, 13, 343-357.
ZAMORA MOSQUERA, Federico - Refráns e ditos populares galegos
ZAMORA VICENTE, Alonso - El habla de Mérida y sus cercanías [anejo XXIX de la Revista de Filología Española]
ZANNE, Iuliu A. - Proverbele românilor din România, Basarabia, Bucovina, Ungaria, Istria şi Macedonia [10 vol.]
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Abril, aguas mil, si no al principio, al medio o al fin
Castilian (Spanish)
Abril, águas mil, [/] Em Maio três ou quatro
Abrìl, aqua e sol dà fura al sprunzôl
variety of Romagna
Abril, el de los charquillos mil
Castilian (Spanish)
Abril, para ser abril, ha de tener aguas mil
Castilian (Spanish)
Abrìl, piôv piôv che vegna grossi al côv
variety of Romagna
Abril, pióv pióv che vengna grossi al cóu
variety of Romagna
Abril, ruin, si no es el principio, es el fin
Castilian (Spanish)
Abril, se por mal quere vir, inda as portas non deixa abrir
Abril, si bueno al principio, malo al fin
Castilian (Spanish)
Abril, si por mal quer vir, as portas non deixa abrir
Abril, tan pronto llorar como reír
Castilian (Spanish)
Abril, tempo de cuco: de manhã molhado e à tarde enxuto
Abril, uno bueno entre mil
Castilian (Spanish)
Abril, ventos mil
Abril, | el de les pluges mil
Abril: águas mil, quantas mais puderem vir
Abrile torrat cane a cuile
Abriles buenos y buenos hidalgos, / muy escasos
Castilian (Spanish)
Abriles y caballeros, ninguno bueno
Castilian (Spanish)
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