Mariona Vernet Pons

As for education and academic degrees, I hold two 4-years Degrees in Classical Philology (UB 2001) and Hebrew and Aramaic Philology (UB 2003), and a PhD (European Doctorate 2007) in Classical Philology (Area of Indo-European Linguistics), with a thesis on Latin historical verbal morphology, supervised by Prof. Adiego. I obtained three Prizes: 1. Extraordinary Degree Award (UB). 2 Extraordinary Doctorate Award (UB). 3. Cum Laude 2008 Award. My main research field is Indo-European Linguistics, and I have also published some international articles on Semitics. Nowadays I am "professora agregada" at the Departament de Filologia Clàssica, Romànica i Semítica. During 2014-2019 I held a 'Ramón y Cajal' Postdoctoral research position at the UB. I have been Principal Investigator of three competitive research projects provided by MiCInn. I have participated in international research projects, I am member of LINGORIE, a Consolidated Research Group (UB) and I have researched as a member of the Austrian archaeological team in Limyra (Turkey 2012). As for academic positions, I have been Ramón y Cajal researcher at the UB (2014-2019), Postdoc Ernst-Mach-Stipendium Researcher at the Universität Wien (2009), 'Juan de la Cierva' researcher at the UAB (2011-2013), Adjunct Professor at the Universitat Abat Oliba (2009-2010), Adjunct Professor at the UB (2008-2010), DAAD Research Fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin (2006-2007), PhD Research Fellow at the UB and Freie Universität Berlin and Assistant scholar at the UB. As for publications, I am author of some 30 book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals of international prestige and high impact factor (Glotta, Kadmos, Ugarit Forschungen, Journal of Semitic Studies, Historical Linguistics, etc.). I am author two books, one of which (630 pgs.) obtained the Cum Laude 2008 Award and two very favorable reviews in international journals (Bulletin de la Société de Ling. de Paris and Latomus). I can attest a total of 10 stays abroad, 6 of which in international Institutions (Germany, Austria, EUA, Holland and Turkey). As for international and national competitive Fellowships, I obtained: 1. Ramób y Cajal from MiCiNN (2014-2019). 2. Juan de la Cierva Postdoc Fellowship from MiCiNN (2011-2013). 3. Postdoc Ernst-Mach Stipendium (2012, Vienna). 4. Postdoc Fellowship from MiCiNN (2009-2010, Köln). 5. Predoc DAAD Fellowship (2006-2007, Berlin). 6. Predoc Fellowship from Generalitat de Catalunya (2002-2005 Barcelona-Berlin). 7. Assistant Fellowship from Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte (2001 Barcelona). Regarding my teaching experience, I have been teacher of Indo-European Linguistics (2nd cylce and Master) at the Universitat de Barcelona (2003-2004, 2008-2010) and at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2010-2012). I have also teached Catalan and Spanish language at the Universitat Abat Oliba (2009-2010). As for management and academic memberships, I am member of research evaluation commitee of the Ministerio and the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) in Spain. I am a permanent invited academic member of the IPOA (Ancient Near East Institute) and a Doctorate Commission member of the UB.
Selected publications
- Vernet, M. (en premsa), "The origin of the name Sepharad: a new interpretation", in Journal of Semitic Studies.
- Vernet, M. (2012), "The etymology of Goliath in the light of Carian PN Wljat/Wliat: a new proposal", in Kadmos. Zeitschrift für vor- und frühgriechische Epigraphik, 143-164.
- Vernet, M. (2012), "Full-grade Latin *eh1-statives of PIE. verbal roots: considerations on their pre-PIE. denominative origin", in Glotta. Zeitschrift für griechische und lateinische Sprache, 88, 232-238.
- Vernet, M. (2010), "Lat. Cō-nīueō ‘blinzen’, nītor ‘sich aufstützen’/cō-niuō ‘blinzeln’, nīctō ‘blinzeln’ (< *nī(g)ueō/*nī(g)uō) und die uridg. Wz. *Kneiguwh- ‘neigen, sich neigen", in Glotta. Zeitschrift für griechische und lateinische Sprache, 86, 224-231.
- Vernet, M. (2008), La segona conjugació verbal llatina: estudi etimològic i comparatiu sobre l’origen protoindoeuropeu de la formació dels seus temes verbals, PPU, Barcelona.