Valle de Benasque


Huesca, Aragon, Spain.

Location type: 
Area location

Proverb Sheets

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Proverbs Sheets

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 (page 1 of 1)
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Ta tots el[s] Santos la neu pels altos variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Ta Santo Tomàs, la nèu al nas variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Ta Sant Maties toque el sòl peles sombries variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Ta Sant Mateu, la nèu al pèu variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Ta San Mateu, la neu al peu; ta Santo Tomás, la neu al nas variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Si la Candelera plora, [/] l'hivern ja é fora. [/] Plourà o no plourà, [/] l'hivern s'acabarà variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Per Sant Andreu, [/] neu al peu; [/] si no n'hi hagués, [/] hi serà leu Catalan
Nubels royes pel maití, gera l'aigua tal molí variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Nèu de febrèro vale un fimèro variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Les gralles per la ribèra, u venteplluch u nevèra variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Les gralles per la ribera, u plluch u nebera variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Febrèro traidor va matar a su pair al llenyèro i a su mair al llavadèro variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Dios mos llibre de la nèu polvina i de la mala vecina variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Cuan cante el cucut[,] mal temps al altro dia variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Avient [/] cliava el dient variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
An de nevadas, an de buenas anadas variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)
Aire de Puerto, als tres díes muerto variety spoken in the Valley of Benasque (Huesca)